Retirement Savings Dwindling


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
In the second quarter, 11.1% of 401(k) savers who actively participate in their plan took out loans, the highest level in 10 years, according to Fidelity's study of 11 million participants in 17,000 workplace plans.

As people dip into their savings, it we be harder for many to retire. They will have to continue to work well past normal retirement age or settle for a more austere retirement. Do you think this will have a beneficial effect on Social Security?

More 401(k) savers take loans, withdrawals - MarketWatch
On the other hand my Gold eagles seem to be appreciating in value...
Up over 100% since I got them a few years ago.
Obviously, there are only two things we can do.

Cut taxes for rich people.

Cut taxes on corporations.

Republicans claim it always works.
Think of me money we could save on the IRS?
Our taxes would no longer have to support parasitic tax prep industries like HR Block for personal income taxes.
In the second quarter, 11.1% of 401(k) savers who actively participate in their plan took out loans, the highest level in 10 years, according to Fidelity's study of 11 million participants in 17,000 workplace plans.

As people dip into their savings, it we be harder for many to retire. They will have to continue to work well past normal retirement age or settle for a more austere retirement. Do you think this will have a beneficial effect on Social Security?

More 401(k) savers take loans, withdrawals - MarketWatch

A loan on a 401(k) does not decrease the value of the 401(k) therefore your title is incorrect. Taking out a loan on a 401(k) does not cause retirement savings to "dwindle."
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In the second quarter, 11.1% of 401(k) savers who actively participate in their plan took out loans, the highest level in 10 years, according to Fidelity's study of 11 million participants in 17,000 workplace plans.

As people dip into their savings, it we be harder for many to retire. They will have to continue to work well past normal retirement age or settle for a more austere retirement. Do you think this will have a beneficial effect on Social Security?

More 401(k) savers take loans, withdrawals - MarketWatch

Withdrawls are more indicative of people "dipping" into thier savings.

I'm on my second 401k loan, and while if the market improves while it is out you may lose out on some gain, you can actually win in the end if you withdraw high and pay back low, especially when you are younger.

I'm 35 years old. my concern isnt the value of my 401k its the share count.
Obviously, there are only two things we can do.

Cut taxes for rich people.

Cut taxes on corporations.

Republicans claim it always works.

Cut tax rates, not total tax paid.


In the second quarter, 11.1% of 401(k) savers who actively participate in their plan took out loans, the highest level in 10 years, according to Fidelity's study of 11 million participants in 17,000 workplace plans.

As people dip into their savings, it we be harder for many to retire. They will have to continue to work well past normal retirement age or settle for a more austere retirement. Do you think this will have a beneficial effect on Social Security?

More 401(k) savers take loans, withdrawals - MarketWatch

A loan on a 401(k) does not decrease the value of the 401(k) therefore your title is incorrect. Taking out a loan on a 401(k) does not cause retirement savings to "dwindle."
True, taking the loan does not reduce the value of the 401K, however as the article explains, 2.2% of active participants took a hardship withdrawal, up from 2% a year ago.

Although loans do not reduce the total amount invested, repayment of the loan in most cases means the participant will not make normal contributions to the plan during the loan repayment period resulting in a lower value at retirement.
Well. Anyone with a brain invests in producing countries, not consuming countries.
If you have an IRA, get into ETF's. Do it yourself. Don't let some broker make your decisions for you.
I did about 43% last year and am headed for the same this year.
I don't buy into the gold thing so much.I have a little bit of physical gold, maybe 5-6 lbs. I think they have "sold" more than exists.
Obviously, there are only two things we can do.

Cut taxes for rich people.

Cut taxes on corporations.

Republicans claim it always works.

Or we could keep taxes exactly where they are and cut spending. Everyone knows spending less than you bring in always works to balance a budget.
Obviously, there are only two things we can do.

Cut taxes for rich people.

Cut taxes on corporations.

Republicans claim it always works.

Or we could keep taxes exactly where they are and cut spending. Everyone knows spending less than you bring in always works to balance a budget.
You could move all manufacturing overseas to a cheap labor market so "stuff" would be chea...........
Oh. Never mind.
Obviously, there are only two things we can do.

Cut taxes for rich people.

Cut taxes on corporations.

Republicans claim it always works.

It would be refreshing if your heroes on the Left would do something, anything, that helped. As with you, they whine continuously and have no solutions or ideas. Their only play is to blame someone else.

At some point, the guy that has no solutions and no ideas and offers no help will get ignored. Does this worry you at all?

I suppose not. When you spend every waking minute of every day examining everyone else to affix your failure to their actions, your own actions don't get much critical review.

The country divides roughly into two groups: Those who remember how the Carter Years felt and those who are finding out.
Obviously, there are only two things we can do.

Cut taxes for rich people.

Cut taxes on corporations.

Republicans claim it always works.

Or we could keep taxes exactly where they are and cut spending. Everyone knows spending less than you bring in always works to balance a budget.

"A man is rich in relation to those things he can do without."

Noted Conservative, Henry David Thoreau
Obviously, there are only two things we can do.

Cut taxes for rich people.

Cut taxes on corporations.

Republicans claim it always works.

It would be refreshing if your heroes on the Left would do something, anything, that helped. As with you, they whine continuously and have no solutions or ideas. Their only play is to blame someone else.

At some point, the guy that has no solutions and no ideas and offers no help will get ignored. Does this worry you at all?

I suppose not. When you spend every waking minute of every day examining everyone else to affix your failure to their actions, your own actions don't get much critical review.

The country divides roughly into two groups: Those who remember how the Carter Years felt and those who are finding out.
You can accuses Obama of lot of things but not the lack of ideas or solutions.
Obviously, there are only two things we can do.

Cut taxes for rich people.

Cut taxes on corporations.

Republicans claim it always works.

It would be refreshing if your heroes on the Left would do something, anything, that helped. As with you, they whine continuously and have no solutions or ideas. Their only play is to blame someone else.

At some point, the guy that has no solutions and no ideas and offers no help will get ignored. Does this worry you at all?

I suppose not. When you spend every waking minute of every day examining everyone else to affix your failure to their actions, your own actions don't get much critical review.

The country divides roughly into two groups: Those who remember how the Carter Years felt and those who are finding out.
You can accuses Obama of lot of things but not the lack of ideas or solutions.

HUH? I voted for the guy but aside from a health care reform attempt all we have gotten is more of the same.
Well actually I voted against Palin ;)

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