Riddle me this Dems


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Dems insist that unemployment, food stamps and deficits stimulate the economy, we have all three in record breaking numbers, why then does the economy continue to suck Alaskan moosecock?
Dems insist that unemployment, food stamps and deficits stimulate the economy, we have all three in record breaking numbers, why then does the economy continue to suck Alaskan moosecock?

I just finished a book about that exact subject. It was called "Never Enough". The more welfare programs cripple people and business the more welfare they need and the more votes liberal politicians can buy by promising more welfare.

Liberals promise welfare.
Conservatives promise freedom.

We can see why conservatives lose as liberals shatter the moral fabric of America.

It can be Obama,FDR, Mao, Stalin, Castro, or Chavez. Liberalism degrades it does not stimulate.
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Dems insist that unemployment, food stamps and deficits stimulate the economy, we have all three in record breaking numbers, why then does the economy continue to suck Alaskan moosecock?

They have moose in Canada tooo!
WTF is your problem 57Frank? Are you going to think about refreshing your avatar after the election is over?
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Dems insist that unemployment, food stamps and deficits stimulate the economy, we have all three in record breaking numbers, why then does the economy continue to suck Alaskan moosecock?

Wondered the same thing about not taxing the rich so they can create jobs. Where ARE the jobs, since the CONS don't seem impressed(terrified?) by the latest numbers?!?! :cool:
Wondered the same thing about not taxing the rich so they can create jobs. Where ARE the jobs,

actually we are taxing the rich. Top 1% pay 37% of all Federal income taxes. Up from 20% under Reagan. No nation depends more on rich to operate government.

Jobs are also gone because of liberal housing crisis and other stupid liberal policies:

1) Make unions illegal ( 10 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

2) make minimum wage illegal ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

3) end business taxation; especially tax incentives to off-shore jobs ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

4) make inflation illegal ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

5) make Federal debt illegal( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

6) send illegal workers home(8 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

7) Pass Balanced Budget Amendment to Constitution( 3 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

8) cut pay of government workers in half( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

9) Make health insurance competition legal( 6 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

10) end needless business regulations ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

11) restrict Federal spending to 15% of GNP( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

12) support unlimited free trade( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

13) reduced unemployment compensation, welfare, food stamps, medicaid.( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

14) privatize education, social security ( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

15) end payroll taxes ( 1 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

Since Democrats always oppose wisdom and common sense the only serious option is to make them illegal as the Constitution intended.
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Wondered the same thing about not taxing the rich so they can create jobs. Where ARE the jobs,

actually we are taxing the rich. Top 1% pay 37% of all Federal income taxes. Up from 20% under Reagan. No nation depends more on rich to operate government.

Jobs are also gone because of liberal housing crisis and other stupid liberal policies:

1) Make unions illegal ( 10 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

2) make minimum wage illegal ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

3) end business taxation; especially tax incentives to off-shore jobs ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

4) make inflation illegal ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

5) make Federal debt illegal( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

6) send illegal workers home(8 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

7) Pass Balanced Budget Amendment to Constitution( 3 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

8) cut pay of government workers in half( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

9) Make health insurance competition legal( 6 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

10) end needless business regulations ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

11) restrict Federal spending to 15% of GNP( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

12) support unlimited free trade( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

13) reduced unemployment compensation, welfare, food stamps, medicaid.( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

14) privatize education, social security ( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

15) end payroll taxes ( 1 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

Since Democrats always oppose wisdom and common sense the only serious option is to make them illegal as the Constitution intended.

You are the single craziest partisan hack I have ever seen.
Do you have any proof what so ever of any of this? The answer is simple, nope you don't. It is also pretty easy to tell you have never taken any economics class. Most of what you are saying doesn't make sense, and some of what you are blaming on the democrats is actually republican policy.
I love this war on illegals. Now Georgia has lost a billion dollars. And Republicans did it. Care to name other states where Republicans fucked up the farming? Like I said, everything they touch.....
Dems insist that unemployment, food stamps and deficits stimulate the economy, we have all three in record breaking numbers, why then does the economy continue to suck Alaskan moosecock?

some of you pubs are like a broken record seriously, and all without any new or outside information. you practice confirmation bias like its your job too, whenever considering new information, which is obvious by which facts you allow to pass your filters.
Dems insist that unemployment, food stamps and deficits stimulate the economy, we have all three in record breaking numbers, why then does the economy continue to suck Alaskan moosecock?

It takes more than that what with the near depression Bush and the Republicans had us in. I've always thought that war helps a bad economy too, why didnt' Iraq and Afghanistan help our economy?

Food stamps directly stimulate the economy. That, in and of itself, doesn't necessarily create jobs.
ahhhh poor little frankie.....realizing that the gop has fucked itself......in the ass so to speak....

spin it all you want frankie....yall gave the 2012 election to the dems
Wondered the same thing about not taxing the rich so they can create jobs. Where ARE the jobs,

actually we are taxing the rich. Top 1% pay 37% of all Federal income taxes. Up from 20% under Reagan. No nation depends more on rich to operate government.

Jobs are also gone because of liberal housing crisis and other stupid liberal policies:

1) Make unions illegal ( 10 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

2) make minimum wage illegal ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

3) end business taxation; especially tax incentives to off-shore jobs ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

4) make inflation illegal ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

5) make Federal debt illegal( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

6) send illegal workers home(8 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

7) Pass Balanced Budget Amendment to Constitution( 3 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

8) cut pay of government workers in half( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

9) Make health insurance competition legal( 6 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

10) end needless business regulations ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

11) restrict Federal spending to 15% of GNP( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

12) support unlimited free trade( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

13) reduced unemployment compensation, welfare, food stamps, medicaid.( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

14) privatize education, social security ( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

15) end payroll taxes ( 1 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

Since Democrats always oppose wisdom and common sense the only serious option is to make them illegal as the Constitution intended.

these numbers would be impressive if you had the source of where you got these facts.
Dems insist that unemployment, food stamps and deficits stimulate the economy, we have all three in record breaking numbers, why then does the economy continue to suck Alaskan moosecock?

some of you pubs are like a broken record seriously, and all without any new or outside information. you practice confirmation bias like its your job too, whenever considering new information, which is obvious by which facts you allow to pass your filters.

I don't see why we have to answer such a question when they insist the Bush Tax cuts did so much for the economy and yet the economy ended up in the tank, our deficit blew up and Republicans controlled both houses and the presidency for 6 straight years.

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