Review The NEA


Sep 23, 2010
You have to look at garbage in order to write a review. Instead, do not review the project go right to the source:

A play about food stamps, a performance by a San Francisco drag queen, and the production of Cocked, the tale of two anti-gun lesbians, each made the list of projects backed by the taxpayer-funded National Endowment of the Arts.

The agency announced its first round of grants for fiscal year 2016 last week. Projects include ā€œsustainableā€ housing for struggling artists and a mural by an artist who painted portraits for Barack Obamaā€™s presidential campaigns.​

Feds Fund Plays About Food Stamps, Gun Control Activist Lesbians
BY: Elizabeth Harrington
December 16, 2015 5:00 am

Feds Fund Plays About Food Stamps, Gun Control Activist Lesbians

For all of the parasite bureaucracies that should be eliminated, the National Endowment for the Arts seems to have escaped serious talk about shutting it down. This excerpt covers the NEA and government ā€œARTā€:

The National Endowment for the Arts was created by the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965.​

The NEA was then-first lady Jackie Kennedyā€™s pet project. Instead of sending flowers, LBJ sent Jackie a bureaucracy. After all, who could deny the widow Kennedy anything in 1965.

The new bureaucracy was first funded with a three year appropriation to the tune of 63 million. In the decades since the NEA was created it has received billions of tax dollars.

Liberals consider the NEA the jewel in Socialismā€™s crown; a selfless devotion to pure art ā€”ā€” unsullied by the image of rapacious swine feeding at the public trough associated with the other unnecessary federal bureaucracies.

Conservatives and Republicans alike had no more luck in shutting down the NEA than they had in defunding the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

The National Endowment for the Arts deciding what art is, then funding it with tax dollars, leads to justifying everything the government does. Everything begins with true art. So when the government owns the definition of art it is only a baby step to the government owning your body and soul.

Photography is art to Socialists. By the time FDR took office photography had made some technological advances but no one considered photography an art form at that point in time. Murals that were commissioned for federal and state buildings during the Great Depression were so sterile Socialists in the media began the process of deifying photography.

Socialists had to show the world that their system of government was artist friendly; so mechanically generated motion pictures, and still pictures, became art for the masses. Labeling photography art was the best thing Socialist propagandists could come up with since a true artist cannot create simply to decorate a system of government even if he or she wanted to. Michelangeloā€™s superb eye-hand coordination may have flourished under the patronage system, but artists in every field thrive where the most individual liberties exist. And I doubt if any tax-dollar artist can create something like this:

For the life of me, I canā€™t see how any politician can justify supporting government artists. Thatā€™s what art was all about in the defunct Soviet Union and I donā€™t see any museums being voluntarily built to house the output of Communist-sponsored artists.

In addition to the above, the so-called interpretative art community was brought onboard through the National Endowment for the Arts. The entertainment industry is considered the most important component of both the artistic community and the propaganda apparatus. In plain English the people that counted the most, and played ball from a Socialist/Communist point of view, are taken care of with enormous amounts of tax dollars.

Being forced to fund the National Endowment for the Arts is just as offensive as is being forced to fund an alien religion. Aside from the political aspects, I doubt if any American (other than the folks who benefit financially from the Endowment) would choose to fund toe dancers, finger painters, and assorted con ā€œartists.ā€ The NEA is the one bureaucracy that most Americans find really offensive. Rather than me trying to convince anybody why the National Endowment for the Arts should be shut down letā€™s hear liberals tell us why the NEA is necessary government.

Sad to say, Socialists can rest easy. No oneā€™s snout is going to be summarily jerked out of the public feed tub. Not the National Endowment for the Arts, not the Dept. of Education, not the Ministry of Propaganda, not the National Endowment for the Humanities.

PelosiĀ’s Job Lock Gobbledegook | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Hereā€™s a bit more about the NEA:

VARNEY: By the way, the spending bill has just passed the house, Liz, so Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be pleased to know this kind of spending has been just funded for next year. [laughter]​

Harrington Discusses Government-Funded Plays Pushing Left-Wing Agendas
BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
December 18, 2015 11:19 am

Harrington Discusses Government-Funded Plays Pushing Left-Wing Agendas

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