Retired Army General: Trump is a "Serious Threat to US National Security."


Of course the idiot trump is a “serious threat to US national security”. There is not a rational American who hasn’t known this since November 2016.

Why has it taken Retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey so f*king long to figure this out?‘serious-threat-to-us-national-security’/ar-BBKjMVt?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp

So what you are saying is HALF of the citizens are irrational nuts...

HILLARY is this a sock account?
RE: Retired Army General: Trump is a "Serious Threat to US National Security."
※→ et al,

This is an Experience-Based Opinion in Commentary:

A retired four-star Army general said that he believes that President Trump is a “serious threat to US national security.”

Retired General Barry McCaffrey tweeted Friday that he reached the conclusion about Trump because the president
“is refusing to protect vital US interests from active Russian attacks.”
SOURCE: The Hill an article By Jacqueline Thomsen - 03/16/18

General McCaffy has had an up close and professional connection with the executive and military decision making process.

I suspect that General McCaffy was waiting for some threshold before he made his opinion amplified in public. There is nothing wrong with waiting for additional knowledge on which to base an opinion.

Most Respectfully,

Of course the idiot trump is a “serious threat to US national security”. There is not a rational American who hasn’t known this since November 2016.

Why has it taken Retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey so f*king long to figure this out?‘serious-threat-to-us-national-security’/ar-BBKjMVt?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp


There is a reason why he is retarded... wait it was retired... oh well not much of a distinction in this case.
That says it all! :04:

Thank you for posting

Just another Deep State piece of scum
Spoken like a true Putin apparatchik.
You serve Russia well.

Is that the "standard method" you leftards use now, when someone disagrees with you? That they're "Russians"?

You idiot leftists sure thought it was funny when Senator Joe McCarthy told you that the Russians were trying to infiltrate our political system, didn't you? Big joke, wasn't it?

You knuckle-draggers are laughing now, are you?
Were still waiting for Trump to do something to prevent Russian influence in future elections.
Nothing yet..

What influence? You want Trump to have Congress pass a law saying libtards cannot use "password" as their "password" on DNC computers?
Russian's sent phishing email to DNC officials. Too much other meddling to list here.
Back in June, Putin said hacking was carried out by patriotic russian citizens. Russia published their propaganda on US social media. And the troll factories.
But you guys are helping spread the russian fake news. That's why you're appratchiks.

The Russians ran some ads on Facebook. Obama spent put taxpayer money trying to defeat Netanyahu in Israel and failed miserably!

Which is worse?

Of course the idiot trump is a “serious threat to US national security”. There is not a rational American who hasn’t known this since November 2016.

Why has it taken Retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey so f*king long to figure this out?‘serious-threat-to-us-national-security’/ar-BBKjMVt?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp


I'm sure he had it figured out a long time ago, but has given Trump the benefit on the doubt. With the November elections coming up, and Trump still doing nothing to protect our democracy. It's like when the car in front of you doesn't move when the light turns green, you give him a little while before blowing your horn. But if it looks like he's asleep at the wheel, you try to wake him up.
McCaffrey should have given Trump a new york minute..

Of course the idiot trump is a “serious threat to US national security”. There is not a rational American who hasn’t known this since November 2016.

Why has it taken Retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey so f*king long to figure this out?‘serious-threat-to-us-national-security’/ar-BBKjMVt?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp


It was notable that Trump didn't know what nuclear "triad" meant during a debate--yet the Trump cultists still voted for him.

Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy


"My personal Vietnam was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases"-- Donald J. Trump
Trump's Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was "my personal Vietnam" with "few uninfected" women
I remember that Trump made history in the debates as well...

If it walks like a duck....

Trump is in serious trouble and is lashing out. Need more patriots to step forward and call Trump out for what he obviously is
If it walks like a duck....

Trump is in serious trouble and is lashing out. Need more patriots to step forward and call Trump out for what he obviously is
It probably doesn't matter much if more retired military, retired intelligence or politicians call him out. It might help a bit, but not a whole lot.

It does matter if more Republicans from Congress do. And not retired ones.
If it walks like a duck....

Trump is in serious trouble and is lashing out. Need more patriots to step forward and call Trump out for what he obviously is
It probably doesn't matter much if more retired military, retired intelligence or politicians call him out. It might help a bit, but not a whole lot.

It does matter if more Republicans from Congress do. And not retired ones.
It's a nice start, gives the politicians some backing. It's obvious to everyone outside the Fox News bubble that we have a president under the thumb of a murderous thug. What would George Washington say?
Are four star generals required to take history courses? Democrat icon Harry Truman's negligence caused the problems we have in North Korea today. President Trump's diplomacy has China on board with sanctions against N.K. instead of freaking shooting at us like they were on Truman's watch. Only a fool or a traitor would characterize the Trump administration as a threat.

Of course the idiot trump is a “serious threat to US national security”. There is not a rational American who hasn’t known this since November 2016.

Why has it taken Retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey so f*king long to figure this out?‘serious-threat-to-us-national-security’/ar-BBKjMVt?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp

He is currently a military analyst for NBC and MSNBC. That alone proves he is a dumbass!
That says it all! :04:

Thank you for posting

Just another Deep State piece of scum
Spoken like a true Putin apparatchik.
You serve Russia well.
Is that the "standard method" you leftards use now, when someone disagrees with you? That they're "Russians"?

You idiot leftists sure thought it was funny when Senator Joe McCarthy told you that the Russians were trying to infiltrate our political system, didn't you? Big joke, wasn't it?

You knuckle-draggers are laughing now, are you?
Were still waiting for Trump to do something to prevent Russian influence in future elections.
Nothing yet..

First he has to solve the far bigger issue of stopping Radical Leftist Liberal Democratic criminal influence in future elections!
He is currently a military analyst for NBC and MSNBC. That alone proves he is a dumbass!
That says it all! :04:

Thank you for posting

Just another Deep State piece of scum
Spoken like a true Putin apparatchik.
You serve Russia well.
Is that the "standard method" you leftards use now, when someone disagrees with you? That they're "Russians"?

You idiot leftists sure thought it was funny when Senator Joe McCarthy told you that the Russians were trying to infiltrate our political system, didn't you? Big joke, wasn't it?

You knuckle-draggers are laughing now, are you?
Were still waiting for Trump to do something to prevent Russian influence in future elections.
Nothing yet..

First he has to solve the far bigger issue of stopping Radical Leftist Liberal Democratic criminal influence in future elections!
Do tell.
Any references?
He is currently a military analyst for NBC and MSNBC. That alone proves he is a dumbass!
That says it all! :04:

Thank you for posting

Just another Deep State piece of scum
Spoken like a true Putin apparatchik.
You serve Russia well.
Is that the "standard method" you leftards use now, when someone disagrees with you? That they're "Russians"?

You idiot leftists sure thought it was funny when Senator Joe McCarthy told you that the Russians were trying to infiltrate our political system, didn't you? Big joke, wasn't it?

You knuckle-draggers are laughing now, are you?
Were still waiting for Trump to do something to prevent Russian influence in future elections.
Nothing yet..

First he has to solve the far bigger issue of stopping Radical Leftist Liberal Democratic criminal influence in future elections!

Absolutely right! The criminal radical left-wing liberal/progressive communist Democrat party is more of a threat to this country's electoral system than a handful of Russians with Twitter and Facebook accounts. They have been trying to fraudulently subvert American elections ever since the 1960's.
That says it all! :04:

Thank you for posting

Just another Deep State piece of scum
Spoken like a true Putin apparatchik.
You serve Russia well.
Is that the "standard method" you leftards use now, when someone disagrees with you? That they're "Russians"?

You idiot leftists sure thought it was funny when Senator Joe McCarthy told you that the Russians were trying to infiltrate our political system, didn't you? Big joke, wasn't it?

You knuckle-draggers are laughing now, are you?
Were still waiting for Trump to do something to prevent Russian influence in future elections.
Nothing yet..

First he has to solve the far bigger issue of stopping Radical Leftist Liberal Democratic criminal influence in future elections!

Absolutely right! The criminal radical left-wing liberal/progressive communist Democrat party is more of a threat to this country's electoral system than a handful of Russians with Twitter and Facebook accounts. They have been trying to fraudulently subvert American elections ever since the 1960's.

Indeed, today's criminal radical left-wing communist democratic party is a greater threat to the USA and its national security and sovereignty than Russia, Iran, N. Korea and ISIS combined. What makes them dangerous are the legions of brain-dead useful idiots that follow them.
Spoken like a true Putin apparatchik.
You serve Russia well.
Is that the "standard method" you leftards use now, when someone disagrees with you? That they're "Russians"?

You idiot leftists sure thought it was funny when Senator Joe McCarthy told you that the Russians were trying to infiltrate our political system, didn't you? Big joke, wasn't it?

You knuckle-draggers are laughing now, are you?
Were still waiting for Trump to do something to prevent Russian influence in future elections.
Nothing yet..

First he has to solve the far bigger issue of stopping Radical Leftist Liberal Democratic criminal influence in future elections!

Absolutely right! The criminal radical left-wing liberal/progressive communist Democrat party is more of a threat to this country's electoral system than a handful of Russians with Twitter and Facebook accounts. They have been trying to fraudulently subvert American elections ever since the 1960's.

Indeed, today's criminal radical left-wing communist democratic party is a greater threat to the USA and its national security and sovereignty than Russia, Iran, N. Korea and ISIS combined. What makes them dangerous are the legions of brain-dead useful idiots that follow them.
Are four star generals required to take history courses? Democrat icon Harry Truman's negligence caused the problems we have in North Korea today. President Trump's diplomacy has China on board with sanctions against N.K. instead of freaking shooting at us like they were on Truman's watch. Only a fool or a traitor would characterize the Trump administration as a threat.
Only a fool or a traitor would ignore Trump's behavior and not see it as treasonous

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