Republicans pull plug on Obama impersonator


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Showing they can dish it out but can't take it. They roll in the aisles when he mocks Obama but pulled the plug on the mike when he mocked Republican candidates

Impersonator mocks Obama, Gingrich at GOP forum -

The Republican Leadership Conference turned the podium over to impersonator Reggie Brown, who drew raucous applause from the GOP's supporters when he projected lewd photos of Rep. Anthony Weiner, the New York Democrat who just resigned after the furor over his sexually charged online dalliances with a former porn actress and other women.

Brown later played up the mass exodus of advisers to candidate Newt Gingrich's campaign and said Gingrich's supporters "are dropping faster than Anthony Weiner's pants."

The audience grew more uncomfortable when Brown turned to the candidates who are looking to make Obama a one-term president.

The impersonator took a shot at former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, saying Pawlenty missed the conference because "he's having his foot surgically removed from his mouth."

"Don't worry: it's covered under Obamneycare. Along with spinal transplants," Brown said.

Pawlenty has struggled this week after previewing his criticism of former Gov. Mitt Romney's health care overhaul in Massachusetts that was a model for Democrats' national plan. Pawlenty first called it "Obamneycare," a hybrid of "Romneycare" and "Obamacare." But when given the opportunity to use the term while sharing the stage with Romney during a debate Monday night in New Hampshire, he balked.

Pawlenty later said it was a mistake not to offer a stronger criticism.

The impersonator joked about Romney's Mormon faith and about polygamy, and Rep. Michele Bachmann's tea party support.

Organizers then cut off Brown's microphone and turned on music. He was shown off the stage.
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oh brother...I'm OUTRAGED or something..:lol::cuckoo:

this is what PASSES for news from USA today..
I loved the night Colbert hosted the press club dinner.

It showed just how out of touch with reality the right leadship is.
The impersonator took a shot at former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, saying Pawlenty missed the conference because "he's having his foot surgically removed from his mouth."

"Don't worry: it's covered under Obamneycare. Along with spinal transplants," Brown said.

This guy is good, I see some SNL action in his future
The impersonator took a shot at former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, saying Pawlenty missed the conference because "he's having his foot surgically removed from his mouth."

"Don't worry: it's covered under Obamneycare. Along with spinal transplants," Brown said.

This guy is good, I see some SNL action in his future

You're right. It was funny stuff. However, if he was hired to work a RLC event, he perhaps should have aimed his humor gun at the Dems exclusively.

What he did was the political equivilant of telling Dead Baby jokes at a Pro-Life Convention.

Dead Baby jokes would kill at a Pro-Choice Convention.
they just cant take self examination.

Its why they are usually wrong on nearly every issue.

they shield themselves from criticism and in turn never truely self examine
"My mother loved a black man and, no, she was not a Kardashian," the actor said, referring to the reality television family. Khloe Kardashian is married to basketball player Lamar Odom of the Los Angeles Lakers. Other family members have had black romantic interests on the E! television series.

Brown also joked about rumors of the president's birthplace. Obama was born in Hawaii, "or as the tea partyers call it, Kenya," he said.

Good stuff
Sounds like this guy is a fool. Anyone in that sort of business needs to understand their audience and who is signing their check. You don't complain about the food or managament of a bar while you're on stage doing a comedy act there. It's likely to get you tossed out without a return gig and without a check. Basic common sense and logic.
He just upped his anty.

He will recieve many offers to play Obama for others now.
He just upped his anty.

He will recieve many offers to play Obama for others now.

awww. how sweet. :rolleyes:
the guy isn't funny and seems like a dick, so he would make the PERFECT Obama...yuk yuk yuk..
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He just upped his anty. He will recieve many offers to play Obama for others now.

Good for him, so long as he also realizes that he basically killed any chance he has of getting work from the RNC, any Republican group, and probably cut all Conservatives out of his potential audience base. You couldn't pay me to go watch his act now.
I think he knew that one from they day they hired him to play the black guy who hates the black guy for not being against everything that helped black people succede in this country.
I loved the night Colbert hosted the press club dinner.

It showed just how out of touch with reality the right leadship is.

They are not out of touch with their base. The Republican base really do want the policies their leadership push. The problem is when they come true, they end up hating those policies. THAT'S when "reality" intrudes.
He just upped his anty.

He will recieve many offers to play Obama for others now.

awww. how sweet. :rolleyes:
the guy isn't funny and seems like a dick, so he would make the PERFECT Obama...yuk yuk yuk..

Not funny?

Come don't think Pawlenty getting a spine transplant paid for by Obamacare is not funny?
Sounds like this guy is a fool. Anyone in that sort of business needs to understand their audience and who is signing their check. You don't complain about the food or managament of a bar while you're on stage doing a comedy act there. It's likely to get you tossed out without a return gig and without a check. Basic common sense and logic.

You Honor, I present to you Exhibit A:

Notice how the subject continues to shield themselves from reality or any alternative to their already hard-lined beliefs and myths. The subject just doesn't want to be disturbed with an alternative opinion or life view. The subject may or may not know they are lying and/or being lied to.

The subject is a classic example of today's "conservative."
He just upped his anty. He will recieve many offers to play Obama for others now.

Good for him, so long as he also realizes that he basically killed any chance he has of getting work from the RNC, any Republican group, and probably cut all Conservatives out of his potential audience base. You couldn't pay me to go watch his act now.

Yeah, like I'm sure the guy will be all broken up not playing to a bunch of humorless, tight-assed republicans anymore.

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