Roddick needs to stick to tennis

Why would you commies want top down one size fit all anything? Oh right, that's all you commies ever want, total control.

Is that the best you can do for an intended insult ?
Outside of China I doubt there are any effective pockets of practising Communists left on the planet .
Is your failure to be aware of that simple fact from stupidity or just ignorance?
You simply promote the popular idea of all Texans being big mouth , poorly educated clowns .
Exactly. Sanders has every right to stop speech she doesn't like.
She’s just applying leftist logic. And as we see, it doesn’t make sense because it leaves this catch 22 where they demand the offended be protected but then support claim that offend people. Then, they submit to the group that is higher on the victim hierarchy, so in this instance making women offended is okay if it appeases the LGBT community.

but a moment later they’ll say how dare you offend women in a different scenario, despite the fact they themselves offended women just a second ago. It’s near schizophrenia.
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Is that the best you can do for an intended insult ?
Outside of China I doubt there are any effective pockets of practising Communists left on the planet .
Is your failure to be aware of that simple fact from stupidity or just ignorance?
You simply promote the popular idea of all Texans being big mouth , poorly educated clowns .

Guess you're not smart enough to know everywhere it's been done it's been done different. Human behavior rarely conforms to text book definitions. Even commie regimes evolve, yet the one thin that usually remains is the top down central planning aspect and the push for conformity and compliance. Sound familiar, commie?


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