Repubs and Tea Partiers will get snookered again


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
Here we go again, the RepubliCONs say they will cut spending, balance the budget and cut taxes. They will not say what they are prepared to cut. They WILL say that it won't be the military, Social Security or Medicare. The only way to balance the budget without touching those items is to cut off the corporations, end the tax breaks and subsidies. Not going to happen. They will never bite the hand that feeds.

The only thing they will get done is a tax cut for the wealthy.

After that look for endless investigations of the Obama Administration about BS trumpted up charges which will serve to keep the easily fooled from realizing that the RepubliCONs are stealing our tax money again.

The Repubs and the Tea Partiers will get snookered again, it would be funny if it weren't so tragic.
I guess we have to listen to two more years of whiny-assed liberal Democrats piss and moan because they aren't in charge of the whole playground.
Who has proposed tax cuts for the wealthy?!?

They get my vote, whoever they are!
I guess we have to listen to two more years of whiny-assed liberal Democrats piss and moan because they aren't in charge of the whole playground.

You really have your nerve. It's the other way around. Republican right wing idiots are the sorest losers on the planet.
I guess we have to listen to two more years of whiny-assed liberal Democrats piss and moan because they aren't in charge of the whole playground.

No, pissing and moaning because the easily fooled keep voting against their own best interest... Oh just go watch Fox some more.
I guess we have to listen to two more years of whiny-assed liberal Democrats piss and moan because they aren't in charge of the whole playground.

No, pissing and moaning because the easily fooled keep voting against their own best interest... Oh just go watch Fox some more.
wrong, thats what happened in 2006 and 2008
lots of people woke up and voted IN their best interest now
Who has proposed tax cuts for the wealthy?!?

They get my vote, whoever they are!

Thats what the Bush cuts are, almost 25% of the cuts go to less than 10% of the people. Let me guess, you think that sounds fair.

So what if the rest of us have to pick up the slack.

Well, you can lead a horse to water...
I guess we have to listen to two more years of whiny-assed liberal Democrats piss and moan because they aren't in charge of the whole playground.

No, pissing and moaning because the easily fooled keep voting against their own best interest... Oh just go watch Fox some more.
wrong, thats what happened in 2006 and 2008
lots of people woke up and voted IN their best interest now

I see, so you must be bringing down over a quater of a million a year? Or are you masochistic and want to pay more so the rich can pay less?

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