Romney Fails Geography: "It's their route to the sea."

Obviously Romney was referring to the Mediterranean Sea. I'm sure he knows that Iran borders the Persian Gulf.

It is amazing to see people nit-picking over things like this when we're talking about a man who has balanced large budgets, who brought his state's unemployment rate down to below 5%, who increased his state's reserve fund, who cut property taxes for seniors, who balanced his state's budget four years in a row, who rebated over $270 million in taxes back to taxpayers, who increased the number of charter schools, and who proved time and again that he can work in a bipartisan manner--not to mention the fact that he turned around the SLC Olympics.

Why on earth would anyone want 4 more years of the misery we've had when we can elect a man with such a sterling record?

Quick question..................why would Iran want to ship cargo overland through Iraq to get to Syria, and then have to sail past Italy (with a LARGE NATO base, as well as a large airbase, I've been to AFSouth and Sigonella air base), then go through the Straits of Gibraltar (narrow bottleneck there) only to have to sail by YET ANOTHER US base over in Rota? From a shipping standpoint, it makes no sense when you've got direct access to the Straits of Hormuz, leading out into the Indian Ocean.

And by the way..................what the fuck was Mittens blathering about when he mentioned Mali? Does he know that particular country is ENTIRELY LANDLOCKED?
Nobody is perfect.
How about Joe Bidden who says really wrong things.
Latest gaff?
How many people do you know who fought in Iran and Iraq.
We know he meant Afghanistan and Iraq.
Just like we know what Romney meant, he is saying that Syria is for Iran's access to the Mediterranean.

And Israel.
When Mitt Romney says "Route to the sea", he really means "cargo destination".

It's a perfectly understandable mixup. Everyone makes that mistake. Over and over. Oh wait, they don't. Romney doesn't appear to be up to the job.

Really? You're going to stick with that? You're a lazy one, that's for certain......
Romney Fails Geography: "It's their route to the sea."

"Syria is Iran's only ally in the Arab world. It's their route to the sea."

:eusa_shhh: Iran has a large southern coastline with access to the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. And it has no land border with Syria. :eusa_shhh:

Big deal. Biden doesn't even know what state he's in: Biden confuses Ohio with Iowa

biden's an idiot, but he probably isn't planning on starting a war with ohio.

deflection fail, btw :rofl:
For you dumbasses thinking Iran has to go through Syria to get to the Mediterranean, fooking google "Suez Canal."
Yeah and Obama thinks we have 57 states. You're a liberal we get it.

really? to show how stupid you are .. Romney has repeated this line on numerous occasions.

What Obama did was misspeak once while he was tired on the campaign trail. It happens to all candidates

If you really want to go with Obama actually thinks the US is comprised of 57 states...go for it.

You negged me for speaking the truth which is every politician says stupid shit. Neg returned asshole.
Actually, it's not the 'internet' we are on, it's the world wide web. We are on the web which is on the internet.

Distinctions with a difference separate the average troll from the talent.

Romney misspoke.

You folks now pretending that he was referring to some future naval ageement with Syria, an agreement that gives Iran access to the Med, is pretty desperate.

The man simply make a mistake.

No big deal, really.

People, even presidental candidates, sometimes do that.
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Romney misspoke.

You folks now pretending that he was referring to some future naval ageement with Syria, an agreement that gives Iran access to the Med, is pretty desperate.

The man simply make a mistake.

No big deal, really.

People, even presidental candidates, sometimes do that.

no Romney did NOT misspeak. He has repeated the line on numerous occasions. It's a talking point in some of his stump speeches.


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