Rock Center Reprt on Health Care? Horrible, too cowardly , no solution...FoxFEAR! LOL


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
All these uninsured stuck in hospitals for YEARS. $2000/day goes on your bill LOL. Gee, I wonder what might be the solution to millions of stories like this? DUH.The Pub default health system is a disgrace, but the corrupt a-holes buying off Pubs also control the loudmouth, fear mongered dupes. What a dumbazz country. And no, I'm not moving to Cuba, morons.:cuckoo:

They should be in long term care MUCH CHEAPER, but they aren't FORCED to take them.

Vote Dem or this shytte, and MUCH more, will go on forever...:mad::mad::lol:
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All these uninsured stuck in hospitals for YEARS. $2000/day goes on your bill LOL. Gee, I wonder what might be the solution to millions of stories like this? DUH.The Pub default health system is a disgrace, but the corrupt a-holes buying off Pubs also control the loudmouth, fear mongered dupes. What a dumbazz country. And no, I'm not moving to Cuba, morons.:cuckoo:

They should be in long term care MUCH CHEAPER, but they aren't FORCED to take them.

Vote Dem or this shytte, and MUCH more, will go on forever...:mad::mad::lol:

Don't like Cuba...move to Mexico.

And take your family with you.

They will love you down there.

And we will love you for having left.

Cause I kick the dupes' azz- but the book goes on. Thanks for portraying USA MORONS so perfectly LOL

Only in your dreams, Buckwheat.

You are a pathetic leach on society. I hope your 200K holds out because SS benefits are going to go down after 2033. And you're cardboard box will get pretty crowded with others from the left.
No one likes you.

Well crap, I can't give franco a "like" rep or I would cuz you know, us knee jerk libs gotta stick together.

As for the op, didja all hear the latest Boehner LIE ?
Student Loans: John Boehner Would Cut Health Care Measure To Fund Lower Rates

What this evil putz calls a "slush fund" is money that is used for sick children and babies, diagnostics and treatment for cancer for poor women - you know, unimportant stuff like that.

In another thread, the rw's are all agog over SickRick finally giving up and going home and saying its because of his sick baby. Bull. The GObP/pubs don't give a large mouse's behind about sick babies. If they did, boehner would not be spouting this lie.
Cause I kick the dupes' azz- but the book goes on. Thanks for portraying USA MORONS so perfectly LOL

Only in your dreams, Buckwheat.

You are a pathetic leach on society. I hope your 200K holds out because SS benefits are going to go down after 2033. And you're cardboard box will get pretty crowded with others from the left.

Do you have ANYTHING that approaches reality? Unbelievable. LOL
Cause I kick the dupes' azz- but the book goes on. Thanks for portraying USA MORONS so perfectly LOL

the only ass you kick Frankie is your own......learn how to spell,then learn how to express yourself.....your the one who is portraying a moron....
Obamacare is going down.

What a shame.

Social Security goes insolvent in 2033 (and, of course, that date keeps moving in one direction only).

What's the matter Franco ? You don't believe the trustees ? They don't know some reality you know. Maybe you should get in touch with them.

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No one likes you.

Well crap, I can't give franco a "like" rep or I would cuz you know, us knee jerk libs gotta stick together.

As for the op, didja all hear the latest Boehner LIE ?
Student Loans: John Boehner Would Cut Health Care Measure To Fund Lower Rates

What this evil putz calls a "slush fund" is money that is used for sick children and babies, diagnostics and treatment for cancer for poor women - you know, unimportant stuff like that.

In another thread, the rw's are all agog over SickRick finally giving up and going home and saying its because of his sick baby. Bull. The GObP/pubs don't give a large mouse's behind about sick babies. If they did, boehner would not be spouting this lie.

you and Frankie are the two things that dangle between Deans legs.....and your other buddy Mr. Shitman is the sack that you dwell in.....
I just started watching this episode. I was stunned. My wife is a nurse/case manager and she explained this happens everyday all across America. Then she started telling me stories about her experiences. Wow.

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