Republicans state Trump pressured them to drop investigation--Sessions refused to answer question

Yeah, he basically told them to get off their asses and get it done, they've all said there has been no evidence of coordination, so get it done already.

The Republicans want to get rid of Trump just as much as we do. Sometime someone's going to put poison in his fry sauce and that will be the end of it.
They never wanted him anyway. I imagine most Senate Republicans voted for Hillary Clinton. I know all the Bush's did, Mitt Romney and others.

They're scared to death of their bat shit crazy right wing base is why they haven't done anything yet. I imagine they will soon. If they don't they'll actually have to campaign against him in the midterm election cycle if they want any chance of retaining their seats. A Tsunami is headed in their direction, and they know it.

Now that's funny. LMAO It's the obstructionist commiecrats were Trump won big that should be worried, not republicans.

Trump makes Nixon look like a paragon of virtue. You'll see. It will all come out as a result of the investigation.



Show me the proof, then we'll talk, so far it's been nothing but speculation, supposition and innuendo. You commiecrats will starve on that diet.

Dallas schmuck still thinks Trump's a paragon of virtue despite having exhibit A: his whole life as an example of the opposite.
The Republicans want to get rid of Trump just as much as we do. Sometime someone's going to put poison in his fry sauce and that will be the end of it.
They never wanted him anyway. I imagine most Senate Republicans voted for Hillary Clinton. I know all the Bush's did, Mitt Romney and others.

They're scared to death of their bat shit crazy right wing base is why they haven't done anything yet. I imagine they will soon. If they don't they'll actually have to campaign against him in the midterm election cycle if they want any chance of retaining their seats. A Tsunami is headed in their direction, and they know it.

Now that's funny. LMAO It's the obstructionist commiecrats were Trump won big that should be worried, not republicans.

Trump makes Nixon look like a paragon of virtue. You'll see. It will all come out as a result of the investigation.



Show me the proof, then we'll talk, so far it's been nothing but speculation, supposition and innuendo. You commiecrats will starve on that diet.

Dallas schmuck still thinks Trump's a paragon of virtue despite having exhibit A: his whole life as an example of the opposite.
I want to know why Trump is hiding his tax returns. I'll bet there is something there that will bring him down, no question.
The Republicans want to get rid of Trump just as much as we do. Sometime someone's going to put poison in his fry sauce and that will be the end of it.
They never wanted him anyway. I imagine most Senate Republicans voted for Hillary Clinton. I know all the Bush's did, Mitt Romney and others.

They're scared to death of their bat shit crazy right wing base is why they haven't done anything yet. I imagine they will soon. If they don't they'll actually have to campaign against him in the midterm election cycle if they want any chance of retaining their seats. A Tsunami is headed in their direction, and they know it.

Now that's funny. LMAO It's the obstructionist commiecrats were Trump won big that should be worried, not republicans.

Trump makes Nixon look like a paragon of virtue. You'll see. It will all come out as a result of the investigation.



Show me the proof, then we'll talk, so far it's been nothing but speculation, supposition and innuendo. You commiecrats will starve on that diet.

Dallas schmuck still thinks Trump's a paragon of virtue despite having exhibit A: his whole life as an example of the opposite.

"Dallas"? Seriously? LMAO

Mike Pence could sign that tax bill just as easily. The longer they keep Trump in office,

But they want it now, not a year or 18 months from now.

Yeah I am certain they want it passed asap, but who knows if they will get it done. Its creating a lot of high anxiety in the public who have been pressuring them to vote no on it.

I don't think large corporations need a tax cut. They seem to be doing fine right now, nor do I believe it will create more jobs here, but it will defintely make fatter wallets out of the corporate branch.
Mike Pence could sign that tax bill just as easily. The longer they keep Trump in office,

But they want it now, not a year or 18 months from now.

Yeah I am certain they want it passed asap, but who knows if they will get it done. Its creating a lot of high anxiety in the public who have been pressuring them to vote no on it.

I don't think large corporations need a tax cut. They seem to be doing fine right now, nor do I believe it will create more jobs here, but it will defintely make fatter wallets out of the corporate branch.

It might be a good idea to lower the rate, but then both close the loopholes incentivizing them to take money overseas, and giving them a bit of amnesty on bringing back some of that money. Of course, that has nothing to do with the current tax bill, contrary to Trump's constant rhetoric during the campaign.
Yeah, he basically told them to get off their asses and get it don

Yes, imagine that....the subject of an investigation wanting it to go away. I bet that never happens.

I see you've got the talking points and propaganda down pat. Reasonable people know Trump was used to things moving at the speed of business, not the sloth like movement of the DC swamp. He knew he had done nothing wrong and just wanted them get their job done so everyone could move on.

Mike Pence could sign that tax bill just as easily. The longer they keep Trump in office,

But they want it now, not a year or 18 months from now.

Yeah I am certain they want it passed asap, but who knows if they will get it done. Its creating a lot of high anxiety in the public who have been pressuring them to vote no on it.

I don't think large corporations need a tax cut. They seem to be doing fine right now, nor do I believe it will create more jobs here, but it will defintely make fatter wallets out of the corporate branch.

It might be a good idea to lower the rate, but then both close the loopholes incentivizing them to take money overseas, and giving them a bit of amnesty on bringing back some of that money. Of course, that has nothing to do with the current tax bill, contrary to Trump's constant rhetoric during the campaign.

Yeah, if they did it might help--but I haven't heard anything about closing overseas loopholes. Corporations move operations overseas to avoid our payroll & payroll taxes. Workman's compensation and all the things that are added on that are required in this country.

They don't move jobs overseas because of their federal tax liability. So I don't know where they get that this is going to create more jobs in this country? It is going to add 1.5 Trillion to the deficit--and the poor and middle class will get a tax deduction that amounts to an extra gallon of milk each week, while large corporations like Big Pharma, Oil & others--will just take the money to expand operations overseas or just stuff their own pockets with more money.

Then down the road, the middle class those making less than 75K per year are expected to see a tax increase, including those that make less than 10K per year. It's the most ridiculous tax bill to ever come along.

If they pass this POS--they're going to go down with it.
He knew he had done nothing wrong and just wanted them get their job done so everyone could move on.

Ah, you're clairvoyant now! You accuse me of propaganda and talking points... please, listen to the garbage you are pulling out of your ass. It didn't fool anyone then, and you regurgitating it here certainly isn't fooling anyone now. I doubt you even fool yourself.
So I don't know where they get that this is going to create more jobs in this country?

It's not, they are lying, just like they always do. Trickle down economics is a proven lie. They have been peddling the same bullshit for 40 years. Businesses don't hire people just to hire them... they hire them to meet production demand. Well, guess what dummies: rich people getting richer doesn't increase production demand.

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