Researchers have found FIVE new sources of green house gases!! All man made of course


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Researchers Find Five Previously Undetected Greenhouse Gases

Two new scientific research efforts have uncovered five new man-made greenhouse gases that may play a role in climate change and ozone depletion.

Increasing greenhouse gases trap additional heat in the lower atmosphere, which results in higher surface temperatures, Senior Meteorologist Brett Anderson said.

"Climate models certainly account for the increase in greenhouse gases," Anderson said. "The increase in greenhouse gases may be causing more extremes in global weather over the long term, such as heat waves, drought and heavy precipitation events. However, it is
very difficult to blame any particular extreme event on climate change."

The discovery of three chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and one hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) were reported online March 9, 2014, in the journal "Nature Geoscience" by researchers from the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, France and the Netherlands.

"We were certainly surprised to find so many previously undetected gases out there, and we keep finding more," Johannes C. Laube of the University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K., said.

At their current concentrations, the new gases do not pose a major threat to the ozone layer as they are tens to hundreds of times smaller than those of the known seven types of CFCs, which are still around, he said.

"What is worrying is the continuing increase of two of the gases, in particular that of CFC-113a, which is a) Much more dangerous to ozone than HCFC-133a, and b) has started to accelerate its increase after 2010. If such a trend were to continue, it would become a serious threat to the ozone layer within the next decade," Laube said.


The person in bold type. Researcher from the University of Anglia......

Guess where those emails that were found between these scientists were a few years ago. Take a big guess. At the University of Anglia...

So a few weeks ago they said the science was settled. Well, now it appears it is not settled. "They" have found 5 new sources of green house gases, and all come from evil humans (corporations.)
Tax more corporations!!!!!

Guess where those emails that were found between these scientists were a few years ago. Take a big guess. At the University of Anglia...

When the data disagrees with your cult ... just invoke the big conspiracy theory!

Owl, that would be why the whole planet now correctly defines you as a cultist. The crazy conspiracy theories are all you deniers have left.

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