Republicans why do you think the GOP will take the White House in 2016?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Putting aside the obvious erosion of the ideology demonstrated by the changing attitudes on the confederate flag and gay marriage, there is more to address about 2016.

The second highest polling GOP candidate, Donald Trump, is nothing short of a clown. His placement in the polls says a lot about the republican base. He's appealing to them because he is an emotionally charged, unapologetic douche bag. Republicans love their brutish, machismo candidates like Trump. Why be a practical candidate that focuses on real issues and FACTS when you can boost the base by simply calling Mexicans mother fuckers? Of course everyone else in this country knows he is a dumbass which is why he has no chance in hell of becoming president.

GOP Candidates push laughable and ridiculous ideas like building a huge border wall and having Mexico pay for it or abolishing the Supreme Court and IRS. All of that sounds that sounds so rousing to the overly emotional, knuckle dragging Tea Party base so they throw their support to these candidates. Of course anyone of reasonable intelligence knows that NONE of those proposals will ever happen regardless of whether or not one of those clowns make it to the White House. Those people - democrats and independents - want nothing to do with those candidates because they see them for the clowns that they are. ObamaCare may not have a majority popularity right now, but among the people who have actually used it, it is quite popular. Don't you think that it is very possible that by the time 2016 comes around a majority of Americans will come to embrace it?

Look, Hillary is far from perfect. She has a questionable record. However, she still has viability. She is still polling strongly And like other democrats she strike a popular tone. They address real problems people care about like the growing income inequality, big money in politics, climate change, and staggering wages. Don't you think people will respond more to that kind of platform?
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I say they have no chance b/c leftist will focus on shit that's meaningless about the gop, like some of the useless shit you listed.

and the left proved beyond all doubt that they will lie and lie and lie to keep the wh.

meaningless tripe will lead while the horrors of leftist leadership will be pushed aside.

that's how obama get elected and re-elected.
No women vote, no youth vote, no black vote, no Hispanic vote, no candidate with the support to take Hillary, a likely third party candidate to suck off votes, and you're wondering how the GOP is going to take the White House? My advice is put down the crack pipe before you do anything else.
I am not going to speak for all of America only my impression of what I think America is thinking. I think that most Americans are tired of the division and strife of the last 8 long years. I also believe they are smart enough to realize it isn't because Obama is black but because he is an ideologue who has pretty much messed up all that he touched. Time for a change that won't be a change but what else can the voters do?
No women vote, no youth vote, no black vote, no Hispanic vote, no candidate with the support to take Hillary, a likely third party candidate to suck off votes, and you're wondering how the GOP is going to take the White House? My advice is put down the crack pipe before you do anything else.

Yeah, Bush never had a chance, twice.
No women vote, no youth vote, no black vote, no Hispanic vote, no candidate with the support to take Hillary, a likely third party candidate to suck off votes, and you're wondering how the GOP is going to take the White House? My advice is put down the crack pipe before you do anything else.

Yeah, Bush never had a chance, twice.

Cheating works
I am not going to speak for all of America only my impression of what I think America is thinking. I think that most Americans are tired of the division and strife of the last 8 long years. I also believe they are smart enough to realize it isn't because Obama is black but because he is an ideologue who has pretty much messed up all that he touched. Time for a change that won't be a change but what else can the voters do?
Instead of trying to justify why we shouldn't vote democrat, why don't you explain why we should vote republican?
I am not going to speak for all of America only my impression of what I think America is thinking. I think that most Americans are tired of the division and strife of the last 8 long years. I also believe they are smart enough to realize it isn't because Obama is black but because he is an ideologue who has pretty much messed up all that he touched. Time for a change that won't be a change but what else can the voters do?

The problem with that idea is that when people start looking at the big picture, Obama has been a good president, no matter what you may wish to think.
I am not going to speak for all of America only my impression of what I think America is thinking. I think that most Americans are tired of the division and strife of the last 8 long years. I also believe they are smart enough to realize it isn't because Obama is black but because he is an ideologue who has pretty much messed up all that he touched. Time for a change that won't be a change but what else can the voters do?

The problem with that idea is that when people start looking at the big picture, Obama has been a good president, no matter what you may wish to think.
LOL! The most failed president in history. Every program is a failure. Every foreign policy initiative has failed. Most people think the recession never ended, because for them it never did.
The Democrats have no chance.
First off, generally parties do not retain the presidency after 8 years in office. Voters are looking for a change and Hillary lacks that "new car smell."
Second, historically the sunny upbeat young candidate always beats the older more dour candidate. Hillary is a scold. There is nothing positive in her campaign message, only envy and hatred for others.
The GOP has a stable of bright young enthusiastic experienced and capable candidates.
The Democrats have one old woman with a 40 year history of ethical problems that the press will not cover up. They also have a septagenerian purveyor of extreme socialism. Neither one has executive experience.
It will be no contest. Headlines after the election will wonder if the Democrarts are still a viable party, having lost Congress, the presidency, most governorships and most state houses.
USMB nutters have failed to realize that they aren't very good when it comes to reading the pulse of the American electorate. I understand the wishful is to be expected. But, the bravado with which they make these predictions is hard for me to figure. Where does the confidence come from if not a well of denial?
USMB nutters have failed to realize that they aren't very good when it comes to reading the pulse of the American electorate. I understand the wishful is to be expected. But, the bravado with which they make these predictions is hard for me to figure. Where does the confidence come from if not a well of denial?
We correctly predicted the blowouts in 2010 and 2014. Even experts underestimated the fraud that Obama would bring into play in 2012. So where is the failure?
USMB nutters have failed to realize that they aren't very good when it comes to reading the pulse of the American electorate. I understand the wishful is to be expected. But, the bravado with which they make these predictions is hard for me to figure. Where does the confidence come from if not a well of denial?
We correctly predicted the blowouts in 2010 and 2014. Even experts underestimated the fraud that Obama would bring into play in 2012. So where is the failure?

Good boy!
USMB nutters have failed to realize that they aren't very good when it comes to reading the pulse of the American electorate. I understand the wishful is to be expected. But, the bravado with which they make these predictions is hard for me to figure. Where does the confidence come from if not a well of denial?
We correctly predicted the blowouts in 2010 and 2014. Even experts underestimated the fraud that Obama would bring into play in 2012. So where is the failure?

Good boy.
Your lack of ability to answer is noted.
Your lack of ability to engage the topic is noted.
Your total failure as a poster here need not be noted as it was already well known.
No women vote, no youth vote, no black vote, no Hispanic vote, no candidate with the support to take Hillary, a likely third party candidate to suck off votes, and you're wondering how the GOP is going to take the White House? My advice is put down the crack pipe before you do anything else.

Yeah, Bush never had a chance, twice.

Yes, and we are still paying for his being elected "twice."

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