Romney Critics Showing A Pattern Of Self-Destructive Behavior


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Romney once again is honest but this time the left sits back while Republicans tear him to pieces after an election, what else is new. It seems that certain members of the GOP are bound and determined to discredit every viable Republican candidate leaving nothing for the left to destroy.

Anyone remember what they did to Sarah Palin? McCain staffers spread rumors essentially rendering Palin unelectable.

My suggestion to nimbrods like Jindal and Graham, STFU. If you want to be critical of our presidential candidates keep your pie-hole shut when in public. Keep your comments private. The Democraps don't need any help tearing down our representatives. Especially when they're right.

I wouldn't trust Jindel, McCain, Graham, or Christie any further then I could throw them. These moderates are bringing the party down by all of their extremely public whining after a terrible election and just making matters worse. Sucking up to liberals will only end up getting them the same treatment they gave Arlen Spector.

RINOs......who needs em.

Perhaps Romney made a mistake saying Americans could be bought, had no integrity and were mostly moochers?
Are you saying he was lying?

Democrats have been buying votes with government programs financed with tax revenue for decades.

Next thing you'll be telling me is you believe obama when he tells everyone he won't let them down.
Perhaps Romney made a mistake saying Americans could be bought, had no integrity and were mostly moochers?

Actually he said none of those things.

He just said Obama offered them gifts and they voted for him.

Not like this is the first time ether.

Their vote could be "bought" for a few "trinkets". The very definition of a "lack of integrity" from moochers.
Are you saying he was lying?

Democrats have been buying votes with government programs financed with tax revenue for decades.

Next thing you'll be telling me is you believe obama when he tells everyone he won't let them down.

What are "oil subsidies" and 13% tax rates for billionaires?
Are you saying he was lying?

Democrats have been buying votes with government programs financed with tax revenue for decades.

Next thing you'll be telling me is you believe obama when he tells everyone he won't let them down.

What are "oil subsidies" and 13% tax rates for billionaires?

When did people who make $200k become billionaires?
It seems to be that the GOP is finally getting a clue.
From what I'm hearing, the GOP wants to move away from the far rightwing nutjobs and in doing so broaden their appeal so they can actually win elections.
That's the start of a good idea. Go GOP!

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