ROFLOL: HILLARY on Russia Collusion - "Follow the Money!"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Over the weekend Hillary spoke out about Russian collusion and meddling in the 2016 election, declaring, "FOLLOW THE MONEY!"

Call it 'Ironic'. Call it 'hypocritical'. Or just sit back, laugh, and call it 'Funny'!

Let's take Hillary's advice and 'FOLLOW THE MONEY':

Hillary took $145 million from the Russians, specifically the KGB Bank, the leading financier behind the Russian effort to acquire Uranium One and a percentage of the US' supply of uranium.

Hillary also paid a foreign spy who was working with Russians, through a company working with / for the Russians, for a report filled with Russian Propaganda which she then used illegally in a US election. (Barry and Comey also paid the foreign spy for the false report they later used to illegally acquire FISA warrants to spy on the 2016 GOP candidate.)

Bill Clinton took $550k per speaking engagement from the KGB Bank, and got to meet directly with Vladimir Putin after being refused an audience with the Russian Nuclear Commission.

Hillary Campaign Manager John Podesta co-founded a lobbying who worked for the Russians. At least a third of the Podeta Group's board of directors consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who have direct links to the Kremlin and to Putin himself. Finally, John received THOUSANDS of shares of Russian stocks never reported to the US government.

'Fat Tony' Podesta, brother of John Podesta and co-founder of the Podesta Group, worked for not only the KGB Bank but also reportedly for the Russian Spy Agency that supposedly hacked into the DNC and stole its e-mails and classified information. 'Fat' Tony was also paid 'handsomely' for his services...

The Russians paid Hillary.
The Russians paid Bill.
The Russians paid John Podesta.
The Russians paid 'Fat Tony'
The Russians paid The Black Fist, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa to spread racial hatred and violence
The Russians spent money on Psychological Ops in the U, using social media to get snowflakes to organize and march for them

Yet, failing to be able to provide any shred of evidence to support her claim that Trump illegally 'colluded' with the Russians, Hillary 'over the weekend called for people to "follow the money" regarding President Trump's relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.'

Good one, Hillary..... :lmao:

Tariff fight tests Trump, GOP
She's right. Mueller is following the money - among other things. It's been fascinating watching things unfold thus far.

Sorry, I didn't actually read past your second paragraph. You know what she meant, and you chose to change the subject. Any time Trump comes up and people start talking about Barack or Hillary, they may as well just send up a flare that says "HEY! HE'S INDEFENSIBLE, SO LOOK OVER THERE!!"
Over the weekend Hillary spoke out about Russian collusion and meddling in the 2016 election, declaring, "FOLLOW THE MONEY!"

Call it 'Ironic'. Call it 'hypocritical'. Or just sit back, laugh, and call it 'Funny'!

Let's take Hillary's advice and 'FOLLOW THE MONEY':

Hillary took $145 million from the Russians, specifically the KGB Bank, the leading financier behind the Russian effort to acquire Uranium One and a percentage of the US' supply of uranium.

Hillary also paid a foreign spy who was working with Russians, through a company working with / for the Russians, for a report filled with Russian Propaganda which she then used illegally in a US election. (Barry and Comey also paid the foreign spy for the false report they later used to illegally acquire FISA warrants to spy on the 2016 GOP candidate.)

Bill Clinton took $550k per speaking engagement from the KGB Bank, and got to meet directly with Vladimir Putin after being refused an audience with the Russian Nuclear Commission.

Hillary Campaign Manager John Podesta co-founded a lobbying who worked for the Russians. At least a third of the Podeta Group's board of directors consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who have direct links to the Kremlin and to Putin himself. Finally, John received THOUSANDS of shares of Russian stocks never reported to the US government.

'Fat Tony' Podesta, brother of John Podesta and co-founder of the Podesta Group, worked for not only the KGB Bank but also reportedly for the Russian Spy Agency that supposedly hacked into the DNC and stole its e-mails and classified information. 'Fat' Tony was also paid 'handsomely' for his services...

The Russians paid Hillary.
The Russians paid Bill.
The Russians paid John Podesta.
The Russians paid 'Fat Tony'
The Russians paid The Black Fist, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa to spread racial hatred and violence
The Russians spent money on Psychological Ops in the U, using social media to get snowflakes to organize and march for them

Yet, failing to be able to provide any shred of evidence to support her claim that Trump illegally 'colluded' with the Russians, Hillary 'over the weekend called for people to "follow the money" regarding President Trump's relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.'

Good one, Hillary..... :lmao:

Tariff fight tests Trump, GOP
Oh, she knows what she's talking about: she always follows the money.

She's right. Mueller is following the money - among other things. It's been fascinating watching things unfold thus far.

Sorry, I didn't actually read past your second paragraph. You know what she meant, and you chose to change the subject. Any time Trump comes up and people start talking about Barack or Hillary, they may as well just send up a flare that says "HEY! HE'S INDEFENSIBLE, SO LOOK OVER THERE!!"
Hillary was the subject of his point lol
She's right. Mueller is following the money - among other things. It's been fascinating watching things unfold thus far.

Sorry, I didn't actually read past your second paragraph. You know what she meant, and you chose to change the subject. Any time Trump comes up and people start talking about Barack or Hillary, they may as well just send up a flare that says "HEY! HE'S INDEFENSIBLE, SO LOOK OVER THERE!!"
Hillary was the subject of his point lol

But he took what she said and twisted it. When the truth is twisted, it ceases to be the truth.

Any rate. I said a good hour ago that I was gonna shower and hit the sack. Unfortunately, I took Benadryl to help with such endeavors, and now I'm pretty sure I'll be falling asleep in the shower. *As Carrie Snow once said, "Don't try to picture it, you'll go blind."

Have a good day, Gramps. See ya on the flip side.
She's right. Mueller is following the money - among other things. It's been fascinating watching things unfold thus far.

Sorry, I didn't actually read past your second paragraph. You know what she meant, and you chose to change the subject. Any time Trump comes up and people start talking about Barack or Hillary, they may as well just send up a flare that says "HEY! HE'S INDEFENSIBLE, SO LOOK OVER THERE!!"

Sure, Jake
Hillary took $145 million from the Russians, specifically the KGB Bank

How fucking stupid can you be to actually believe all this nonsense you post?

Hillary DID NOT personally take any money (her and her husband's 10 year tax returns are PUBLIC, unlike Trump's), she also DID NOT take 145 million from Russians for her Charity organization, she took it from a Canadian.

Don't you EVER get even SLIGHTLY embarrassed by the bullshit you are spending your time peddling on the internetz?
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Over the weekend Hillary spoke out about Russian collusion and meddling in the 2016 election, declaring, "FOLLOW THE MONEY!"

Call it 'Ironic'. Call it 'hypocritical'. Or just sit back, laugh, and call it 'Funny'!

Let's take Hillary's advice and 'FOLLOW THE MONEY':

Hillary took $145 million from the Russians, specifically the KGB Bank, the leading financier behind the Russian effort to acquire Uranium One and a percentage of the US' supply of uranium.

Hillary also paid a foreign spy who was working with Russians, through a company working with / for the Russians, for a report filled with Russian Propaganda which she then used illegally in a US election. (Barry and Comey also paid the foreign spy for the false report they later used to illegally acquire FISA warrants to spy on the 2016 GOP candidate.)

Bill Clinton took $550k per speaking engagement from the KGB Bank, and got to meet directly with Vladimir Putin after being refused an audience with the Russian Nuclear Commission.

Hillary Campaign Manager John Podesta co-founded a lobbying who worked for the Russians. At least a third of the Podeta Group's board of directors consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who have direct links to the Kremlin and to Putin himself. Finally, John received THOUSANDS of shares of Russian stocks never reported to the US government.

'Fat Tony' Podesta, brother of John Podesta and co-founder of the Podesta Group, worked for not only the KGB Bank but also reportedly for the Russian Spy Agency that supposedly hacked into the DNC and stole its e-mails and classified information. 'Fat' Tony was also paid 'handsomely' for his services...

The Russians paid Hillary.
The Russians paid Bill.
The Russians paid John Podesta.
The Russians paid 'Fat Tony'
The Russians paid The Black Fist, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa to spread racial hatred and violence
The Russians spent money on Psychological Ops in the U, using social media to get snowflakes to organize and march for them

Yet, failing to be able to provide any shred of evidence to support her claim that Trump illegally 'colluded' with the Russians, Hillary 'over the weekend called for people to "follow the money" regarding President Trump's relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.'

Good one, Hillary..... :lmao:

Tariff fight tests Trump, GOP
Even though this bullshit about $145 million, is bullshit. And this "foreign spy" is our ally in UK. Hillary is hardly the messenger on following the money.
Its already obvious to folow Trump's money. The sale of mansion to russsian oligarch. The money is already being followed, because Felix Sater is cooperating with Mueller.
More dead russian spies. If was all fake, why are people bing assasinated?
Hillary took $145 million from the Russians, specifically the KGB Bank

How fucking stupid can you be to actually believe all this nonsense you post?

Hillary DID NOT personally take any money (her and her husband's 10 year tax returns are PUBLIC, unlike Trump's), she also DID NOT take 145 million from Russians for her Charity organization, she took it from a Canadian.

Don't you EVER get even SLIGHTLY embarrassed by the bullshit you are spending your time peddling on the internetz?


'No, non, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no!'

"Just because Bill and Hillary Clinton took over $150 Million from the KGB Bank, owned and operated by Vladimir Putin's old KGB buddies, does NOT mean they PERSONALLY took the money for themselves!

Just because the FBI was half way up their ass investigating their 'Pay To Play' scandals just weeks before the 2016 election, just because FBI Director Robert Mueller kept Hillary's name out of their official report on Russian Bribery, kept her name off the list of US politicians and Nuclear Agency Representatives who accepted Russian bribes form the very same KGB Bank - the leading financier behind their effort to acquire Uranium One - and hid all evidence of the Russian crimes associated with their effort to acquire Uranium One does NOT mean Hillary and Bill personally took Russian bribes!

Just because almost every big name / player on Hillary's campaign either took money, unreported stocks, or were on the KGB Bank and Russian Spy Agency's payroll at / near election time means NOTHING!

You take it back! Waaaaaahhhhh!"

Bwuhahahahaha! :p

Even though this bullshit about $145 million, is bullshit. And this "foreign spy" is our ally in UK....

"On June 29, 2010, three weeks after Rosatom proposed to Uranium One, Bill Clinton keynoted a seminar staged by Renaissance Capital in Moscow, a reputedly Kremlin-controlled investment bank that promoted this transaction. Renaissance Capital paid Clinton $500,000 for his one-hour speech.

While CFIUS evaluated Rosatom’s offer,
Clinton Cash author Peter Schweizer observed, “a spontaneous outbreak of philanthropy among eight shareholders in Uranium One” began. “These Canadian mining magnates decide now would be a great time to donate tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.”

These included Uranium One’s then-chairman, Ian Telfer, whose donations to the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative (CGSGI) totaled $3.1 million. Giustra himself gave $131.3 million to the Clinton Foundation. Before, during, and after CFIUS’s review, Schweizer calculates, “shareholders involved in this transaction had transferred approximately $145 million to the Clinton Foundation or its initiatives.”

Clinton Russia Ties: Bill & Hillary Sold Out U.S. Interests to Putin Regime | National Review

"The New York Times reported in 2015 that "shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, [former President Bill] Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock." In total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian government nuclear agency Rosatum."

Bill and Hillary Clinton should be investigated

Jan 4, 2018:
'The Justice Department has launched a new inquiry into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities while
Hillary Clinton served as secretary of State, law enforcement officials and a witness tells The Hill.'
-- FBI launches new Clinton Foundation investigation

'Pay-to-play' at Clinton State Department exposed in new emails, watchdog says

"Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State Department...The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. “The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation.” “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

Finally, snowflakes are claiming that the foreign UK spy who worked with Russians to generate the Russian-propaganda-filled report Hillary then used illegally in a US election and the report the FBI then illegally used to obtain illegal warrants to spy on the political opposition in a US Presidential election ('Watergate-on-Steroids') is a US 'ally'?

The guy perpetrated Sedition, aided in Treason, aided in violating US campaign law, and aided Russia in attempting to (and succeeded) sew division and instability in the US govt that continues today.
Hillary took $145 million from the Russians, specifically the KGB Bank

How fucking stupid can you be to actually believe all this nonsense you post?

Hillary DID NOT personally take any money (her and her husband's 10 year tax returns are PUBLIC, unlike Trump's), she also DID NOT take 145 million from Russians for her Charity organization, she took it from a Canadian.

Don't you EVER get even SLIGHTLY embarrassed by the bullshit you are spending your time peddling on the internetz?

View attachment 182059

'No, non, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no!'

"Just because Bill and Hillary Clinton took over $150 Million from the KGB Bank, owned and operated by Vladimir Putin's old KGB buddies, does NOT mean they PERSONALLY took the money for themselves!

Just because the FBI was half way up their ass investigating their 'Pay To Play' scandals just weeks before the 2016 election, just because FBI Director Robert Mueller kept Hillary's name out of their official report on Russian Bribery, kept her name off the list of US politicians and Nuclear Agency Representatives who accepted Russian bribes form the very same KGB Bank - the leading financier behind their effort to acquire Uranium One - and hid all evidence of the Russian crimes associated with their effort to acquire Uranium One does NOT mean Hillary and Bill personally took Russian bribes!

Just because almost every big name / player on Hillary's campaign either took money, unreported stocks, or were on the KGB Bank and Russian Spy Agency's payroll at / near election time means NOTHING!

You take it back! Waaaaaahhhhh!"

Bwuhahahahaha! :p

Ignoramus, KGB was disbanded in 1992, after it participated in a plot to overthrow Yeltsin (Russian President at the time). FSB is the organization that eventually replaced it.

What you are posting is straight fantasy and you are too stupid to tell it from reality.
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Hillary took $145 million from the Russians, specifically the KGB Bank

How fucking stupid can you be to actually believe all this nonsense you post?

Hillary DID NOT personally take any money (her and her husband's 10 year tax returns are PUBLIC, unlike Trump's), she also DID NOT take 145 million from Russians for her Charity organization, she took it from a Canadian.

Don't you EVER get even SLIGHTLY embarrassed by the bullshit you are spending your time peddling on the internetz?

View attachment 182059

'No, non, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no!'

"Just because Bill and Hillary Clinton took over $150 Million from the KGB Bank, owned and operated by Vladimir Putin's old KGB buddies, does NOT mean they PERSONALLY took the money for themselves!

Just because the FBI was half way up their ass investigating their 'Pay To Play' scandals just weeks before the 2016 election, just because FBI Director Robert Mueller kept Hillary's name out of their official report on Russian Bribery, kept her name off the list of US politicians and Nuclear Agency Representatives who accepted Russian bribes form the very same KGB Bank - the leading financier behind their effort to acquire Uranium One - and hid all evidence of the Russian crimes associated with their effort to acquire Uranium One does NOT mean Hillary and Bill personally took Russian bribes!

Just because almost every big name / player on Hillary's campaign either took money, unreported stocks, or were on the KGB Bank and Russian Spy Agency's payroll at / near election time means NOTHING!

You take it back! Waaaaaahhhhh!"

Bwuhahahahaha! :p

Ignoramus, KGB was disbanded in 1992, after it participated in a plot to overthrow Yeltsin.

What you are posting is straight fantasy and you are too stupid to tell it from reality.

easy is straight moron.
" In total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian government nuclear agency Rosatum."

"Interests linked to Uranium One"?

That sounds sure sounds like a LONG WAY OFF from "KGB BANK!", even so, list those "interests" and what links them to the deal.

There is ONE source - a Candian businessman who gave up his stake in U1 2 years before the deal and donations. For his generous donations Clinton hauled him around with them to Clinton Foundation dinners around the world and introduced him to influential dealmakers.

You wanted to follow the money? That's where the money leads.

How much longer before you stop spreading your "Russians gave Clinton 145 million" bullshit?
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She's right. Mueller is following the money - among other things. It's been fascinating watching things unfold thus far.

Sorry, I didn't actually read past your second paragraph. You know what she meant, and you chose to change the subject. Any time Trump comes up and people start talking about Barack or Hillary, they may as well just send up a flare that says "HEY! HE'S INDEFENSIBLE, SO LOOK OVER THERE!!"
Hillary was the subject of his point lol

But he took what she said and twisted it. When the truth is twisted, it ceases to be the truth.

Any rate. I said a good hour ago that I was gonna shower and hit the sack. Unfortunately, I took Benadryl to help with such endeavors, and now I'm pretty sure I'll be falling asleep in the shower. *As Carrie Snow once said, "Don't try to picture it, you'll go blind."

Have a good day, Gramps. See ya on the flip side.
There has been an ongoing FBI investigation looking into the Clinton 'Pay To Play' corruption for the last few months.
Let's wait and see what the FBI investigation uncovers shall we?
She's right. Mueller is following the money - among other things. It's been fascinating watching things unfold thus far.

Sorry, I didn't actually read past your second paragraph. You know what she meant, and you chose to change the subject. Any time Trump comes up and people start talking about Barack or Hillary, they may as well just send up a flare that says "HEY! HE'S INDEFENSIBLE, SO LOOK OVER THERE!!"
Hillary’s Foundation!
And where’s my Link?
Ignoramus, KGB was disbanded in 1992, after it participated in a plot to overthrow Yeltsin (Russian President at the time).
No $h!t! WHY do you think it is referred to as the 'KGB Bank', genius, even by CNN, ABC, MSNBC, etc? Because it is run by ex-KGB Putin buddies! EVERYONE knows that....well, ALMOST everyone. :p
" In total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian government nuclear agency Rosatum."

"Interests linked to Uranium One"?

That sounds sure sounds like a LONG WAY OFF from "KGB BANK!", even so, list those "interests" and what links them to the deal.

There is ONE source - a Candian businessman who gave up his stake in U1 2 years before the deal and donations. For his generous donations Clinton hauled him around with them to Clinton Foundation dinners around the world and introduced him to influential dealmakers.

You wanted to follow the money? That's where the money leads.

How much longer before you stop spreading your "Russians gave Clinton 145 million" bullshit?
Poor, rant...I provide links and rant and I provide links and rant and cry.....I get bored, realize it is not worth continuing to argue with such an opinionated loyal liberal extremists and bid you 'good day'. :p
" In total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian government nuclear agency Rosatum."

"Interests linked to Uranium One"?

That sounds sure sounds like a LONG WAY OFF from "KGB BANK!", even so, list those "interests" and what links them to the deal.

There is ONE source - a Candian businessman who gave up his stake in U1 2 years before the deal and donations. For his generous donations Clinton hauled him around with them to Clinton Foundation dinners around the world and introduced him to influential dealmakers.

You wanted to follow the money? That's where the money leads.

How much longer before you stop spreading your "Russians gave Clinton 145 million" bullshit?
Poor, rant...I provide links and rant and I provide links and rant and cry.....I get bored, realize it is not worth continuing to argue with such an opinionated loyal liberal extremists and bid you 'good day'. :p

Listen idiot, just because you have a link to something DOES NOT MEAN IT IS TRUE.

You have no clue what the fuck you are copying and pasting, that's why you could never respond to a solid refute of that garbage.

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