Researchers can prevent outbreaks by vaccinating fewer people


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Researchers Can Prevent Outbreaks by ‘Vaccinating Fewer People’
The method is called “explosive immunization”

It seems like every time you turn on your TV, there is a vaccine ad promising to protect you from everything from HPV to shingles, to pneumonia to the flu.

Vaccine controversy as a whole aside, I’m here to report how some scientists at the University of Aberdeen say they have come up with a mathematical method to prevent epidemics which actually involves vaccinating fewer people.

Vaccines use to be considered safe, but today they have been anything but safe.
Case after case proves how deadly and or damaging they can be.
Since the medical industry has been trained to think how wonder they are, they too pass on the wrong information to people.

They've been trained the way big pharma wants them trained, there are exceptions where some medical staff know other wise and often come out about it knowing they risk losing their jobs.

There are things in these vaccines most people refuse to believe but documented studies, nurses have all come out admitting it is true.

The worst part is all this information is in the insert of the vaccine, people do not read it all they just listen to the doctor tell them don't worry it's only one out of a million that die from it etc.

it's become such an awareness on it the Government is beginning to order the big pharma makes NOT TO PUT THE INSERT with in the package anyone with a brain would get a red flag on that one.


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Vaccines use to be considered safe, but today they have been anything but safe.

There has always been a risk with vaccines- but the risk is higher without vaccines.

I still remember polio victims. I have family members who have had shingles- and as soon as I am the appropriate age for a shingles vaccine I will get it- why would anyone choose to take a chance with shingles? Vaccines do help with outbreaks, which is why we don't have kids dying of measles, and people dying of the flu, in the US like they do elsewhere.
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  • #4 Vaccines do help with outbreaks, which is why we don't have kids dying of measles, and people dying of the flu, in the US like they do elsewhere.
No they spread the out breaks depending on what it is . Like measles for example. Mostly vaccines with live viruses because they shed.
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Notes on Herd Immunity from Andrew Wakefield

Herd Immunity is a term that is bandied around in defense of mass and mandatory vaccination. What is it and why is it important?

Let’s set out a working definition of what Herd Immunity is at a functional level in the population: Herd Immunity is the presence of adequate immunity within a population against a specific infection that operates to protect those at high risk of serious infection and consequently, reduce morbidity and mortality from that infection.

Now let’s separate out Herd Immunity, comparing what it meant in the pre-vaccine era compared with what it means in the vaccine era, using specific infections as examples.

Measles: Herd Immunity in the pre-vaccine era
  • When measles first enters a population that has not been exposed to measles before, Herd Immunity is zero and there is, initially, a very high morbidity (illness) and mortality.
  • This occurs in large part as a consequence of high dose exposure.
  • High dose exposure occurs because, in the absence of viral immunity, viral replication is unimpeded in the multiple susceptible human reservoirs in which it thrives. High doses of measles virus are transmitted from one person to the next. Added to this, socioeconomic circumstances contribute to high dose exposure. This includes high population density (easy transmission) and poor antiviral defenses (e.g. low vitamins A, D, and C). An example is the ravage of measles in Confederate soldiers amassed in barracks and hospitals in the American Civil War.
  • Over time, as measles becomes endemic (constantly circulating) in a population with

Notes on Herd Immunity from Andrew Wakefield - Vaxxed
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Vaccines use to be considered safe, but today they have been anything but safe.

There has always been a risk with vaccines- but the risk is higher without vaccines.

I still remember polio victims. I have family members who have had shingles- and as soon as I am the appropriate age for a shingles vaccine I will get it- why would anyone choose to take a chance with shingles?

Did you know there were polio vaccines tainted with HIV, and there were some tainted with a cancer virus?
Vaccines use to be considered safe, but today they have been anything but safe.

There has always been a risk with vaccines- but the risk is higher without vaccines.

I still remember polio victims. I have family members who have had shingles- and as soon as I am the appropriate age for a shingles vaccine I will get it- why would anyone choose to take a chance with shingles?

Did you know there were polio vaccines tainted with HIV, and there were some tainted with a cancer virus?

Did you know that there tooth paste was actually a Communist conspiracy?
It's often scary for the uniformed to accept they give their kids these things and don't believe a gawd damn thing until they see the lights go out in their kids eyes. Oh then suddenly it's not a conspiracy. Parents who fk up their kids knowing the warnings are there, but ignore it. The kid pays for it with their PARENTS IGNORANCE, and thinking the Medical field is AUTHORITY and DOCTOR knows best, why they know your kid better than you do.
WAKE UP CLUELESS. Vaccines do help with outbreaks, which is why we don't have kids dying of measles, and people dying of the flu, in the US like they do elsewhere.
No they spread the out breaks depending on what it is . Like measles for example. Mostly vaccines with live viruses because they shed.

Yes- that is why we have constant outbreaks of smallpox and polio in the United States.
Vaccines use to be considered safe, but today they have been anything but safe.

There has always been a risk with vaccines- but the risk is higher without vaccines.

I still remember polio victims. I have family members who have had shingles- and as soon as I am the appropriate age for a shingles vaccine I will get it- why would anyone choose to take a chance with shingles?

Did you know there were polio vaccines tainted with HIV, and there were some tainted with a cancer virus?

Did you know that there tooth paste was actually a Communist conspiracy?

Did you ever notice the Communist even put a waring on the toothpaste tube WARNING not to swallow and if so Call poison control wow it's even put right in front of people's faces.

But don't worry since it's being sold as " it takes a lot to kill you first". lmao
It's often scary for the uniformed.

Fear is what the anti-vaxxers thrive on.

If you were only risking your kids well, that would be largely your issue.

But why you want to risk the lives of infants who are too young to be vaccinated, and those of children with compromised immune systems makes it everyone's issue. Vaccines do help with outbreaks, which is why we don't have kids dying of measles, and people dying of the flu, in the US like they do elsewhere.
No they spread the out breaks depending on what it is . Like measles for example. Mostly vaccines with live viruses because they shed.

Yes- that is why we have constant outbreaks of smallpox and polio in the United States.

Czech newspapers are questioning whether the shocking discovery of vaccines contaminated with the deadly avian flu virus -- distributed to 18 countries by the American company Baxter -- were part of a conspiracy to provoke a pandemic.

Baxter flu vaccines contaminated with H5N1 (the human form of avian flu) were received by labs in the Czech Republic, Germany and Slovenia. Initially, Baxter refused to reveal how the vaccines were contaminated with H5N1, invoking “trade secrets.” After increased pressure, they then claimed that pure H5N1 batches were sent by accident.

Were Tainted Vaccines a Conspiracy to Provoke a Pandemic! Vaccines do help with outbreaks, which is why we don't have kids dying of measles, and people dying of the flu, in the US like they do elsewhere.
No they spread the out breaks depending on what it is . Like measles for example. Mostly vaccines with live viruses because they shed.

Yes- that is why we have constant outbreaks of smallpox and polio in the United States.

Czech newspapers are!

Nice links to conspiracy websites.

What 'Czech newspapers'?

No link- no actual reference.

Typical of Conspiracy promoters.
It's often scary for the uniformed.

Fear is what the anti-vaxxers thrive on.

If you were only risking your kids well, that would be largely your issue.

But why you want to risk the lives of infants who are too young to be vaccinated, and those of children with compromised immune systems makes it everyone's issue.

The published list of vaccine side effects is long, here is the short list from only the Hep B vaccine. The subtitles are in Serbian - they are trying to pass laws there to give children vaccines in schools without parental knowledge or consent. Feel safe? Could that happen here?


WOW even the MD's telling you lmao and you all still don't get it. Vaccines do help with outbreaks, which is why we don't have kids dying of measles, and people dying of the flu, in the US like they do elsewhere.
No they spread the out breaks depending on what it is . Like measles for example. Mostly vaccines with live viruses because they shed.

Yes- that is why we have constant outbreaks of smallpox and polio in the United States.

Czech newspapers are!

Nice links to conspiracy websites.

What 'Czech newspapers'?

No link- no actual reference.

Typical of Conspiracy promoters.

upload_2016-12-21_11-38-42.png Vaccines do help with outbreaks, which is why we don't have kids dying of measles, and people dying of the flu, in the US like they do elsewhere.
No they spread the out breaks depending on what it is . Like measles for example. Mostly vaccines with live viruses because they shed.

Yes- that is why we have constant outbreaks of smallpox and polio in the United States.

Czech newspapers are!

Nice links to conspiracy websites.

What 'Czech newspapers'?

No link- no actual reference.

Typical of Conspiracy promoters.

View attachment 103160

Sorry, you're wrong on this one.

I know that not all vaccines are winners and I'm not an advocate for vaccinate for every single thing that they come up with a vaccine for no matter how spurious it may appear..I kick myself that I let them give my daughter a couple of those stupid hpv or whatever they were..they really pressure parents into that stuff when they bring kids in.

But polio, yeah. Smallpox, yes. Chickenpox..yes. Measles...yup. those are the big killers, and the vaccines really do help.

I believe in getting flu shots as well, particularly for vulnerable populations, just because they do slow it down. Flu mutates so fast and the vaccs are kind of hit and miss, but they still help.

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