Revolting times: Our ruling class needs to pay heed to its fed-up subjects now.


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2014
Here, there, and everywhere.
British life today has startling parallels with 1381 in the days leading up to the Peasants' Revolt, argues the author of a new book on the bloody rebellion.

A political class perceived as out of touch and self-serving. Punitive taxation frittered away on pointless foreign wars. Repressive labour legislation and wage control at home. A disaffected population feeling powerless, voiceless, angry and ripe for recruitment by radical preachers offering a vision of a new political and social order. Not to mention a deadly disease of apocalyptic proportions spreading uncontrollably across the world and

If that sounds like an accurate account of Britain today then you might be surprised to learn that it is also a description of England in the summer of 1381, an incredibly significant moment in history when the entire fabric of society was shaken to its foundations by the eruption of the first large-scale popular rebellion that the country had ever seen.

Revolting times Our ruling class needs to pay heed to its fed-up subjects now - History - Life and Style - The Independent

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