Romney Economic Adviser Admits Romney’s Tax Plan Would Redistribute Wealth


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Igor Volsky

Mitt Romney economic adviser Emil Henry tripled down on the GOP presidential candidate’s claim that 47 percent of Americans are “dependent upon government” and see themselves as “victims” because they don’t pay federal income taxes, during an appearance on MSNBC’s Up with Chris Hayes on Sunday. “You have a president who errs towards, in the very least, an entitlement society, a society of hand downs, a society of 46 million people on food stamps,” Henry said, adding that Romney opposes Obama’s efforts to “redistribute” wealth to those with lower incomes.

He then advocated for Romney’s tax reform plan — which he likened to a flat tax — of lowering the marginal rates by 20 percent across the board and limiting exemptions and deductions for the richest Americans, while providing the middle class with tax relief. “I have heard him say this 100 times and I know this for a fact, he says taxes on rich folks are not going to go down because of the elimination of exemptions,” Henry added.

But when Hayes pointed out the inconsistency of the charge, noting that taxes on wealthy people would have to come down substantially if Romney seeks to eliminate the “redistribution” inherent in America’s progressive tax code, Henry conceded that Republicans would also transfer wealth from one group to another:

In fact, Romney’s economic plan does provide substantial tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans and would redistribute wealth to the already wealthy. According to a Tax Policy Center analysis, the GOP presidential candidate’s proposal would increase after-tax income for those making more than $200,000 annually, while lowering it for everyone else:

More: Adviser Admits Romney's Tax Plan Would Redistribute Wealth | ThinkProgress

[ame=]Emil Henry on the flat tax - YouTube[/ame]
Romney, however, is arguing that he will raise enough revenue through the elimination of tax loopholes that benefit the rich to totally offset the tax cut he provides them, though an analysis from the Tax Policy Center found that to be a mathematical impossibility. There simply isn’t enough revenue to be generated through the closure of those loopholes to offset the massive cost of Romney’s plan.

From OP link.
By Igor Volsky

Mitt Romney economic adviser Emil Henry tripled down on the GOP presidential candidate’s claim that 47 percent of Americans are “dependent upon government” and see themselves as “victims” because they don’t pay federal income taxes, during an appearance on MSNBC’s Up with Chris Hayes on Sunday. “You have a president who errs towards, in the very least, an entitlement society, a society of hand downs, a society of 46 million people on food stamps,” Henry said, adding that Romney opposes Obama’s efforts to “redistribute” wealth to those with lower incomes.

He then advocated for Romney’s tax reform plan — which he likened to a flat tax — of lowering the marginal rates by 20 percent across the board and limiting exemptions and deductions for the richest Americans, while providing the middle class with tax relief. “I have heard him say this 100 times and I know this for a fact, he says taxes on rich folks are not going to go down because of the elimination of exemptions,” Henry added.

But when Hayes pointed out the inconsistency of the charge, noting that taxes on wealthy people would have to come down substantially if Romney seeks to eliminate the “redistribution” inherent in America’s progressive tax code, Henry conceded that Republicans would also transfer wealth from one group to another:

In fact, Romney’s economic plan does provide substantial tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans and would redistribute wealth to the already wealthy. According to a Tax Policy Center analysis, the GOP presidential candidate’s proposal would increase after-tax income for those making more than $200,000 annually, while lowering it for everyone else:

More: Adviser Admits Romney's Tax Plan Would Redistribute Wealth | ThinkProgress

[ame=]Emil Henry on the flat tax - YouTube[/ame]

So if he's redistributing wealth - you should be OK with that, right?

You assfucking stooge?
Ok then, you all know if thinkprogress SAYS so...
it's more than likely A LIE
And the tax policy center is totally unbiased, right, kind of like media matters. LMAO

It's the liberal 'logic'.... which most of us see as the gibberish that it actually is, they really believe this shit is 'fact'. Which is funny.

Just wait till Lackie gets mad at you and calls you a racist. That's also really funny.
Yanno..................I wonder if this election cycle is going to get the really rich people to stop and double check things before they try to run for president?
"He then advocated for Romney’s tax reform plan — which he likened to a flat tax..."

Flat taxes are for upward redistribution. Some people might not like the term 'progressive', but regressive taxes are truly unfair.
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Anyone who votes for Romney is either very rich or very stupid. If the rich destroy the middle class - they destroy America. Obama haters should ponder that...

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