Rock-Hard Proposals for the New Congress

I notice you only mention Sharia Law, clearly you have no problem with Christians implementing their belief system into our laws.

I would respond to the rest of your list but it would be a giant waste of time since you have no intention of actually reading what I have to say.

Well I didnt come up with the list, but there is no implementation of "Christian Law" in the Constitution or in any of our Federal laws or State laws for that matter. The fact that Christianity has had a profound influence on our U.S. Constitution and many of our laws as well as our culture in general should put to rest any fears that a theocracy might develop. If it did not develop in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries when Christianity was pretty much the only visible religion represented, there is certainly no danger that a theocracy will develop now that many difference religions are visible and represented.

Christianity and the U.S. Constitution are quite compatible and have co-existed for well over 200 years now, however, while much of Sharia Law is opposite many Constitutional principles and to allow it would be in clear violation of our respect for unalienable, civil, and legal rights.

Refresh my memory here did you in your list ONCE refer to any religious law of any sort?

One item on the list was to prohibit any legal implementaton of Sharia Law. That's the cloest thing to anything 'religious' on the list.
Well I didnt come up with the list, but there is no implementation of "Christian Law" in the Constitution or in any of our Federal laws or State laws for that matter. The fact that Christianity has had a profound influence on our U.S. Constitution and many of our laws as well as our culture in general should put to rest any fears that a theocracy might develop. If it did not develop in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries when Christianity was pretty much the only visible religion represented, there is certainly no danger that a theocracy will develop now that many difference religions are visible and represented.

Christianity and the U.S. Constitution are quite compatible and have co-existed for well over 200 years now, however, while much of Sharia Law is opposite many Constitutional principles and to allow it would be in clear violation of our respect for unalienable, civil, and legal rights.

Refresh my memory here did you in your list ONCE refer to any religious law of any sort?

One item on the list was to prohibit any legal implementaton of Sharia Law. That's the cloest thing to anything 'religious' on the list.

What I thought. And seeing that the Constitution prohibits establishment of any religion by the State.

Thank you.
Well I didnt come up with the list, but there is no implementation of "Christian Law" in the Constitution or in any of our Federal laws or State laws for that matter. The fact that Christianity has had a profound influence on our U.S. Constitution and many of our laws as well as our culture in general should put to rest any fears that a theocracy might develop. If it did not develop in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries when Christianity was pretty much the only visible religion represented, there is certainly no danger that a theocracy will develop now that many different religions are visible and represented.

Christianity and the U.S. Constitution are quite compatible and have co-existed for well over 200 years now, while much of Sharia Law is opposite many Constitutional principles and to allow it would be in clear violation of our respect for unalienable, civil, and legal rights.


What do you call federal amendments to ban Abortion, ban Gay Marriage, ban Stem Cell Research? Furthermore, what Christianity wants and what Sharia Law wants is in many cases the same thing.

If Catholic Church was allowed to make the laws such as the Christian Social Conservative right seemingly wants, then many of the laws they would make would likely violate our civil and legal rights.

Have you ever heard of separation of church and state?

Never mind the fact that your list is a joke because you want to get rid of Social Security but ignore defense spending completely! No list of cutting the deficit can be taken seriously without such a thing included.

Never mind the amount of ignorance that was put into your list.

Protect our Second Amendment rights from what? Under the Obama Administration, gun rights have expanded, not decreased.

#14 is a clear example of where the Constitution only applies when you feel like it. Same thing for #20.
Public sector employment should be kept at a level of need. Unfortunately we see public employment growing. Public employment is a 100% loss as public employees produce nothing.
Now, as far as public service , police, fire and medic are basic functions of government and as such are necessary.
Sanitation, transit, snow removal could be privatized. Or run by municipalities but with contract workers which cost far less because they draw no expensive pensions.
The major problem with public employees is the unions that represent them. These unions use their political connections to coerce huge salaries out of municipalities which are powerless to fight the union demands.
This has to end. IMO no public employee should have collective bargaining rights.
It is time for the wages of the servers to be placed in line with the served.
Government employment is service. It is NOT a career.
Use this link to search NJ public worker salaries.
With this tool ,you'll get an idea of how insanity reins in one state where public worker unions are so powerful, no one has dared to challenge them. Until now ,that is.
New Jersey by the Numbers -
I will offer just one example....Here in my hometown there are 4,700 people. There are several police officers who earn well over $100,000 per year not including overtime.
They can retire in 5 years or less. The taxpayers will have to pay them for the rest of their lives as well as pay for their medical costs which are free to the retiree.
The taxpayers of NJ simply cannot continue to fund these escalating costs. The people's bank accounts are not bottomless pits.
As has already been shown in this very thread, public employment has NOT been increasing!!!!!!

And any policeman in NJ who retires before 20 years of service gets only 2% per year of service. And retirement health benefits are not automatic.

Your Application for Retirement Allowance does
not automatically enroll you in retired health
benefits coverage.
Employees who are covered by the State Health
Benefits Program (SHBP) or the School Employees’
Health Benefits Program (SEHBP) through their
employer will be offered SHBP/SEHBP coverage
when they retire. In addition, some employers have
agreed to pay for the cost of coverage for retirees
with 25 or more years of service credit (and in some
cases retirees on disability retirements).
If eligible, you will receive a letter approximately
three months before your retirement date offering
you enrollment in the SHBP or SEHBP.
Fact Sheet #11, Enrolling in Health Benefits
Coverage When You Retire, provides additional
information about health benefits coverage in retirement.
If you are not covered by the SHBP or SEHBP, contact
your employer about your options for continuing
your health benefits coverage.
Chapter 330
Chapter 330, P.L. 1997, provides health benefits
under the SHBP or SEHBP to local (non-state
employee) police officers and firefighters who retire
after 25 years of service, or on a disability, and who
do not receive any payment towards retiree health
coverage from their employers.
If eligible, the State will pay 80 percent of the cost of
the least expensive SHBP/SEHBP plan offered and
the retiree then pays the remainder for the plan
selected. A qualified retiree may enroll at the time of
retirement or when becoming eligible for Medicare.
The eligibility of retired police officers and firefighters
for benefits under Chapter 330 depends on the
health benefits provided by the employer for retired
police officers and firefighters as of the effective date
of the law, July 1, 1998. These employer benefits are
indicated in labor and other employment contracts,
ordinances, and resolutions of the employers.
Their retirement bennies are among the most lucrative in the nation.
Recently retired Norwood, NJ police chief Gus D'Ercole received a total of $375,000 in pension alone.
Here's the schedule of payment benefits...Your 2% is for 5 years of service. That grows to 8% after 24 years of service.
That also does include saved up sick time and vacation pay.
Turning Off Turnover Payouts
SO what are you saying. The system is somehow unfair to these overworked employees?
Let me tell you something...No police officer in my home town has fired his gun, except at the range to maintain qualification, in 50 years.
A police officer I used to be friends with has been with the Norwood PD for 24 years. His salary is well over $100,000 per year.
Please do not try to minimize the fact that NJ municipal workers are very highly paid. In fact they are paid wages far and away above what workers in the private sector earn.
It comes as no surprise NJ residents pay the highest property taxes in the country.
Oh, BTW the NJ state pension system is in the hole for about $50 billion.
If not for the efforts of Gov Christie encouraging the State Assembly and Senate to pass a property tax cap, taxes would have gone up another average 18%.
Tell me. is it so important to you to see public worker unions have so much clout as to have the power to force incredibly high taxes on residents. Most of whom are NOT union members and certainly do not come anywhere near the salaries of their service people? Where does it end? How much is enough.
Sure, any employee who shows value to their employer should be compensated for that value. That however applies to production and inbound revenue. The public sector produces no revenue. Employees are funded through the hard work of the taxpayers.
Understand this: public employees that perform essential services should be compensated commensurate to their skills. However, a balance has to be maintained between just compensation, market wages for the private sector and reasonable tax rates. Right now the system so one sided in favor of the public sector, it borders on the absurd.
Look , I appreciate your enthusiasm in defense of public worker compensation. Nothing you post will change my mind or the minds of millions of taxpayers who have just had enough.
Received in my e-mail today with some revisions by me:

20 Rock-Hard Proposals for the New Congress
1. Repeal ObamaCare . . . Now!

2. Keep all the about-to-expire Bush Tax Cuts.

3. Implement an immediate 15 percent across-the-board spending cut.

4. Implement an immediate government hiring freeze and cut all wages by 15 percent, including Congress.

5. Implement the following test on all legislation: 1. Is it CONSTITUTIONAL? 2. If it’s Constitutional, do we NEED it? 3. If it’s Constitutional and we need it, can we AFFORD IT? 4. Is it best left to the STATES to implement?

6. Audit the Federal Reserve.

7. Stop the bailout of union and government pensions and end tax-payer funded retirement programs for all government employees.

8. Keep the Internet from being regulated by bureaucrats.

9. Test all future and present judges on the content of the Constitution and publish the results online.

10. Pass the following law: “Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.”

11. Other than their salaries which must be approved by a majority of voters, Congress will vote itself no benefits that are not also extended to all citizens of the land.

12. Block the implementation of Sharia law in the United States.

13. Protect Our Second Amendment Rights.

14. Amend the Constitution to grant citizenship to only naturalized citizens and persons born who have one or two parents who are legal citixzens. Support State anti-illegal immigration legislation.

15. Other than provision for immediate necessary humanitarian assistance, pass laws providing no government assistance of any kind to illegals and apply harsh penalities to those who knowlingly employ, house, transport, or provide aid and comfort to those who are in the country illegally.

16. Abolish the Department of Education.

17. Return all Federal lands to the states.

18. Implement an across the board flat tax system, end the income tax, and abolish the IRS.

19. Work for the privatization of Social Security.

20. Abide by the legal strictures outlined in the Tenth Amendment.

Discuss any or all of the above and add your suggestions for what needs to be done after the initial list is accomplished.
For a government that is controlled by the Democrats, I rather doubt that these proposals would be accepted.

IMHO If all these proposals were implemented, it would insure that Democrats would gain control of both Houses. Republicans need to understand that independents don't want the clock turned back a 50 years.
Well I didnt come up with the list, but there is no implementation of "Christian Law" in the Constitution or in any of our Federal laws or State laws for that matter. The fact that Christianity has had a profound influence on our U.S. Constitution and many of our laws as well as our culture in general should put to rest any fears that a theocracy might develop. If it did not develop in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries when Christianity was pretty much the only visible religion represented, there is certainly no danger that a theocracy will develop now that many different religions are visible and represented.

Christianity and the U.S. Constitution are quite compatible and have co-existed for well over 200 years now, while much of Sharia Law is opposite many Constitutional principles and to allow it would be in clear violation of our respect for unalienable, civil, and legal rights.


What do you call federal amendments to ban Abortion, ban Gay Marriage, ban Stem Cell Research? Furthermore, what Christianity wants and what Sharia Law wants is in many cases the same thing.

If Catholic Church was allowed to make the laws such as the Christian Social Conservative right seemingly wants, then many of the laws they would make would likely violate our civil and legal rights.

Have you ever heard of separation of church and state?

Never mind the fact that your list is a joke because you want to get rid of Social Security but ignore defense spending completely! No list of cutting the deficit can be taken seriously without such a thing included.

Never mind the amount of ignorance that was put into your list.

Protect our Second Amendment rights from what? Under the Obama Administration, gun rights have expanded, not decreased.

#14 is a clear example of where the Constitution only applies when you feel like it. Same thing for #20.
First , you can find in the US Constitution the following phrase, "seperation of church and state".
There are tons of laws that are based on religious teachings and beliefs.
Where are the federal "amendments" that ban abortion, gay marriage?
You'd better pay more attention to your surroundings.
Sharia law is incompatible with freedom and most importantly incompatible with the distinct American culture. Islam is based on a 7th century existence. Islam tolerates no other religion. Islam suppresses the rights of women. In fact sharia law treats women as property. In Muslim countries, rape victims are scorned and ostracized. Worse yet, married rape victims in Islamic countries are ruled adulterers and are put to death.
I don't have any idea what makes goes through the mind of a person (other than a Muslim) that would want an oppressive religion such as Islam to gain a foothold in their country.
Well I didnt come up with the list, but there is no implementation of "Christian Law" in the Constitution or in any of our Federal laws or State laws for that matter. The fact that Christianity has had a profound influence on our U.S. Constitution and many of our laws as well as our culture in general should put to rest any fears that a theocracy might develop. If it did not develop in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries when Christianity was pretty much the only visible religion represented, there is certainly no danger that a theocracy will develop now that many different religions are visible and represented.

Christianity and the U.S. Constitution are quite compatible and have co-existed for well over 200 years now, while much of Sharia Law is opposite many Constitutional principles and to allow it would be in clear violation of our respect for unalienable, civil, and legal rights.


What do you call federal amendments to ban Abortion, ban Gay Marriage, ban Stem Cell Research? Furthermore, what Christianity wants and what Sharia Law wants is in many cases the same thing.

If Catholic Church was allowed to make the laws such as the Christian Social Conservative right seemingly wants, then many of the laws they would make would likely violate our civil and legal rights.

Have you ever heard of separation of church and state?

Never mind the fact that your list is a joke because you want to get rid of Social Security but ignore defense spending completely! No list of cutting the deficit can be taken seriously without such a thing included.

Never mind the amount of ignorance that was put into your list.

Protect our Second Amendment rights from what? Under the Obama Administration, gun rights have expanded, not decreased.

#14 is a clear example of where the Constitution only applies when you feel like it. Same thing for #20.
First , you can find in the US Constitution the following phrase, "seperation of church and state".
There are tons of laws that are based on religious teachings and beliefs.
Where are the federal "amendments" that ban abortion, gay marriage?
You'd better pay more attention to your surroundings.
Sharia law is incompatible with freedom and most importantly incompatible with the distinct American culture. Islam is based on a 7th century existence. Islam tolerates no other religion. Islam suppresses the rights of women. In fact sharia law treats women as property. In Muslim countries, rape victims are scorned and ostracized. Worse yet, married rape victims in Islamic countries are ruled adulterers and are put to death.
I don't have any idea what makes goes through the mind of a person (other than a Muslim) that would want an oppressive religion such as Islam to gain a foothold in their country.

Exactly. Any Christian sect that presumed to infringe on the unalienable, legal, or civil rights of any person should be as equally unacceptable as Sharia law that would infringe on the unalienable, legal, or civil rights of any person. But to the best of my knowledge, there aren't any Christian groups that are asking to be exempt from federal or state laws and set up their own courts according to the tenets of their faith.
Received in my e-mail today with some revisions by me:

20 Rock-Hard Proposals for the New Congress
1. Repeal ObamaCare . . . Now!

2. Keep all the about-to-expire Bush Tax Cuts.

3. Implement an immediate 15 percent across-the-board spending cut.

4. Implement an immediate government hiring freeze and cut all wages by 15 percent, including Congress.

5. Implement the following test on all legislation: 1. Is it CONSTITUTIONAL? 2. If it’s Constitutional, do we NEED it? 3. If it’s Constitutional and we need it, can we AFFORD IT? 4. Is it best left to the STATES to implement?

6. Audit the Federal Reserve.

7. Stop the bailout of union and government pensions and end tax-payer funded retirement programs for all government employees.

8. Keep the Internet from being regulated by bureaucrats.

9. Test all future and present judges on the content of the Constitution and publish the results online.

10. Pass the following law: “Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.”

11. Other than their salaries which must be approved by a majority of voters, Congress will vote itself no benefits that are not also extended to all citizens of the land.

12. Block the implementation of Sharia law in the United States.

13. Protect Our Second Amendment Rights.

14. Amend the Constitution to grant citizenship to only naturalized citizens and persons born who have one or two parents who are legal citixzens. Support State anti-illegal immigration legislation.

15. Other than provision for immediate necessary humanitarian assistance, pass laws providing no government assistance of any kind to illegals and apply harsh penalities to those who knowlingly employ, house, transport, or provide aid and comfort to those who are in the country illegally.

16. Abolish the Department of Education.

17. Return all Federal lands to the states.

18. Implement an across the board flat tax system, end the income tax, and abolish the IRS.

19. Work for the privatization of Social Security.

20. Abide by the legal strictures outlined in the Tenth Amendment.

Discuss any or all of the above and add your suggestions for what needs to be done after the initial list is accomplished.
For a government that is controlled by the Democrats, I rather doubt that these proposals would be accepted.

IMHO If all these proposals were implemented, it would insure that Democrats would gain control of both Houses. Republicans need to understand that independents don't want the clock turned back a 50 years.

You can begin to appreciate why the right wing lunatics are so bent out of shape here....they get zero of what they want.
Received in my e-mail today with some revisions by me:

20 Rock-Hard Proposals for the New Congress
1. Repeal ObamaCare . . . Now!

2. Keep all the about-to-expire Bush Tax Cuts.

3. Implement an immediate 15 percent across-the-board spending cut.

4. Implement an immediate government hiring freeze and cut all wages by 15 percent, including Congress.

5. Implement the following test on all legislation: 1. Is it CONSTITUTIONAL? 2. If it’s Constitutional, do we NEED it? 3. If it’s Constitutional and we need it, can we AFFORD IT? 4. Is it best left to the STATES to implement?

6. Audit the Federal Reserve.

7. Stop the bailout of union and government pensions and end tax-payer funded retirement programs for all government employees.

8. Keep the Internet from being regulated by bureaucrats.

9. Test all future and present judges on the content of the Constitution and publish the results online.

10. Pass the following law: “Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.”

11. Other than their salaries which must be approved by a majority of voters, Congress will vote itself no benefits that are not also extended to all citizens of the land.

12. Block the implementation of Sharia law in the United States.

13. Protect Our Second Amendment Rights.

14. Amend the Constitution to grant citizenship to only naturalized citizens and persons born who have one or two parents who are legal citixzens. Support State anti-illegal immigration legislation.

15. Other than provision for immediate necessary humanitarian assistance, pass laws providing no government assistance of any kind to illegals and apply harsh penalities to those who knowlingly employ, house, transport, or provide aid and comfort to those who are in the country illegally.

16. Abolish the Department of Education.

17. Return all Federal lands to the states.

18. Implement an across the board flat tax system, end the income tax, and abolish the IRS.

19. Work for the privatization of Social Security.

20. Abide by the legal strictures outlined in the Tenth Amendment.

Discuss any or all of the above and add your suggestions for what needs to be done after the initial list is accomplished.
For a government that is controlled by the Democrats, I rather doubt that these proposals would be accepted.

IMHO If all these proposals were implemented, it would insure that Democrats would gain control of both Houses. Republicans need to understand that independents don't want the clock turned back a 50 years.

You can begin to appreciate why the right wing lunatics are so bent out of shape here....they get zero of what they want.
Stop, block, repeal, abolish, and return; the conservative action plan
For what it is worth, this thread is more than four years old now and we are two Congresses past the one the OP addressed for this thread.
Received in my e-mail today with some revisions by me:

20 Rock-Hard Proposals for the New Congress
1. Repeal ObamaCare . . . Now!

2. Keep all the about-to-expire Bush Tax Cuts.

3. Implement an immediate 15 percent across-the-board spending cut.

4. Implement an immediate government hiring freeze and cut all wages by 15 percent, including Congress.

5. Implement the following test on all legislation: 1. Is it CONSTITUTIONAL? 2. If it’s Constitutional, do we NEED it? 3. If it’s Constitutional and we need it, can we AFFORD IT? 4. Is it best left to the STATES to implement?

6. Audit the Federal Reserve.

7. Stop the bailout of union and government pensions and end tax-payer funded retirement programs for all government employees.

8. Keep the Internet from being regulated by bureaucrats.

9. Test all future and present judges on the content of the Constitution and publish the results online.

10. Pass the following law: “Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.”

11. Other than their salaries which must be approved by a majority of voters, Congress will vote itself no benefits that are not also extended to all citizens of the land.

12. Block the implementation of Sharia law in the United States.

13. Protect Our Second Amendment Rights.

14. Amend the Constitution to grant citizenship to only naturalized citizens and persons born who have one or two parents who are legal citixzens. Support State anti-illegal immigration legislation.

15. Other than provision for immediate necessary humanitarian assistance, pass laws providing no government assistance of any kind to illegals and apply harsh penalities to those who knowlingly employ, house, transport, or provide aid and comfort to those who are in the country illegally.

16. Abolish the Department of Education.

17. Return all Federal lands to the states.

18. Implement an across the board flat tax system, end the income tax, and abolish the IRS.

19. Work for the privatization of Social Security.

20. Abide by the legal strictures outlined in the Tenth Amendment.

Discuss any or all of the above and add your suggestions for what needs to be done after the initial list is accomplished.
For a government that is controlled by the Democrats, I rather doubt that these proposals would be accepted.

IMHO If all these proposals were implemented, it would insure that Democrats would gain control of both Houses. Republicans need to understand that independents don't want the clock turned back a 50 years.

You can begin to appreciate why the right wing lunatics are so bent out of shape here....they get zero of what they want.
Stop, block, repeal, abolish, and return; the conservative action plan
While you idiots on the left, the Obamabots have convinced yourselves that Congress exists for the sole purpose of doing the bidding of the President.
I like all but number four. I have a few friends who have government jobs and their salaries are not over the top. The problem is the top end that have ridiculous salaries at taxpayers expense
Received in my e-mail today with some revisions by me:

20 Rock-Hard Proposals for the New Congress
1. Repeal ObamaCare . . . Now!

2. Keep all the about-to-expire Bush Tax Cuts.

3. Implement an immediate 15 percent across-the-board spending cut.

4. Implement an immediate government hiring freeze and cut all wages by 15 percent, including Congress.

5. Implement the following test on all legislation: 1. Is it CONSTITUTIONAL? 2. If it’s Constitutional, do we NEED it? 3. If it’s Constitutional and we need it, can we AFFORD IT? 4. Is it best left to the STATES to implement?

6. Audit the Federal Reserve.

7. Stop the bailout of union and government pensions and end tax-payer funded retirement programs for all government employees.

8. Keep the Internet from being regulated by bureaucrats.

9. Test all future and present judges on the content of the Constitution and publish the results online.

10. Pass the following law: “Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.”

11. Other than their salaries which must be approved by a majority of voters, Congress will vote itself no benefits that are not also extended to all citizens of the land.

12. Block the implementation of Sharia law in the United States.

13. Protect Our Second Amendment Rights.

14. Amend the Constitution to grant citizenship to only naturalized citizens and persons born who have one or two parents who are legal citixzens. Support State anti-illegal immigration legislation.

15. Other than provision for immediate necessary humanitarian assistance, pass laws providing no government assistance of any kind to illegals and apply harsh penalities to those who knowlingly employ, house, transport, or provide aid and comfort to those who are in the country illegally.

16. Abolish the Department of Education.

17. Return all Federal lands to the states.

18. Implement an across the board flat tax system, end the income tax, and abolish the IRS.

19. Work for the privatization of Social Security.

20. Abide by the legal strictures outlined in the Tenth Amendment.

Discuss any or all of the above and add your suggestions for what needs to be done after the initial list is accomplished.

:cuckoo: You expect all that in one legislative year? Surely you jest. Hey, I'd like to look like I did when I was 30, have all the money I need to live comfortably and give away the rest to the needy, which are only two on my list of pure pipedreams.
Typical lib mentality. Negotiate from the bottom & expect nothing
For what it is worth, this thread is more than four years old now and we are two Congresses past the one the OP addressed for this thread.
I think it's interesting to look back a few for comparison purposes.

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