Richard Nixon responsible for FoxNews


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
An interesting supposition. Something I haven’t heard before.

If Fox News had a DNA test, it would trace its origins to the Nixon administration. In 1970, political consultant Roger Ailes and other Nixon aides came up with a plan to create a new TV network that would circumvent existing media and provide "pro-administration" coverage to millions. "People are lazy," the aides explained in a memo. "With television you just sit — watch — listen. The thinking is done for you." Nixon embraced the idea, saying he and his supporters needed "our own news" from a network that would lead "a brutal, vicious attack on the opposition."

It took 26 years until Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes got it off the ground, Oct 7, 1996. 17 million viewers, but no outlets in NYC or LA. I knew there’s a radio outlet but never bothered to find it here in Vegas.

Just finished 71 straight months as the leading cable TV news network.

More @ Why Fox News was created

"People are lazy," the aides explained in a memo. "With television you just sit — watch — listen. The thinking is done for you."

That's absolutely and emphatically correct. Television sits you down, shuts you up and dick-tates every sense of every experience into the spongeified brain lying in complete, receptive passivity. It shuts down the imagination and the intellect, transforming its victim into a zombie.

Walk into a room where several people are watching TV, resist the lure of the screen and instead, watch the watchers. Survey what you see. Blank stares, obediently soaking up whatever the telescreen dick-tates. Every scene and sound, duly assimilated. Resistance is futile.

The point of that of course, and the reason it became so pervasive, is that it's the most effective propaganda device ever invented. With those obedient zombies watching you can sell anything.
I would add that the news coverage of impeachment proceedings against Nixon awakened a large number of people to the pervasive liberal bias of the MSM, thereby establishing a potential market for alternative programming.
I would add that the news coverage of impeachment proceedings against Nixon awakened a large number of people to the pervasive liberal bias of the MSM, thereby establishing a potential market for alternative programming.

Apparently not, since it didn't happen for another twenty-plus years, did it.
An interesting supposition. Something I haven’t heard before.

If Fox News had a DNA test, it would trace its origins to the Nixon administration. In 1970, political consultant Roger Ailes and other Nixon aides came up with a plan to create a new TV network that would circumvent existing media and provide "pro-administration" coverage to millions. "People are lazy," the aides explained in a memo. "With television you just sit — watch — listen. The thinking is done for you." Nixon embraced the idea, saying he and his supporters needed "our own news" from a network that would lead "a brutal, vicious attack on the opposition."

It took 26 years until Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes got it off the ground, Oct 7, 1996. 17 million viewers, but no outlets in NYC or LA. I knew there’s a radio outlet but never bothered to find it here in Vegas.

Just finished 71 straight months as the leading cable TV news network.

More @ Why Fox News was created


I never heard of this, but what I did hear about was the Tremendous Senator from North Carolina, Jesse Helms, seeking to purchase CBS back in the 1980's. Instead of creating new TV network, Helms' idea was to buy an existing Socialist network and transform it into a conservative voice.

Helms Says Buy CBS, Boss Rather

I would add that the news coverage of impeachment proceedings against Nixon awakened a large number of people to the pervasive liberal bias of the MSM, thereby establishing a potential market for alternative programming.

Apparently not, since it didn't happen for another twenty-plus years, did it.

I am surprised at your response Pogo , you of all people should know the almost insurmountable speed bumps to build a viable Network like Fox has... The foundation was actually started in the early 80's with the Murdoch's purchase of TCF Holdings, the parent company of the 20th Century Fox film studio... After wheeling and dealing for several years News Corp went into the television business in May of 1985... The fight was on with not only NBC, ABC, CBS and the FCC...

They have been very successful, but of coarse you all ready know this...
I would add that the news coverage of impeachment proceedings against Nixon awakened a large number of people to the pervasive liberal bias of the MSM, thereby establishing a potential market for alternative programming.

Apparently not, since it didn't happen for another twenty-plus years, did it.

I am surprised at your response Pogo , you of all people should know the almost insurmountable speed bumps to build a viable Network like Fox has... The foundation was actually started in the early 80's with the Murdoch's purchase of TCF Holdings, the parent company of the 20th Century Fox film studio... After wheeling and dealing for several years News Corp went into the television business in May of 1985... The fight was on with not only NBC, ABC, CBS and the FCC...

They have been very successful, but of coarse you all ready know this...

Yeah uh --- it's cable. You don't need to build stations or sign up affiliates. You build ONE studio. You and I could do it in an afternoon.
Imagine the possibilities of THAT.

And the FCC isn't involved in that anyway.
Yeah uh --- it's cable. You don't need to build stations or sign up affiliates. You build ONE studio. You and I could do it in an afternoon.

Oh but before the cable Fox, there was the Network Fox in which one would have to build up stations and sign up affiliates... Network Fox was competing with 3 other free-to-air networks... Are you sure the FCC wasn't involved in this part of the venture? Cable Fox didn't show up for another 10 years+

Imagine the possibilities of THAT.

I more than likely would not be much help, but I could keep us in BBQ sammies and Iced tea...
Yeah uh --- it's cable. You don't need to build stations or sign up affiliates. You build ONE studio. You and I could do it in an afternoon.

Oh but before the cable Fox, there was the Network Fox in which one would have to build up stations and sign up affiliates... Network Fox was competing with 3 other free-to-air networks... Are you sure the FCC wasn't involved in this part of the venture? Cable Fox didn't show up for another 10 years+

Imagine the possibilities of THAT.

I more than likely would not be much help, but I could keep us in BBQ sammies and Iced tea...

The TV network or maybe more accurately group, is (or was) largely either signing up existing stations as affiliates to run its programming, or in some cases buying existing stations to do that. That venture would involve FCC since it's on-air, and would take far more time and money, not just to buy stations but to develop programming, which was general sitcoms and sports, all of which is a lot more involved than Fox Noise.

The Fox Noise Channel by contrast is really really simple, and based off Murdoch's tabloid rag empire. Doing actual news is an expensive proposition -- you have to fly people around with crews, run foreign bureaus pay stringers, all that. What Murdoch did to cut those corners was instead of actual reporters finding news he would sit talking heads down in a studio talking ABOUT the news that was already out, in other words commentary. WAY cheaper. And since it's cable, you just feed the cable pipeline, you have nothing that is literally on the air.

As far as our joint venture, I'm thinkin' an All-Leon Russell All the Time channel. With occasional guest appearances by Hank Wilson.
I would add that the news coverage of impeachment proceedings against Nixon awakened a large number of people to the pervasive liberal bias of the MSM, thereby establishing a potential market for alternative programming.

Apparently not, since it didn't happen for another twenty-plus years, did it.

Poor Pogo has had his butt kicked in rational conversation so often that he is reduced to churlish one-liners.

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