..republicrats and other stinking fraud...

...why do you republican and democrat cheerleaders continue to suck for such an obvious fraud?.

..after all, 'politics' is nothing more or less than 'a competition of ideas about government'..

..so how come we don't have honest, open, 'competitions of ideas about government?'..

...you'll note that in mere sports competitions numerous skilled participants compete candidly, head-to-head..with the 'announcers and cheerleaders' secondary to the event..

...but those among us not brainwashed can plainly see the utter fraud in your stinking republicrat 'political competitions': :rolleyes: ...where a couple/few of handpicked, puppet, republicrat shit-heads rarely, if ever, debate honestly..and the announcers and cheerleaders do most of the 'performing' during the 'political season..'

...consequently, in honest sports competitions we end up with honestly skilled champions...whereas in 'political competitions' :rolleyes: we end up with some of the most stooooooooooooopid, phony, blow-dried 'thinkers' in the country..

...in other words, you stoooooooooooooopid republicrat cheerleaders, we have more open, honest 'competing' going on at little league tryouts than we have in your phony, republicrat, hand-picked puppet political 'competitions'..

(hint for republicrat cheerleaders: ..selecting the people who assume the power of life and liberty over us seems more important than selecting the little league team..)

..the rest of you, have a good day!.. ;)

Is this Ihope? This is Ihope, right? :confused:

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