Repub's voted to release Nune's memo--FISA warrants--Carter Page--what it is really about.

Just give it a week, after it is released....all the lies told in the memo will be disproved and the Repubs in congress will probably have egg on their face again.... :rolleyes:

though they don't care, they are not out to fix the system, they are out to obfuscate and muddy the waters as much as possible for their god, (who's in deep trouble)....with his followers....who will easily believe the hyped up partisan story with no facts behind it.....

they could care less about the rest of the Americans who just want to know the truth.....

the R's MADE CERTAIN no one on the left would believe them....they handled this in such a reckless and partisan way, WHO WOULD OR COULD believe them other than BLIND Trumpsters? They want the divide.... :rolleyes:
THEY want the divide? which side calls the other NAZI / RACIST and whatever else they can at the drop of a hat in disagreement?
[QUOTE="asaratis, post: 19179449, member: 19762"]
It's about the frantic attempts of the liberal losers here to glaze over the soon-to-be-exposed dishonesty and unethical behavior of Obama and the minions he installed in the DOJ. The swamp is being drained...all too slowly.

Yeah right. First of all I am not a liberal. I was a lifelong Republican until you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican Party. I changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN & I have over 16K posts on this board to prove that.

I am neither Republican nor Democrat. Until now, I had not heard of Doug Elmets. I contend that anyone that opposes the exposure of corruption within the Obama DOJ holdovers via the releasing of the Nunes Memo and full investigations that will result from its release is supporting the liberal's attempts to sweep their dishonest, unlawful, indeed CRIMINAL activities under the rug.

There is no corruption dumbass, it's just another right wing Republican dog and pony show that is going to backfire on Republicans.

In this nations history there has never been a President that was so naive, frankly STUPID enough to make enemies out of the 3 most powerful agencies in this country. The media, our intelligence agencies and the DOJ.

The more he call the media FAKE, the more they will write and report. The more he threatens, insults and fires intelligence agents (the FBI) the more he implicates himself into a cover-up and the deeper they will dig-- :dig:

The more he insults and threatens the DOJ with firings, or concocting stories to push them out the more they will LEAK. And they are going to bring him down.


The Saturday Night Massacre: ‘Your commander in chief has given you an order’

Hey, DUMMY! Change the bold [ to a non-bold bracket and you will fix your fucked up quote presentation!

That makes TWICE that I have pointed this out to your DUMB ASS![/QUOTE]

If there is no corruption then tell me Trump is squealing and is trying to do anything he can to derail the investigation along with his corrupt people like Nunes who are enabling him.

An honest person would want transparency..

Just about anyone who worked in the campaign has been busted for dealing with Russia, money laundering, or lies under oath like Sessions..Trump Jr., Kushner , Manafort..

It's about the frantic attempts of the liberal losers here to glaze over the soon-to-be-exposed dishonesty and unethical behavior of Obama and the minions he installed in the DOJ. The swamp is being drained...all too slowly.

Yeah right. First of all I am not a liberal. I was a lifelong Republican until you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican Party. I changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN & I have over 16K posts on this board to prove that.

I am neither Republican nor Democrat. Until now, I had not heard of Doug Elmets. I contend that anyone that opposes the exposure of corruption within the Obama DOJ holdovers via the releasing of the Nunes Memo and full investigations that will result from its release is supporting the liberal's attempts to sweep their dishonest, unlawful, indeed CRIMINAL activities under the rug.

There is no corruption dumbass, it's just another right wing Republican dog and pony show that is going to backfire on Republicans.

In this nations history there has never been a President that was so naive, frankly STUPID enough to make enemies out of the 3 most powerful agencies in this country. The media, our intelligence agencies and the DOJ.

The more he call the media FAKE, the more they will write and report. The more he threatens, insults and fires intelligence agents (the FBI) the more he implicates himself into a cover-up and the deeper they will dig-- :dig:

The more he insults and threatens the DOJ with firings, or concocting stories to push them out the more they will LEAK. And they are going to bring him down.


The Saturday Night Massacre: ‘Your commander in chief has given you an order’

Sorry, Charlie! It is you that resides in the dumbass category. President Trump questions the honesty of the fake news media and you interpret it as an attack on freedom of the press. President Trump attacks the honesty of the FBI leaders and you interpret it as an attack on all of the FBI agents. President Trump attacks DISHONESTY within these entities you mention and you interpret it as attacks on the entities. You are the dumbass here. You're getting good at applying the liberal spin to things done by President Trump.

President Trump did NOT say that "the news media is the enemy of the people" as was reported by many in the news media. He said that "the fake news media is the enemy of the people" as it TRULY IS. You're too dense to grasp the difference.

You're no Independent--you're a dyed in the wool Republican Trump croni. And as they say--trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach algebra to a Chimpanzee.


Some links on this board that you've never paid attention to--just ignored.
Mueller already has collusion & obstruction of justice--he's going after this Trump russian mob now.
Do Russian oligarchs own Trump and his empire?
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.

For beginning news on the Russian investigation go to this link (ignore the error message)
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Wrong again, dummy! I would have voted for JFK but wasn't old enough to vote. I would have voted for Joe Lieberman but the Democrat Party was too fucking stupid to nominate him. There are some conservative Democrats in Congress. If they stay that way, I may support them in November and beyond.

I judge candidates by their actions, not their party affiliation. I am a supporter of truth and the is our current President. Your boy, Obama respected neither. The shit is about to hit the fan and the Democrat Party is going nuts...right along with you.
The Trump NaziCons are still under the mistaken impression that the dossier was the impetus for the FISA warrant on Carter Page. Rachel Maddow says former CIA Director John Brennan was the actual impetus for the FISA warrant on Page.
John Brennan is not evidence or even probable-cause. And Rachel Maddow is a leftist political hack who has been discredited too many times to be considered non-biased.
It's about the frantic attempts of the liberal losers here to glaze over the soon-to-be-exposed dishonesty and unethical behavior of Obama and the minions he installed in the DOJ. The swamp is being drained...all too slowly.

Yeah right. First of all I am not a liberal. I was a lifelong Republican until you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican Party. I changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN & I have over 16K posts on this board to prove that.

I am neither Republican nor Democrat. Until now, I had not heard of Doug Elmets. I contend that anyone that opposes the exposure of corruption within the Obama DOJ holdovers via the releasing of the Nunes Memo and full investigations that will result from its release is supporting the liberal's attempts to sweep their dishonest, unlawful, indeed CRIMINAL activities under the rug.

There is no corruption dumbass, it's just another right wing Republican dog and pony show that is going to backfire on Republicans.

In this nations history there has never been a President that was so naive, frankly STUPID enough to make enemies out of the 3 most powerful agencies in this country. The media, our intelligence agencies and the DOJ.

The more he call the media FAKE, the more they will write and report. The more he threatens, insults and fires intelligence agents (the FBI) the more he implicates himself into a cover-up and the deeper they will dig-- :dig:

The more he insults and threatens the DOJ with firings, or concocting stories to push them out the more they will LEAK. And they are going to bring him down.


The Saturday Night Massacre: ‘Your commander in chief has given you an order’

Hey, DUMMY! Change the bold [ to a non-bold bracket and you will fix your fucked up quote presentation!

That makes TWICE that I have pointed this out to your DUMB ASS!

If there is no corruption then tell me Trump is squealing and is trying to do anything he can to derail the investigation along with his corrupt people like Nunes who are enabling him.

An honest person would want transparency..

Just about anyone who worked in the campaign has been busted for dealing with Russia, money laundering, or lies under oath like Sessions..Trump Jr., Kushner , Manafort..


He is not trying to derail the investigation. The fake news media is claiming that he is trying to derail it....and you eat their shit like it was a Hersey bar.
Yeah right. First of all I am not a liberal. I was a lifelong Republican until you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican Party. I changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN & I have over 16K posts on this board to prove that.

I am neither Republican nor Democrat. Until now, I had not heard of Doug Elmets. I contend that anyone that opposes the exposure of corruption within the Obama DOJ holdovers via the releasing of the Nunes Memo and full investigations that will result from its release is supporting the liberal's attempts to sweep their dishonest, unlawful, indeed CRIMINAL activities under the rug.

There is no corruption dumbass, it's just another right wing Republican dog and pony show that is going to backfire on Republicans.

In this nations history there has never been a President that was so naive, frankly STUPID enough to make enemies out of the 3 most powerful agencies in this country. The media, our intelligence agencies and the DOJ.

The more he call the media FAKE, the more they will write and report. The more he threatens, insults and fires intelligence agents (the FBI) the more he implicates himself into a cover-up and the deeper they will dig-- :dig:

The more he insults and threatens the DOJ with firings, or concocting stories to push them out the more they will LEAK. And they are going to bring him down.


The Saturday Night Massacre: ‘Your commander in chief has given you an order’

Hey, DUMMY! Change the bold [ to a non-bold bracket and you will fix your fucked up quote presentation!

That makes TWICE that I have pointed this out to your DUMB ASS!

If there is no corruption then tell me Trump is squealing and is trying to do anything he can to derail the investigation along with his corrupt people like Nunes who are enabling him.

An honest person would want transparency..

Just about anyone who worked in the campaign has been busted for dealing with Russia, money laundering, or lies under oath like Sessions..Trump Jr., Kushner , Manafort..


He is not trying to derail the investigation. The fake news media is claiming that he is trying to derail it....and you eat their shit like it was a Hersey bar.

More like Almond Roca...
Don't forget about the IG report that will settle the R/D food fight regarding the DOJ & FBI. The IG knows the score and will be sure that the guilty are not only fired, but indicted. There are soooooo many unresolved scandals to address, here is only a quick listing:
IRS and Lois Lerner (target conservatives)
Fast and Furious
, one of Obama's earliest embarrassments, “Operation Fast and Furious,” designed to help the ATF dismantle drug cartels operating inside the United States and disrupt drug-trafficking routes. Instead, it put into the hands of criminals south of the border some 2,000 weapons, which have been used to kill hundreds of Mexicans and at least one American, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.
Clinton Server (serious mishandling of classified material, waived-off by the crooked FBI hacks, the real blackmail threat since Russia has those 33,000 missing emails)
Clinton Foundation (follow the money, $145m for selling US uranium to Russia)
UraniumOne (The real crime, not the Russia collusion hoax)

This should be a very interesting year after we get the second special counsel to investigate all the above scandals.....
Get back to us when you have four indictments and two guilty pleas.
Don't forget about the IG report that will settle the R/D food fight regarding the DOJ & FBI. The IG knows the score and will be sure that the guilty are not only fired, but indicted. There are soooooo many unresolved scandals to address, here is only a quick listing:
IRS and Lois Lerner (target conservatives)
Fast and Furious
, one of Obama's earliest embarrassments, “Operation Fast and Furious,” designed to help the ATF dismantle drug cartels operating inside the United States and disrupt drug-trafficking routes. Instead, it put into the hands of criminals south of the border some 2,000 weapons, which have been used to kill hundreds of Mexicans and at least one American, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.
Clinton Server (serious mishandling of classified material, waived-off by the crooked FBI hacks, the real blackmail threat since Russia has those 33,000 missing emails)
Clinton Foundation (follow the money, $145m for selling US uranium to Russia)
UraniumOne (The real crime, not the Russia collusion hoax)

This should be a very interesting year after we get the second special counsel to investigate all the above scandals.....
Get back to us when you have four indictments and two guilty pleas.
How many times have your folks pled the 5th???
Too many times to count. :laughing0301:
Don't forget about the IG report that will settle the R/D food fight regarding the DOJ & FBI. The IG knows the score and will be sure that the guilty are not only fired, but indicted. There are soooooo many unresolved scandals to address, here is only a quick listing:
IRS and Lois Lerner (target conservatives)
Fast and Furious
, one of Obama's earliest embarrassments, “Operation Fast and Furious,” designed to help the ATF dismantle drug cartels operating inside the United States and disrupt drug-trafficking routes. Instead, it put into the hands of criminals south of the border some 2,000 weapons, which have been used to kill hundreds of Mexicans and at least one American, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.
Clinton Server (serious mishandling of classified material, waived-off by the crooked FBI hacks, the real blackmail threat since Russia has those 33,000 missing emails)
Clinton Foundation (follow the money, $145m for selling US uranium to Russia)
UraniumOne (The real crime, not the Russia collusion hoax)

This should be a very interesting year after we get the second special counsel to investigate all the above scandals.....
Get back to us when you have four indictments and two guilty pleas.
How many times have your folks pled the 5th???
Too many times to count. :laughing0301:

Interesting that you would bring up the 5th. Michael Flynn did that, of course before he plead guilty and made a plea deal with Robert Mueller.
Michael Flynn pleads The Fifth over Russia investigation

Who can forget this one--:badgrin:

Don't forget about the IG report that will settle the R/D food fight regarding the DOJ & FBI. The IG knows the score and will be sure that the guilty are not only fired, but indicted. There are soooooo many unresolved scandals to address, here is only a quick listing:
IRS and Lois Lerner (target conservatives)
Fast and Furious
, one of Obama's earliest embarrassments, “Operation Fast and Furious,” designed to help the ATF dismantle drug cartels operating inside the United States and disrupt drug-trafficking routes. Instead, it put into the hands of criminals south of the border some 2,000 weapons, which have been used to kill hundreds of Mexicans and at least one American, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.
Clinton Server (serious mishandling of classified material, waived-off by the crooked FBI hacks, the real blackmail threat since Russia has those 33,000 missing emails)
Clinton Foundation (follow the money, $145m for selling US uranium to Russia)
UraniumOne (The real crime, not the Russia collusion hoax)

This should be a very interesting year after we get the second special counsel to investigate all the above scandals.....
Get back to us when you have four indictments and two guilty pleas.
How many times have your folks pled the 5th???
Too many times to count. :laughing0301:

Interesting that you would bring up the 5th. Michael Flynn did that, of course before he plead guilty and made a plea deal with Robert Mueller.
Michael Flynn pleads The Fifth over Russia investigation

Who can forget this one--:badgrin:

This is like Moby Dick complaining about a guppy killing sailors.:290968001256257790-final:

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