Reviewing Hollywood Cliques


Sep 23, 2010
You gotta love Ann Coulter for setting the historical record straight:

Does anyone read anymore? I mean, besides tweets from Anthony Weiner?

During his otherwise excellent commentaries on race in America, Bill O’Reilly, host of the No. 1 cable news show, claimed on Tuesday night that the one person who tried to help African-Americans more than any other was … Robert F. Kennedy!

No one laughed. I guess that’s what they’re teaching these days at the John F. Kennedy School of Government. (I can’t wait to hear how Ted Kennedy helped eradicate drunk driving!)

Coulter does not address velvet glove bigotry; i.e., never say bad things about a specific group. That is only one side of the coin. The other side is only saying good things about the people in your group. That form of discrimination was practiced by Hollywood cliques; the John Ford/John Wayne Irish clique; the British Colony clique; the Italian gangster clique actually turned fictional murderers into folk heros, and the Jewish clique were the dominating groups. I cannot verify this, but I think it was Lenny Bruce who asked “Did you ever see a Jewish villain in a movie?” My point: I think O’Reilly was unconsciously pumping up Robert Kennedy because he was Irish.

Americans of Irish ancestry are the worst of the reverse discrimination cliques. They talk about the “Old Sod” like it is paradise even though they were never there, nor would they go there to live if you paid their way. No other ethnic group, or race, outdoes the Irish when it comes to praising the old country.

NOTE: Orientals are not usually accused of racism in this country. That’s nothing to be proud of when you realize they are enjoying the prospect of benefitting from a race war between whites and blacks.

Before a lib chimes in with the old “equality crapola” let me say that like Don Rickles I am an equal opportunity bigot:

[ame=]Don Rickles on Dennis Miller Live - YouTube[/ame]​

I’ll let Ann close for me. If you read the entire column you have to ask yourself why in hell black Americans vote for the Democrats?

Crediting Bobby Kennedy for the great work he did on behalf of black Americans would be like calling Harry Reid the country’s greatest champion of the unborn. Sure, Reid says he’s pro-life, but he dare not act on it lest he upset the rest of his party. It was the same with Democrats and civil rights.

If you want to say something nice about Bobby Kennedy, remind everyone that he proudly worked for Sen. Joe McCarthy.

Coulter: O’Reilly’s Bizarro-World history
By: Ann Coulter 7/31/2013 04:52 PM

O'Reilly: Killing History
RFK did work for McCarthy and RFK was the one who kicked presidential ass to make his brother move forward on civil rights.

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