RIP to the Republican Party


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2015
Rest In Peace To The Republican Party

John Zogby, Contributor
Mar 16, 2016 @ 12:29 AM

The Republican Party, known by its nickname as the Grand Old Party, died on March 15, 2016. It was 162 years old. The party, born in the strife of the 1850s, succumbed to internal strife, sources said.

The GOP had been suffering from hopeless internal divisiveness brought on by multiple sectors internally all claiming to be the “real conservatives” and no one ready to agree on a unifying theme. The party stopped breathing because of demographics that were stacked against it and its inability to adjust to a different America demographically, culturally, and having a worldview that didn’t recognize new global realities.

What accelerated its demise, however, was the consistent victories and accumulation of delegates by real estate mogul and reality television star Donald Trump. Party sources said that Trump was able to exploit fears of white Americans who could not adjust to a changing America. One Trump supporter told us that “We grew up in an all-white America with Christian values. We look around and see immigrants, Muslims, people who are just not like us.” Others cited Supreme Court decisions that granted gay Americans the right to marry and legislation that expanded healthcare coverage to millions of previously uninsured Americans.

Party officials made last ditch efforts to revive the dying party but primary voters granted Trump victories in key states like Florida, Illinois and North Carolina. Given that Trump ran a campaign against party officials, eschewed the services of GOP policy elite advisors, ignored the role of campaign consultants, and—according to many party leaders—most likely did not believe much (if any) of the things he was saying, any effort by GOP establishment to stop Trump was doomed before it really began.

“How do you deny the nomination to someone who actually comes to the party’s convention with the most votes? Are we a party that respects votes or a party that bows to its elites?” said one Trump supporter.

But several of those party elites reiterated that “We just cannot go into this general election with a nominee who attacks Hispanics, Muslims, foreign nations, women and more.” Others noted that they simply cannot support Trump as a Republican candidate. Ironically, sources said, the very group—notably Millennials—who were not necessarily enthusiastic about likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton would probably raise their intensity level to vote against Trump.

In short, according to GOP officials, “We had a choice to either accept Trump as our nominee or fight his nomination. Either way we lose.”

The GOP leaves behind millions of supporters identified as “real conservatives,” angry whites who just could not adjust to change.

Calling hours will held in Cleveland July 18-21.

I may be dead wrong about this, especially since Hillary Clinton is a damaged candidate and the GOP has strong state parties that control the majority of state governorships and legislatures.

But after March 15, it appears that the GOP is heading towards some serious bloodletting. There may be some efforts to sit down and “make deals” with Donald Trump, but he has said a lot of things about a lot of people—and those statements are simply not going away.
yep, viewing of the bloated pasty white corpse will be on view in Cleveland

The walking dead
Rest In Peace To The Republican Party

John Zogby, Contributor
Mar 16, 2016 @ 12:29 AM

The Republican Party, known by its nickname as the Grand Old Party, died on March 15, 2016. It was 162 years old. The party, born in the strife of the 1850s, succumbed to internal strife, sources said.

The GOP had been suffering from hopeless internal divisiveness brought on by multiple sectors internally all claiming to be the “real conservatives” and no one ready to agree on a unifying theme. The party stopped breathing because of demographics that were stacked against it and its inability to adjust to a different America demographically, culturally, and having a worldview that didn’t recognize new global realities.

What accelerated its demise, however, was the consistent victories and accumulation of delegates by real estate mogul and reality television star Donald Trump. Party sources said that Trump was able to exploit fears of white Americans who could not adjust to a changing America. One Trump supporter told us that “We grew up in an all-white America with Christian values. We look around and see immigrants, Muslims, people who are just not like us.” Others cited Supreme Court decisions that granted gay Americans the right to marry and legislation that expanded healthcare coverage to millions of previously uninsured Americans.

Party officials made last ditch efforts to revive the dying party but primary voters granted Trump victories in key states like Florida, Illinois and North Carolina. Given that Trump ran a campaign against party officials, eschewed the services of GOP policy elite advisors, ignored the role of campaign consultants, and—according to many party leaders—most likely did not believe much (if any) of the things he was saying, any effort by GOP establishment to stop Trump was doomed before it really began.

“How do you deny the nomination to someone who actually comes to the party’s convention with the most votes? Are we a party that respects votes or a party that bows to its elites?” said one Trump supporter.

But several of those party elites reiterated that “We just cannot go into this general election with a nominee who attacks Hispanics, Muslims, foreign nations, women and more.” Others noted that they simply cannot support Trump as a Republican candidate. Ironically, sources said, the very group—notably Millennials—who were not necessarily enthusiastic about likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton would probably raise their intensity level to vote against Trump.

In short, according to GOP officials, “We had a choice to either accept Trump as our nominee or fight his nomination. Either way we lose.”

The GOP leaves behind millions of supporters identified as “real conservatives,” angry whites who just could not adjust to change.

Calling hours will held in Cleveland July 18-21.

I may be dead wrong about this, especially since Hillary Clinton is a damaged candidate and the GOP has strong state parties that control the majority of state governorships and legislatures.

But after March 15, it appears that the GOP is heading towards some serious bloodletting. There may be some efforts to sit down and “make deals” with Donald Trump, but he has said a lot of things about a lot of people—and those statements are simply not going away.
Oh my, from Forbes.
"The GOP leaves behind millions of supporters identified as “real conservatives,” angry whites who just could not adjust to change."


We get to witness the death of a major political party in the US. It will certainly reform as something resembling the two versions of itself, one version that has no god and only prays to money and will change to anything it has to to keep the money flowing.

The other version an angry mob of middle class people who socially cannot change with the society around them as the society changes. And who see this change as the end of everything.

Blood will flow, figuratively and literally.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.
the irony

the dnc is run by a person that can't tell the difference between a dem and a socialist and it's top runner for the nom can't either.

and in the meantime, not a single liberal is in the race.

The dnc died and no one noticed.
The dumb-ass liberal cocksucker who wrote this shit has no idea what republican democracy is all about...I say Jefferson would be proud of what is happening in the Republican Party today.

And, I say Jefferson would be voting for Trump.


Notice how Mitch McConnell has finally sacked up. Trump is the product of the people who are so disgusted with pussies like McConnell...and McConnell has finally realized it.

He laid down the gauntlet today...Obama, can stuff his nominee. And, the liberal media can go fuck itself.

He will never admit it, but it was Trump who bolstered up his courage...or scared his ass worse than Liberals scare him...I don't know which it was...but something worked on McConnell and Trump had plenty to do with it.

McConnell's interview tonight is worth watching...I think it was on Fox.....he definitely shows some balls.

Thought we would never see such out of a Republican in Washington.
the irony

the dnc is run by a person that can't tell the difference between a dem and a socialist and it's top runner for the nom can't either.

and in the meantime, not a single liberal is in the race.

The dnc died and no one noticed.

Conservatives you've been trained by the likes of Dimbaugh that there is an equal and opposite everything in all of life.
Sorry, there isn't. They train you to think like that so you will couch every single argement as 'us vs them'. That way you will never side with 'them' just because they are 'them'. See how easy that works.

This is the Republican's moment alone. The Democrat party is in no disarray. It has people that lean this way or that as all political parties have, but it isn't about to become a mushroom cloud.

And I know for conservatives, who are deathly afraid of standing on un-firm ground to begin with, this is very disconcerting to finally admit. But it's real.

Embrace the horror.
the irony

the dnc is run by a person that can't tell the difference between a dem and a socialist and it's top runner for the nom can't either.

and in the meantime, not a single liberal is in the race.

The dnc died and no one noticed.

Conservatives you've been trained by the likes of Dimbaugh that there is an equal and opposite everything in all of life.
Sorry, there isn't. They train you to think like that so you will couch every single argement as 'us vs them'. That way you will never side with 'them' just because they are 'them'. See how easy that works.

This is the Republican's moment alone. The Democrat party is in no disarray. It has people that lean this way or that as all political parties have, but it isn't about to become a mushroom cloud.

And I know for conservatives, who are deathly afraid of standing on un-firm ground to begin with, this is very disconcerting to finally admit. But it's real.

Embrace the horror.
whats the difference between a dem and a socialist?

why do you not have a liberal running for Pres? You have a far left prog and a socialist. hint, since ones a socialist, he should be running in another party all together.
The other version an angry mob of middle class people who socially cannot change with the society around them as the society changes. And who see this change as the end of everything.
That might be the way you see us, because we want the younger generation to get a job, and get off the damn video games, and mow the yard for once, or help paint the house, and get off the damn computers and put down the damn cell phones and drive dammit.

We are a pissed off middle class, we got old geezers in Washington trying to tell us how to raise our kids, and those that did have grandkids at 40. We worked our asses off for what we have, and it aint much, but it's ours.

You want to know many of us, then read my post here

This younger generation parties and parties, and expects somebody else to pick up the bill, and that has to stop. Or their grandkids will be speaking Chinese, Japanese and Korean, cause those top 2 countries our beating our asses in the brains department, While our younger generation is lazy as hell.
The reason I left the Republican party is exactly because of what's going on now. It is not the party I thought I was joining in 2008. The death of the Republican party was due to internal intolerance, or people not being able to tolerate even one minor difference in opinion. Eventually it began to tear itself apart. It was due to men calling themselves "real conservatives" and doing the exact opposite after they were elected. They all played on the principles of their electorate and abjectly betrayed them. It was due to the more extreme element of the party "killing off" per se, all the moderates in the party.

The anger is too great, being conventional is outdated. "Conservatism", as it was, died last night and the "establishment" has only itself to blame. It was a long time coming. If you betray the will of your constituents too many times, they will willingly set aside their principles to destroy you.
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Tell you guys what....have the patience to sit down and watch this video. Then, you just "might" understand that BOTH parties are long gone and extinct. Wake the hell up..

The reason I left the Republican party is exactly because of what's going on now. It is not the party I thought I was joining in 2008. The death of the Republican party was due to internal intolerance, or people not being able to tolerate even one minor difference in opinion. Eventually it began to tear itself apart. It was due to men calling themselves "real conservatives" and doing the exact opposite after they were elected. They all played on the principles of their electorate and abjectly betrayed them. It was due to the more extreme element of the party "killing off" per se, all the moderates in the party.

The anger is too great, being conventional is outdated. "Conservatism", as it was, died last night and the "establishment" has only itself to blame. It was a long time coming. If you betray the will of your constituents too many times, they will willingly set aside their principles to destroy you.

I've been a republican in exile since was quite obvious, even then, where this shit show was heading....
Tell you guys what....have the patience to sit down and watch this video. Then, you just "might" understand that BOTH parties are long gone and extinct. Wake the hell up..

Hope and change is working fine for me.......How many votes did you cast for Scrub?
Rest In Peace To The Republican Party

John Zogby, Contributor
Mar 16, 2016 @ 12:29 AM

The Republican Party, known by its nickname as the Grand Old Party, died on March 15, 2016. It was 162 years old. The party, born in the strife of the 1850s, succumbed to internal strife, sources said.

The GOP had been suffering from hopeless internal divisiveness brought on by multiple sectors internally all claiming to be the “real conservatives” and no one ready to agree on a unifying theme. The party stopped breathing because of demographics that were stacked against it and its inability to adjust to a different America demographically, culturally, and having a worldview that didn’t recognize new global realities.

What accelerated its demise, however, was the consistent victories and accumulation of delegates by real estate mogul and reality television star Donald Trump. Party sources said that Trump was able to exploit fears of white Americans who could not adjust to a changing America. One Trump supporter told us that “We grew up in an all-white America with Christian values. We look around and see immigrants, Muslims, people who are just not like us.” Others cited Supreme Court decisions that granted gay Americans the right to marry and legislation that expanded healthcare coverage to millions of previously uninsured Americans.

Party officials made last ditch efforts to revive the dying party but primary voters granted Trump victories in key states like Florida, Illinois and North Carolina. Given that Trump ran a campaign against party officials, eschewed the services of GOP policy elite advisors, ignored the role of campaign consultants, and—according to many party leaders—most likely did not believe much (if any) of the things he was saying, any effort by GOP establishment to stop Trump was doomed before it really began.

“How do you deny the nomination to someone who actually comes to the party’s convention with the most votes? Are we a party that respects votes or a party that bows to its elites?” said one Trump supporter.

But several of those party elites reiterated that “We just cannot go into this general election with a nominee who attacks Hispanics, Muslims, foreign nations, women and more.” Others noted that they simply cannot support Trump as a Republican candidate. Ironically, sources said, the very group—notably Millennials—who were not necessarily enthusiastic about likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton would probably raise their intensity level to vote against Trump.

In short, according to GOP officials, “We had a choice to either accept Trump as our nominee or fight his nomination. Either way we lose.”

The GOP leaves behind millions of supporters identified as “real conservatives,” angry whites who just could not adjust to change.

Calling hours will held in Cleveland July 18-21.

I may be dead wrong about this, especially since Hillary Clinton is a damaged candidate and the GOP has strong state parties that control the majority of state governorships and legislatures.

But after March 15, it appears that the GOP is heading towards some serious bloodletting. There may be some efforts to sit down and “make deals” with Donald Trump, but he has said a lot of things about a lot of people—and those statements are simply not going away. in Ruling In Perpetuity......yo.
Oh, and let's just say the liberalism of old died when Jimmy Carter got elected. It thus began it's transition into what it is today. Guess what? If Trump becomes the nominee, the same transition will begin with conservatism in earnest.
The dumb-ass liberal cocksucker who wrote this shit has no idea what republican democracy is all about...I say Jefferson would be proud of what is happening in the Republican Party today.

And, I say Jefferson would be voting for Trump.


Notice how Mitch McConnell has finally sacked up. Trump is the product of the people who are so disgusted with pussies like McConnell...and McConnell has finally realized it.

He laid down the gauntlet today...Obama, can stuff his nominee. And, the liberal media can go fuck itself.

He will never admit it, but it was Trump who bolstered up his courage...or scared his ass worse than Liberals scare him...I don't know which it was...but something worked on McConnell and Trump had plenty to do with it.

McConnell's interview tonight is worth watching...I think it was on Fox.....he definitely shows some balls.

Thought we would never see such out of a Republican in Washington.
I think it is darn funny that Mitch quoted the "Biden Rule" and omitted the "Thurmond Response" to said 'rule'.
the irony

the dnc is run by a person that can't tell the difference between a dem and a socialist and it's top runner for the nom can't either.

and in the meantime, not a single liberal is in the race.

The dnc died and no one noticed.

Conservatives you've been trained by the likes of Dimbaugh that there is an equal and opposite everything in all of life.
Sorry, there isn't. They train you to think like that so you will couch every single argement as 'us vs them'. That way you will never side with 'them' just because they are 'them'. See how easy that works.

This is the Republican's moment alone. The Democrat party is in no disarray. It has people that lean this way or that as all political parties have, but it isn't about to become a mushroom cloud.

And I know for conservatives, who are deathly afraid of standing on un-firm ground to begin with, this is very disconcerting to finally admit. But it's real.

Embrace the horror.
whats the difference between a dem and a socialist?

why do you not have a liberal running for Pres? You have a far left prog and a socialist. hint, since ones a socialist, he should be running in another party all together.

Sanders isn't a socialist, even though he says he is. He does not want to end capitalism. He is a 'social socialist'. A person who lives in the richest country on Earth and can't understand why all the rest of the modern world gives healthcare to their people and why 1/6 of children in the US go to bed hungry every day.

It doesn't matter what the Democrat party is doing anyway. You say that type thing because it is a sauve on your mind.
The Republican party is fracturing. You'll get to choose which one of the pieces you want to belong to. But don't be fooled, you will no longer be in a majority party. The smaller bits that form up afterwards will also fracture the voting block.

But again, a little revolution is good now and then.
Rest In Peace To The Republican Party

John Zogby, Contributor
Mar 16, 2016 @ 12:29 AM

The Republican Party, known by its nickname as the Grand Old Party, died on March 15, 2016. It was 162 years old. The party, born in the strife of the 1850s, succumbed to internal strife, sources said.

The GOP had been suffering from hopeless internal divisiveness brought on by multiple sectors internally all claiming to be the “real conservatives” and no one ready to agree on a unifying theme. The party stopped breathing because of demographics that were stacked against it and its inability to adjust to a different America demographically, culturally, and having a worldview that didn’t recognize new global realities.

What accelerated its demise, however, was the consistent victories and accumulation of delegates by real estate mogul and reality television star Donald Trump. Party sources said that Trump was able to exploit fears of white Americans who could not adjust to a changing America. One Trump supporter told us that “We grew up in an all-white America with Christian values. We look around and see immigrants, Muslims, people who are just not like us.” Others cited Supreme Court decisions that granted gay Americans the right to marry and legislation that expanded healthcare coverage to millions of previously uninsured Americans.

Party officials made last ditch efforts to revive the dying party but primary voters granted Trump victories in key states like Florida, Illinois and North Carolina. Given that Trump ran a campaign against party officials, eschewed the services of GOP policy elite advisors, ignored the role of campaign consultants, and—according to many party leaders—most likely did not believe much (if any) of the things he was saying, any effort by GOP establishment to stop Trump was doomed before it really began.

“How do you deny the nomination to someone who actually comes to the party’s convention with the most votes? Are we a party that respects votes or a party that bows to its elites?” said one Trump supporter.

But several of those party elites reiterated that “We just cannot go into this general election with a nominee who attacks Hispanics, Muslims, foreign nations, women and more.” Others noted that they simply cannot support Trump as a Republican candidate. Ironically, sources said, the very group—notably Millennials—who were not necessarily enthusiastic about likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton would probably raise their intensity level to vote against Trump.

In short, according to GOP officials, “We had a choice to either accept Trump as our nominee or fight his nomination. Either way we lose.”

The GOP leaves behind millions of supporters identified as “real conservatives,” angry whites who just could not adjust to change.

Calling hours will held in Cleveland July 18-21.

I may be dead wrong about this, especially since Hillary Clinton is a damaged candidate and the GOP has strong state parties that control the majority of state governorships and legislatures.

But after March 15, it appears that the GOP is heading towards some serious bloodletting. There may be some efforts to sit down and “make deals” with Donald Trump, but he has said a lot of things about a lot of people—and those statements are simply not going away. in Ruling In Perpetuity......yo.

I remember back in 2002 when people were talking about the Thousand Year Bush Reich.......

How did that work out for you?
RIP to the Republican Party

republicans can never rest as they have no peace, same for the tea party who are only kidding themselves. they'll be back, blocking the SCOTUS nominee will keep them alive.


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