Retail apocalypse 2019 store closure already surpass 2018


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
As the economy cycles down through fall, there is new, alarming data by professional services firm BDO USA LLP, first reported by The Wall Street Journal, that indicates retail bankruptcies continue to rise as store closures have already outpaced all of 2018.
Retail Apocalypse: 2019 Store Closures Already Surpass 2018

Just in time for the holiday travel oh special.

These assholes will show you how much you wished you weren't some dumb fk sheep whose clueless to the game that has been played upon us for decades . THIS IS NNOT AND WILL NOT BE TRUMPS FAULT THIS COLLAPSE WILL HAVE STARTED WAY BACK WHEN THAT ASS HOLE BUSH JUST GOT OUT OF OFFICE ADN OBAMA then took it over and tripled what Bush put out.
The retail portion of the economy has been completely distorted by online giants like Amazon and Wal Mart.

You could shoot a freakin' cannon off in many local malls without hitting anyone.

Smaller companies simply can't compete. This isn't good. We don't really have an answer for this.
Brick and mortar stores are being killed by online sales, this has been going on for quite a while now, and it will continue.
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Has there been glitches on here for anyone today?
That's progress. Just wait till agricultural work gets automated. All those unneeded slave laborers who came here to pick will all be applying for welfare. Democrats are stupid
What recession? Small businesses are doing just fine


The Dims and their media lackeys are pounding away at “the coming recession.”

But small businesses and common Americans aren’t buying.

Small businesses aren’t listening to the recession talk as of late – they’re continuing to invest, grow and hire at historically high levels.

According to the report, capital spending by small businesses posted strong improvements, with 59% of owners reporting capital outlay and another 28% planning capital outlays in the next few months. Profit trends improved to the survey’s third-highest reading in its history.

Nobody argues that there won’t be “downturns” here and there. But the general economy is strong.

More @ What recession? Small businesses are doing just fine | Gene Marks

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