Retarded, retarded, retarded.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Say it. It is not offensive, derogatory, hurtful, a slur, ugly or demeaning and not a word to be ashamed of. If you are ashamed of the word, you are also ashamed of the “retarded” and that is wrong. A rose by any other name still smells the same. You can say “Developmentally Challenged” but it still means the same. I am not going to let a few small minded tight a** people who have a problem tell me what is good or bad about a word. Just because they may have a problem with the word does not mean I have to have a problem with it. They is nothing derogatory about the word “retarded” or the “retarded.” A word only has as much power as you give it.
It is not fashionable to say “illegal aliens” and it is often replaced with “undocumented immigrant” Same meaning.
Who in the hell has the right to tell me I cannot say “retarded?” Are there people out there so insecure that they cannot say “retarded?”

Is Retarded a Offensive Word?
Daily Candor Is ‘retarded’ an offensive word?
Retarded is a lot like "******", "****", "****", etc. - good words as long as you're WASP like me.

Say it. It is not offensive, derogatory, hurtful, a slur, ugly or demeaning and not a word to be ashamed of. If you are ashamed of the word, you are also ashamed of the “retarded” and that is wrong. A rose by any other name still smells the same. You can say “Developmentally Challenged” but it still means the same. I am not going to let a few small minded tight a** people who have a problem tell me what is good or bad about a word. Just because they may have a problem with the word does not mean I have to have a problem with it. They is nothing derogatory about the word “retarded” or the “retarded.” A word only has as much power as you give it.
It is not fashionable to say “illegal aliens” and it is often replaced with “undocumented immigrant” Same meaning.
Who in the hell has the right to tell me I cannot say “retarded?” Are there people out there so insecure that they cannot say “retarded?”

Is Retarded a Offensive Word?
Daily Candor Is ‘retarded’ an offensive word?

I suggest you say it around somebody who has retarded children. :eusa_whistle:
I suggest you say it around somebody who has retarded children. :eusa_whistle:

Why would you do mock them? I think people with retarded children are being punished by God for something evil that they did. There must be a reason.
When I taught Special Ed. Retarded was not a word to be ashamed of. Now it is and it is not the same a "******" **** or other racial slurs. Just because some idiot say it is.
Retardation is not a punishment and neither is being born black. Something went wrong during development of the embroyo.
I have a grand -daughter that is retarded.
When I taught Special Ed. Retarded was not a word to be ashamed of. Now it is and it is not the same a "******" **** or other racial slurs. Just because some idiot say it is.
Retardation is not a punishment and neither is being born black. Something went wrong during development of the embroyo.
I have a grand -daughter that is retarded.

You must be about 70 or 80 years old then if you think calling special needs kids "retarded" is still cool to do. They also use to have the special ed "classrooms" in closets and boiler rooms, do you long for those days too?

Did you know they also use to call them "morons?" Would you still like someone to call your granddaughter that too? I doubt that you would.

Sometime labels are removed for a reason.
All of us have some measure of mental retardation. None of us are perfect specimen of humanity. In some countries the mentally retarded is looked at as demon posessed.
We are more humane and most of us see the menatlly retarded as special. My grand-daughter is the most precious thing in my life and bring me more joy than any human I know. But she is retarded.
When I taught Special Ed. Retarded was not a word to be ashamed of. Now it is and it is not the same a "******" **** or other racial slurs. Just because some idiot say it is.
Retardation is not a punishment and neither is being born black. Something went wrong during development of the embroyo.
I have a grand -daughter that is retarded.

You must be about 70 or 80 years old then if you think calling special needs kids "retarded" is still cool to do. They also use to have the special ed "classrooms" in closets and boiler rooms, do you long for those days too?

Did you know they also use to call them "morons?" Would you still like someone to call your granddaughter that too? I doubt that you would.

Sometime labels are removed for a reason.

moron is not the same as retarded. you are a moron. my grand daughter is retarded and I will not let anyone make me ashamed. moron is not the same as retarded. She is not a moron and she is far from being stupid.
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When I taught Special Ed. Retarded was not a word to be ashamed of. Now it is and it is not the same a "******" **** or other racial slurs. Just because some idiot say it is.
Retardation is not a punishment and neither is being born black. Something went wrong during development of the embroyo.
I have a grand -daughter that is retarded.

You must be about 70 or 80 years old then if you think calling special needs kids "retarded" is still cool to do. They also use to have the special ed "classrooms" in closets and boiler rooms, do you long for those days too?

Did you know they also use to call them "morons?" Would you still like someone to call your granddaughter that too? I doubt that you would.

Sometime labels are removed for a reason.

moron is not the same as retarded. you are a moron. my grand daughter is retarded and I will not let anyone make me ashamed. moron is not the same as retarded. She is not a moron and she is far from being stupid.

You my lady, are a retarded moron.
When I taught Special Ed. Retarded was not a word to be ashamed of. Now it is and it is not the same a "******" **** or other racial slurs. Just because some idiot say it is.
Retardation is not a punishment and neither is being born black. Something went wrong during development of the embroyo.
I have a grand -daughter that is retarded.

You must be about 70 or 80 years old then if you think calling special needs kids "retarded" is still cool to do. They also use to have the special ed "classrooms" in closets and boiler rooms, do you long for those days too?

Did you know they also use to call them "morons?" Would you still like someone to call your granddaughter that too? I doubt that you would.

Sometime labels are removed for a reason.

moron is not the same as retarded. you are a moron. my grand daughter is retarded and I will not let anyone make me ashamed. moron is not the same as retarded. She is not a moron and she is far from being stupid.

I am going to assume you know how to read. Now, read this link I have provided for you, and get back to me on my post I made to you. You can say you're sorry to me when you are done.

Mental retardation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Idiot indicated the greatest degree of intellectual disability, where the mental age is two years or less, and the person cannot guard himself or herself against common physical dangers. The term was gradually replaced by the term profound mental retardation.
Imbecile indicated an intellectual disability less extreme than idiocy and not necessarily inherited. It is now usually subdivided into two categories, known as severe mental retardation and moderate mental retardation.
Moron was defined by the American Association for the Study of the Feeble-minded in 1910, following work by Henry H. Goddard, as the term for an adult with a mental age between eight and twelve; mild mental retardation is now the term for this condition. Alternative definitions of these terms based on IQ were also used. This group was known in UK law from 1911 to 1959/60 as "feeble-minded".
Mongolism was a medical term used to identify someone with Down syndrome. For obvious reasons, the Mongolian People's Republic requested that the medical community cease use of the term as a description of mental retardation. Their request was granted in the 1960s, when the World Health Organization agreed that the term should cease being used within the medical community.[13]
In the field of special education, educable (or "educable mentally retarded") refers to MR students with IQs of approximately 50-75 who can progress academically to a late elementary level. Trainable (or "trainable mentally retarded") refers to students whose IQs fall below 50 but who are still capable of learning personal hygiene and other living skills in a sheltered setting, such as a group home. In many areas, these terms have been replaced by use of "severe" and "moderate" mental retardation. While the names change, the meaning stays roughly the same in practice.

Say it. It is not offensive, derogatory, hurtful, a slur, ugly or demeaning and not a word to be ashamed of. If you are ashamed of the word, you are also ashamed of the “retarded” and that is wrong. A rose by any other name still smells the same. You can say “Developmentally Challenged” but it still means the same. I am not going to let a few small minded tight a** people who have a problem tell me what is good or bad about a word. Just because they may have a problem with the word does not mean I have to have a problem with it. They is nothing derogatory about the word “retarded” or the “retarded.” A word only has as much power as you give it.
It is not fashionable to say “illegal aliens” and it is often replaced with “undocumented immigrant” Same meaning.
Who in the hell has the right to tell me I cannot say “retarded?” Are there people out there so insecure that they cannot say “retarded?”

Is Retarded a Offensive Word?
Daily Candor Is ‘retarded’ an offensive word?

I suggest you say it around somebody who has retarded children. :eusa_whistle:

The retarded person is unlikely to know what the word means - much less be offended by it. True, the parents may be put out, but if they are more interested in the child's welfare than their own social status, then say it like it is!

Say it. It is not offensive, derogatory, hurtful, a slur, ugly or demeaning and not a word to be ashamed of. If you are ashamed of the word, you are also ashamed of the “retarded” and that is wrong. A rose by any other name still smells the same. You can say “Developmentally Challenged” but it still means the same. I am not going to let a few small minded tight a** people who have a problem tell me what is good or bad about a word. Just because they may have a problem with the word does not mean I have to have a problem with it. They is nothing derogatory about the word “retarded” or the “retarded.” A word only has as much power as you give it.
It is not fashionable to say “illegal aliens” and it is often replaced with “undocumented immigrant” Same meaning.
Who in the hell has the right to tell me I cannot say “retarded?” Are there people out there so insecure that they cannot say “retarded?”

Is Retarded a Offensive Word?
Daily Candor Is ‘retarded’ an offensive word?

I suggest you say it around somebody who has retarded children. :eusa_whistle:

The retarded person is unlikely to know what the word means - much less be offended by it. True, the parents may be put out, but if they are more interested in the child's welfare than their own social status, then say it like it is!

Now you just jumped the shark little old lady.

YOU are clueless to what kids with special needs can do/think/feel if you think it's ok to call them 'retarded' to their face. PLEASE tell us all that you don't call your granddaughter retarded to her face, or within her range where she can hear you, that would just break my heart.

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