RINO Romney's Real Record on Job Creation


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Didnt see much discussion of this.

Romney as Job Creator Clashes with Bain Record of Job Cuts - Bloomberg

At Dade Behring Inc., a medical-testing company based in Deerfield, Illinois, Bain cut at least 1,600 jobs during a series of acquisitions before the firm entered into bankruptcy in 2002. Romney foreshadowed those cuts in a speech to employees shortly after Bain acquired the firm.

DDi Corp., an electronics company in Anaheim, California, filed for bankruptcy in 2003 after Bain sold shares in the company generating at least $85.5 million and billed $10 million in management fees.

GS Industries Inc., a steel company in Charlotte, North Carolina, filed for bankruptcy in 2001 after workers said a chief executive hired under Bain made missteps, including installing managers who lacked industry expertise, former employees said.

Romney Held Responsible

Employees who lost jobs at Bain-controlled companies more than a decade ago say they still hold Romney responsible.

Seems Romney is good a creating jobs after all...in Mexico and China.

This kind of thing will come out in the general election and the Democrats will pound Romnuts into the ground with it. Though it may seem to make sense to ideologues, hiring a job cutter during a depression is not what most Americans want.

There are five main issues that the GOP can take advantage of to beat Obama: job creation (his record sux), Obamacare, national security, social liberalism (huge chunk of electorate want to vote gainst Obama), and cronyism (coming out of the Chicago Daley machine).

Romney's job destruction record does the GOP no good against Obama as mentioned already. His own version of Romney care is very similar towhat Obama passed and he will look like a political hypocrit if he actually intends to repeal it in most Americans minds whether it is a federal level effort or state and Obama will hammer that home in any debates. Romney has zip national security experience and can only armchair-general critique what Obama has done while in office. Romney has no trust from social conservatives, so predictable more than half of them will just stay home election night costing the GOP millions of votes and his cronyism is obvious to anyone following his allied PAC that is running millions in attack ads that Romney claims he has nothing to do with. Right. So add 'he thinks we are all stupid' to the pile of reasons that Romney should not have the GOP nomination.

In 2008 Democrats only began to find out about Obama's weaknesses well into the primaries and he had the nomination almost in the bag. All the opportunistic Democrat establishment types broke for him once he took a commanding lead and the whole country has seen what a disaster Obama has been on every level and efvery issue.

Romney promises to be worse than Obama, sending more jobs overseas, selling of what is left of our nations industrial base to the highest bidder and playing the inept dope championing social conservative issues he neither believes in or intends to truly work for.

The GOP still has time to stop Romney now before he gets all the delegates he needs to win the nomination. Our country needs a better choice than Obama vrs Obama Light.
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Didnt see much discussion of this.

Romney as Job Creator Clashes with Bain Record of Job Cuts - Bloomberg

At Dade Behring Inc., a medical-testing company based in Deerfield, Illinois, Bain cut at least 1,600 jobs during a series of acquisitions before the firm entered into bankruptcy in 2002. Romney foreshadowed those cuts in a speech to employees shortly after Bain acquired the firm.

DDi Corp., an electronics company in Anaheim, California, filed for bankruptcy in 2003 after Bain sold shares in the company generating at least $85.5 million and billed $10 million in management fees.

GS Industries Inc., a steel company in Charlotte, North Carolina, filed for bankruptcy in 2001 after workers said a chief executive hired under Bain made missteps, including installing managers who lacked industry expertise, former employees said.

Romney Held Responsible

Employees who lost jobs at Bain-controlled companies more than a decade ago say they still hold Romney responsible.

Seems Romney is good a creating jobs after all...in Mexico and China.

This kind of thing will come out in the general election and the Democrats will pound Romnuts into the ground with it. Though it may seem to make sense to ideologues, hiring a job cutter during a depression is not what most Americans want.

There are five main issues that the GOP can take advantage of to beat Obama: job creation (his record sux), Obamacare, national security, social liberalism (huge chunk of electorate want to vote gainst Obama), and cronyism (coming out of the Chicago Daley machine).

Romney's job destruction record does the GOP no good against Obama as mentioned already. His own version of Romney care is very similar towhat Obama passed and he will look like a political hypocrit if he actually intends to repeal it in most Americans minds whether it is a federal level effort or state and Obama will hammer that home in any debates. Romney has zip national security experience and can only armchair-general critique what Obama has done while in office. Romney has no trust from social conservatives, so predictable more than half of them will just stay home election night costing the GOP millions of votes and his cronyism is obvious to anyone following his allied PAC that is running millions in attack ads that Romney claims he has nothing to do with. Right. So add 'he thinks we are all stupid' to the pile of reasons that Romney should not have the GOP nomination.

In 2008 Democrats only began to find out about Obama's weaknesses well into the primaries and he had the nomination almost in the bag. All the opportunistic Democrat establishment types broke for him once he took a commanding lead and the whole country has seen what a disaster Obama has been on every level and efvery issue.

Romney promises to be worse than Obama, sending more jobs overseas, selling of what is left of our nations industrial base to the highest bidder and playing the inept dope championing social conservative issues he neither believes in or intends to truly work for.

The GOP still has time to stop Romney now before he gets all the delegates he needs to win the nomination. Our country needs a better choice than Obama vrs Obama Light.

Thanks for a well written, concise and thoughtful post. My one question is, if the GOP stops Romney who will be the Republican nominee?

IMHO experience counts. Obama has had three years more than any other eligible candidate for POTUS. He has made mistakes, but that's how most of us learn.

As for the field of GOP candidates, it is getting smaller not larger. The burden for someone new to enter now is great. Isn't an open convention in Tampa the only way for someone new to get the nomination?
... Obama: job creation (his record sux), Obamacare, national security, social liberalism (huge chunk of electorate want to vote gainst Obama), and cronyism (coming out of the Chicago Daley machine).

Dems could learn a thing or two from the pubs. This list is not true. Not one item on this list has any basis in reality -

but, the GObP/Repubs just keep saying it, over and over and the lemmings believe it.

Dem/lib voters can post all the facts they want but the blind lemming right wing voter will always refuse to educate themselves because they simply don't want to know.

I don't really care about that except they WILL take the rest of us down with them.
... Obama: job creation (his record sux), Obamacare, national security, social liberalism (huge chunk of electorate want to vote gainst Obama), and cronyism (coming out of the Chicago Daley machine).

Dems could learn a thing or two from the pubs. This list is not true. Not one item on this list has any basis in reality -

but, the GObP/Repubs just keep saying it, over and over and the lemmings believe it.

Dem/lib voters can post all the facts they want but the blind lemming right wing voter will always refuse to educate themselves because they simply don't want to know.

I don't really care about that except they WILL take the rest of us down with them.

:lmao: You have a drinking of the kool-aid problem.
... Obama: job creation (his record sux), Obamacare, national security, social liberalism (huge chunk of electorate want to vote gainst Obama), and cronyism (coming out of the Chicago Daley machine).

Dems could learn a thing or two from the pubs. This list is not true. Not one item on this list has any basis in reality -

but, the GObP/Repubs just keep saying it, over and over and the lemmings believe it.

Dem/lib voters can post all the facts they want but the blind lemming right wing voter will always refuse to educate themselves because they simply don't want to know.

I don't really care about that except they WILL take the rest of us down with them.

:lmao: You have a drinking of the kool-aid problem.

Like all rw's, you have a reading and thinking problem.
... Obama: job creation (his record sux), Obamacare, national security, social liberalism (huge chunk of electorate want to vote gainst Obama), and cronyism (coming out of the Chicago Daley machine).

Dems could learn a thing or two from the pubs. This list is not true. Not one item on this list has any basis in reality -

but, the GObP/Repubs just keep saying it, over and over and the lemmings believe it.

Dem/lib voters can post all the facts they want but the blind lemming right wing voter will always refuse to educate themselves because they simply don't want to know.

I don't really care about that except they WILL take the rest of us down with them.

1. Unemployment rate has only dropped due to the statistical reduction of the eligable wrok force base number. More people are now classified as U6 than when Obama took office.

2. Provate sector GDP, subtracting for Obamas unprecidented deficet spending, is going down, not up. That is bad economy for those of us not on the government teet.

3. Obama has left Iraq for Iran to turn into a satelite state and they are already doing so. Ahmadinejad is going to have a land route straight to Isreal if Assad clings to power in Syria and it looks like he is going to do so.

4. Afghanistan is an utter disaster with our troops dependant on the generosity of former Soviet republics to maintain the logistical support of our troops thanks to Obama's heavy handedness dealing with Pakistan who has closed their borders to NATO supply. Thanks to Obama this old US ally is now courting China and Russia for military support.

5. The has never been a US president more friendly to abortion than Obama. About 35% of the electorate would like to have a believable alternative to vote for in 2012.

6. Gun rights advocates do not trust Obama as his home state is still the only state in the US that refuses to provide a concealed handgun permit to private citizens. While Obama has not moved against gun rights yet, there is a lot of nervousness about what he may do in his second term not having to worry about re-election.

7. Nothing comes out of Chicago that is not owned heart and soul by the Daley machine and anyone that knows anything about American politics knows that.

Obama would lose in 2012 if the GOP nominated a believably conservative alternative to Obama, but instead they are going to white-wash over Romnuts and try to sell us that fraud and it wont work.

Hopefully Gingrich will go on the attack in vendetta style and tear Romnnuts down like his PAC attack dogs have been doing so far to everyone else.
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The most obvious 'issue' in 2012 will come down to trust, speculating that Obama is an extremist and suggesting he will take your guns away, is weak on foreign policy, and somehow likes abortion is nothing more than one more effort to play the wedge issue game.

I hope we are beyond god, guns, gays, hate and fear and can begin to focus on real issues, define real problems and discuss real solutions.

Obama is not a Marxist. Obama is not an isolationist nor a war monger. Obama is not a Muslim, Arab, anti-American or an ideologue.

Obama is a pragmatist and has now finally realized the GOP is a party fractured into neo cons (war mongers), social conservatives (little different than other fundamentalists who hold that the End is Justified by any means); Wall Street (Banks, Insurance, Big Pharma & Big Farma); and the mainstream GOP which wants power and will surrender common sense to the most extreme elements in our nation to become the majority.

Obama is too conservative for the far left and too liberal for the New Right. His temperament, intelligence and tolerance is exactly what makes most Americans like him and what will propel him to a second term.

If the American people respond in 2012 and reject the ineffectual and wholly partisan GOP leadership (McConnell & Boehner) and send the little weasel Cantor and his kind back home we can begin to heal our nation.
The most obvious 'issue' in 2012 will come down to trust, speculating that Obama is an extremist and suggesting he will take your guns away, is weak on foreign policy, and somehow likes abortion is nothing more than one more effort to play the wedge issue game.

I hope we are beyond god, guns, gays, hate and fear and can begin to focus on real issues, define real problems and discuss real solutions.

God, guns and gay marriage will stay an active issue as long as the left continues to push them.

Till it stops they remain a real problem.

Obama is not a Marxist. Obama is not an isolationist nor a war monger. Obama is not a Muslim, Arab, anti-American or an ideologue.

True, Obama is far more conservative than the conservatives around the rest of the world. Lord, compare Obama to Sarkozy or Cameron or anyone in the third world and Obama looks like a rightwing fanatic, lol.

Obama is a pragmatist and has now finally realized the GOP is a party fractured into neo cons (war mongers), social conservatives (little different than other fundamentalists who hold that the End is Justified by any means); Wall Street (Banks, Insurance, Big Pharma & Big Farma); and the mainstream GOP which wants power and will surrender common sense to the most extreme elements in our nation to become the majority.

Both parties have their factions. The problem with the GOP is that one faction continues to be so disciplined and focused on its objectives that they can play the other 75% of the party like violins. Notice how most moderate Repbulicans were convinced to stay our of the race and not split the moderate vote, with the possible exception of Gingrich who is not a favorite of any of the factions. The Tea Party movement has built a grass roots umbrella of organizations that can successfully challenge the GOP establishment and they hate the TPM for this and want to purge them from the party ASAP.

Obama is too conservative for the far left and too liberal for the New Right. His temperament, intelligence and tolerance is exactly what makes most Americans like him and what will propel him to a second term.

Well, I suspect that if he wins it will be as much due to the weakness of his opposition as any strength of his own.

If the American people respond in 2012 and reject the ineffectual and wholly partisan GOP leadership (McConnell & Boehner) and send the little weasel Cantor and his kind back home we can begin to heal our nation.

I dont see how. How many trillions of USD are we supposed to go into debbt in order to 'fix' the economy using Keynesian methods before we call it quits and take an effective approach?

How big a deficit are you willing to run? Already the US debt is more than the total US GDP annually. That is not how to build a healthy economy.

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