Rick perry is scary.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Overheard on CNN.com:
Time to leave the country?

"Hey, Rick: What brand of gun would Jesus tote?"–RationalDoc

Why Rick Perry is headed to the White House
Why are Americans gearing up to elect another Texan for president? asks fellow Texan James Moore, an Emmy-award winning former news correspondent and co-author of the best-seller, "Bush's Brain." Although Perry "hates to govern, loves to campaign, and barely has a sixth grader's understanding of economics," writes Moore, his "coyote-killer good looks, $2,000 hand-tooled cowboy boots, supernova smile and Armani suits will create a product Americans will want to believe and buy."His prediction had many CNN.com readers planning to leave the country.
Overheard on CNN.com: Time to leave the country? – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs ... n-cnn-com/
Overheard on CNN.com:
Time to leave the country?

"Hey, Rick: What brand of gun would Jesus tote?"–RationalDoc

Why Rick Perry is headed to the White House
Why are Americans gearing up to elect another Texan for president? asks fellow Texan James Moore, an Emmy-award winning former news correspondent and co-author of the best-seller, "Bush's Brain." Although Perry "hates to govern, loves to campaign, and barely has a sixth grader's understanding of economics," writes Moore, his "coyote-killer good looks, $2,000 hand-tooled cowboy boots, supernova smile and Armani suits will create a product Americans will want to believe and buy."His prediction had many CNN.com readers planning to leave the country.
Overheard on CNN.com: Time to leave the country? – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs ... n-cnn-com/

He'll never get the election - but yeah. It would be scary if he did.

However, James and Josh Brolin can play him in the made-for-TV movie. :)
Perry won't win. There's a reason the real republican contenders are waiting until 2016.
Overheard on CNN.com:
Time to leave the country?

"Hey, Rick: What brand of gun would Jesus tote?"–RationalDoc

Why Rick Perry is headed to the White House
Why are Americans gearing up to elect another Texan for president? asks fellow Texan James Moore, an Emmy-award winning former news correspondent and co-author of the best-seller, "Bush's Brain." Although Perry "hates to govern, loves to campaign, and barely has a sixth grader's understanding of economics," writes Moore, his "coyote-killer good looks, $2,000 hand-tooled cowboy boots, supernova smile and Armani suits will create a product Americans will want to believe and buy."His prediction had many CNN.com readers planning to leave the country.
Overheard on CNN.com: Time to leave the country? – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs ... n-cnn-com/

He's scary because he's successful at being Governor. Plus he looks like another Ronald Reagan.

I'd be scared too if I supported that pencil-neck in the White House.

Heck your average Student Body President has shown more leadership and class then Obama.

Perry has more actual leadership then Obama will ever have.
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Perry won't win. There's a reason the real republican contenders are waiting until 2016.

Yeah, it gives the State Run Media less time to make up shit about em.

Nope. They know Obama will win in 2012 and they figure the tea party will fade by then. You have to go to far right to win the republican nomination, can't win the general. Compassionate conservatism won't satiate the tea party crowd.
I just listened to some of his speech in SC. What a pile of platitudinous, pandering palaver.

Jesus help him. He's a simpleton with swagger. A thoroughly unpleasant combination.
If I were a bat shit crazy dimowRat I'd be scared of Rick Perry too. You betcha!
Kudo's on the originality of your insult for Democrats. I get so tired of "libtard" and "dimocrat".

I'm not sure I agree that the DNC is afraid of Rick Perry. They have a few things they can exploit about him in campaign.

Crazy things like his "pray for rain" deal during those wildfires, and the subsequent 4 months of the worst drought in recorded Texas history. I guess the man upstairs ain't listenin' to Governor Rick. He also has stated that humans cannot alter the climate. In May he said “I think it’s time for us to just hand it over to God, and say, ‘God: You’re going to have to fix this,’”. Texans didn't elect God.

Rush Limbaugh is Perry's personal hero. Rush even admited that polls show most Independents are turned off by the intensity of the opinons Rush throws out.

His talk about Texas secceeding from the union will have to be spun and explained.

Texas isn't paradise, in spite of it's ability to attract businesses from other states. It is the most polluted state in the country. It has the lowest wages in the country without illegal labor stats. It has the highest percentage of workers without health insurance in the US. All these could be campaign ads.

I see a Perry/Bachmann ticket, or Romney/Perry, or Romney/Bachmann ticket. The trouble for the GOP will be...that only Romney appeals to Independents and a few Democrats. Both Perry and Bachmann only have the base sewn up, and any Republican who runs has that sewn up by default because the base would never vote Democrat even if Satan and Saddam Hussein ran on the GOP ticket
I like Rick Perry. He'll be an excellent candidate - and I think he can beat Obama (as long as the Dems are constrained from too much voter fraud).
I think he can beat Obama, too. But that's because Obama's performance has been significantly below that which he'd promised and what was expected of him. My hope for 2012 is the DNC realizes how dissatisfied with Obama those of us who voted for him have become and put up a viable alternate, such as Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). But if it comes down to Obama vs Perry I will vote for Obama again for the same reason I voted for him last time -- the lesser of two evils. (Gravel and Kucinich were my preferences in 2008.)

Obama is much better than Bush, which isn't saying much, and I'm sure that as disappointing as he's been he was a better choice than McCain. And there is no doubt in my mind that he's a far better choice than Rick Perry who is George W. Bush on steroids.

So having said all that I'd like to know specifically what it is about Perry you like.
If I were a bat shit crazy dimowRat I'd be scared of Rick Perry too. You betcha!
Kudo's on the originality of your insult for Democrats. I get so tired of "libtard" and "dimocrat".

I'm not sure I agree that the DNC is afraid of Rick Perry. They have a few things they can exploit about him in campaign.

Crazy things like his "pray for rain" deal during those wildfires, and the subsequent 4 months of the worst drought in recorded Texas history. I guess the man upstairs ain't listenin' to Governor Rick. He also has stated that humans cannot alter the climate. In May he said “I think it’s time for us to just hand it over to God, and say, ‘God: You’re going to have to fix this,’”. Texans didn't elect God.

Rush Limbaugh is Perry's personal hero. Rush even admited that polls show most Independents are turned off by the intensity of the opinons Rush throws out.

His talk about Texas secceeding from the union will have to be spun and explained.

Texas isn't paradise, in spite of it's ability to attract businesses from other states. It is the most polluted state in the country. It has the lowest wages in the country without illegal labor stats. It has the highest percentage of workers without health insurance in the US. All these could be campaign ads.

I see a Perry/Bachmann ticket, or Romney/Perry, or Romney/Bachmann ticket. The trouble for the GOP will be...that only Romney appeals to Independents and a few Democrats. Both Perry and Bachmann only have the base sewn up, and any Republican who runs has that sewn up by default because the base would never vote Democrat even if Satan and Saddam Hussein ran on the GOP ticket

get over it. obiedoodle is gonna suck the hind tit.
Although Perry "hates to govern, loves to campaign, and barely has a sixth grader's understanding of economics,"/

Those sound very much like the President with the exception of his economic knowledge which at a level of 6th grade would far outweigh the President's.

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