
Because history does not end tomorrow and did not start yesterday.

There was a golden opportunity to get massive gains in power for the right because the people are so damn tired of the left right now. But they failed to really create that sea change.

Do you really not see how that pertains to the next election and the short term future of the republican party? This is kind of my point here, it seems like you did not learn anything. Biden's agenda is not going away with Biden. The next guy will essentially be the same thing. Do you want to just keep putting it off until it gets here or do you actually want to change things?
Sure I see it....but I am not going to cry in my overpriced cereal for taking over Congress. Some red states became redder, I think Trump was delivered a message about his influence, and we made some headway. Of course we would all love a red wave but a lot of that was hype by the press so they could shoot any progress we made short of that down.
I certainly think we need to do a lot more, but this is a start.
Republicans should have learned their message is divisive and devoid of ideas
Yes it is divisive. It divides good people from the scum in the progress movement. Conservative have ideas. Tried and true ideas which were the backbone of society for centuries. Ideas that worked… until we gave up on logic and started worrying about emotions.
They are dumb creatures who think progress is evil magic
Most progress IS evil.
Yes it is divisive. It divides good people from the scum in the progress movement. Conservative have ideas. Tried and true ideas which were the backbone of society for centuries. Ideas that worked… until we gave up on logic and started worrying about emotions.

Most progress IS evil.
Progress has been the backbone of the US for centuries. If you didnt know that you have no business pontificating about it.
Sure I see it....but I am not going to cry in my overpriced cereal for taking over Congress. Some red states became redder, I think Trump was delivered a message about his influence, and we made some headway. Of course we would all love a red wave but a lot of that was hype by the press so they could shoot any progress we made short of that down.
I certainly think we need to do a lot more, but this is a start.
That had nothing to do 'hype.' History and every singe metric that existed showed republicans should have had a MUCH better night. All of them.

More excuses.
That had nothing to do 'hype.' History and every singe metric that existed showed republicans should have had a MUCH better night. All of them.

More excuses.
Well, I think if you stop and think about it a moment, you will see some other viewpoints. I wanted a wave but am optimistic we at least have a foot in the door to prevent spread of the Reich.
You just had an election where the opposing president essentially has the worst popularity ever. With the economy mid crash. An inflation rate through the roof and the cost of those things people need even more so. A map that looked fantastic. Increasing war weariness over Ukraine let alone the other FP disasters that have happened in the last 2 years. Shortages still happening all over the place with local stores regularly running out of basic staples. Basically, we could not have stacked the deck better.

And you still barely squeaked by underperforming every single projection out there. You could not even beat the senate candidate that could barely even speak.

The real question is...

Did you learn anything at all from it?
Go back to pre-covid voting rules and you would see a significant change. Democrats don't want to do that. That is all you really need to know about what is going on. I'm not necessarily talking about cheating, but rather ballot harvesting, etc. That heavily favors Democrats in large, highly populated areas.
Irrelevant. The subject is not can the R's squeak out control of the senate. It was did you learn anything from the massive underperformance of your party this election cycle.
Is the question really that hard to understand?
No, you did not. You knew this before. That is not learning anything. That is taking a loss and then using failure to reinforce your priors. IOW, to ensure more failure is on the horizon.
You can say that but it is the same claptrap that brought you this election. And it did not work. You want to continue doing things that cause republicans to underperform?
1. Yes the subject is control of the House and the Senate after midterms, we have the House, mission accomplished.
2. Yes we know democrats lie, and their stupid voters believe them. Not news.
3. 2024 is coming, after two more horrible years under Biden's incompetence. The "red wave" was a construct of the pollsters and the pols looking for donations. We took the House back, that's a success, whether by 5 seats to 50 seats.
They did and you have a chance at the senate, remote as it may be. That does not change the fact that with the cards stacked in your favor you performed WELL under both current expectations and what history would have suggested.

Ron DeSantis is not a lesson, that is another candidate. The question is what did republicans learn. Because if they did not learn anything, the reality is that the next election really will be a blue wave because things will not be nearly as good for the right.

Yeah, and we control what the R party does about as much as you control what the D party does, which is no control.

What should 'we' have learned? I'm eager to hear your superior intellect put us all in our place.
Well, I think if you stop and think about it a moment, you will see some other viewpoints. I wanted a wave but am optimistic we at least have a foot in the door to prevent spread of the Reich.
What other viewpoints are you referring to?

You have not presented a viewpoint on the OP other than what I already stated, you learned nothing from the election. Just reinforcement of priors.
Progress has been the backbone of the US for centuries. If you didnt know that you have no business pontificating about it.

Guess it depends on what your definition of 'progress' is. Going back to the stone age is not progress.
Yeah, and we control what the R party does about as much as you control what the D party does, which is no control.

What should 'we' have learned? I'm eager to hear your superior intellect put us all in our place.
Another nothing.

I wonder why you think I would influence the democrats, I am not a democrat. Partisan much.
You people don’t progress anything.

“Progressives” are the most regressive barbarians there are.
Yeah, seems to me their idea of "progress" is a strong centralized authority, no individuality and if you get out of line, you are cancelled or assaulted. Like how our ancestors lived.
Progress has been the backbone of the US for centuries. If you didnt know that you have no business pontificating about it.
Progs have become what they despised many many decadesa go. Extremists rule and radical thought has been normalized. And Progs are to blind to see it. Kennedy said...."Its not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country". Those words are fading away more and more.
Go back to pre-covid voting rules and you would see a significant change. Democrats don't want to do that. That is all you really need to know about what is going on. I'm not necessarily talking about cheating, but rather ballot harvesting, etc. That heavily favors Democrats in large, highly populated areas.
More nothing.

This is a view you already had. It is something that is also not going to happen. So you will get a repeat of tonight in 2 years without all the headwinds.
They learned jack and shit. Nothing. Trump is still their king. It's a fucking embarrassment they call themselves Republicans. I was a registered Republican from day one when I turned 18 and could vote, though I did not always vote straight party since I can think for myself. I went unaffiliated when Bush went into Iraq, but still leaned right and still do. Trump was the worst mistake the GOP ever made.

And his supporters? For most of them he was nothing but a punchline prior to coming down that escalator, announcing his decision to run, then spewing his xenophobic bullshit and the rest of his claptrap. How he fooled so many people boggles the mind. And they continue to be clueless about how bad he really is... Fuck, he could not beat the cognitively impaired Biden! The worst candidate since Hillary!

The more he vomits his bullshit and the more they brainlessly parrot it, the farther away they drive Republicans like me. I'll won't go over to the dark side, either one of them... I'll continue to vote my conscience and sleep well at night.


And if Desantis wins the nomination in 2024 you will still be here saying that we're 'cultists', following a liar, that he's our 'king'. Blah, blah, blah... Nothing will change, not a thing.
Another nothing.

I wonder why you think I would influence the democrats, I am not a democrat. Partisan much.

So you just created this to be a troll thread? Your op was a 'nothing', it made no point, only asked a question. And as I figured, you have no answer, you just want to troll.
Progs have become what they despised many many decadesa go. Extremists rule and radical thought has been normalized. And Progs are to blind to see it. Kennedy said...."Its not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country". Those words are fading away more and more.

I've been saying that for years. They're moral authoritarians, supposedly what they hated. In fact, they just wanted power.

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