republicans hate taxing the rich but love taxing the poor

Is that why the bottom 50% of wage earners pay ZERO federal income tax?
It's true...this boils down to Obama wanting to tax the rich and the GOP wanting to tax the poor and middle class (ending stimulus tax breaks and the payroll tax holiday)
It's true...this boils down to Obama wanting to tax the rich and the GOP wanting to tax the poor and middle class (ending stimulus tax breaks and the payroll tax holiday)

Rhetoric is a hell of a drug.

How is it rhetoric? True or false; the GOP wants the payroll tax holiday as well as the extension of the Child Tax credit & EIC to expire?
Hey, America! Republicans want to raise your taxes

republicans are the opposite of robin hood.

these guys are complete crazy

come one republicans

Then why do they keep making this shit "temporary" so we keep having to address it every few years? And further more, why cut the contribution to an already bankrupt system? And ytou do realize that 47%+ pay no income tax?

Whatever, you're an ignoramus.
It's true...this boils down to Obama wanting to tax the rich and the GOP wanting to tax the poor and middle class (ending stimulus tax breaks and the payroll tax holiday)

Rhetoric is a hell of a drug.

How is it rhetoric? True or false; the GOP wants the payroll tax holiday as well as the extension of the Child Tax credit & EIC to expire?

Tax cuts for everybody ..... That's what they want.

Everybody or nobody....

You have to lie to get your bullshit message out there.
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It's true...this boils down to Obama wanting to tax the rich and the GOP wanting to tax the poor and middle class (ending stimulus tax breaks and the payroll tax holiday)

Rhetoric is a hell of a drug.

How is it rhetoric? True or false; the GOP wants the payroll tax holiday as well as the extension of the Child Tax credit & EIC to expire?

So are you telling us that the Democrats are the party of lower taxes on 99% of people yet they keep spending more than they take in?

Are you saying Dems believe in tax cuts 99% of the time?

We have hit a point where the only thing will ever balance the budget is massive cuts, that’s why you guys never talk about how much revenue these taxes on the 1% will pull in, it’s not enough to make a dent in the deficit.
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It's true...this boils down to Obama wanting to tax the rich and the GOP wanting to tax the poor and middle class (ending stimulus tax breaks and the payroll tax holiday)

Rhetoric is a hell of a drug.

How is it rhetoric? True or false; the GOP wants the payroll tax holiday as well as the extension of the Child Tax credit & EIC to expire?

Riddle me this: what entitlement program is funded with payroll taxes and what happens when it runs out of money?
Rhetoric is a hell of a drug.

How is it rhetoric? True or false; the GOP wants the payroll tax holiday as well as the extension of the Child Tax credit & EIC to expire?

So are you telling us that the Democrats are the party of lower taxes on 99% of people yet they keep spending more than they take in?

Are you saying Dems believe in tax cuts 99% of the time?

We have hit a point where the only thing will ever balance the budget is massive cuts, that’s why you guys never talk about how much revenue these taxes on the 1% will pull in, it’s not enough to make a dent in the deficit.

These new taxes will infuse just enough money to run the govt for about 10 days.

It's a ploy to make the idiots who voted for him feel better.

This POTUS is an embarrassment.
Rhetoric is a hell of a drug.

How is it rhetoric? True or false; the GOP wants the payroll tax holiday as well as the extension of the Child Tax credit & EIC to expire?

Tax cuts for everybody ..... That's what they want.

Everybody or nobody....

You have to lie to get your bullshit message out there.

That isn't what their proposal was. Their proposal ends those tax credits I mentioned. That RAISES taxes on working families.

All to protect the wealthy.
So the commiecrat want to raise taxes on the so called rich (250K+) to about 42%, while defunding social security and reducing future social security pay outs to the poor by reducing their contributions. All the while making the middle class pay more to subsidize other peoples children. Then throw in all the new cost of Maobamacare for everyone, so tell me again who's raising taxes on who. You can spin the hell out of it any way you want but when you look at the numbers the commiecrats are looking to get into everyone's pockets deeper than anyone, and extending the payroll tax holiday will hasten the demise of social security.

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