Republicans, Corporations and Government rescues


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Is anyone else amused by the way Republicans are acting in regard to the oil spill? They are all over the place criticizing the Federal government's other words, they think the Federal government should do more. They are perfectly happy with the hands off approach in regards to business yet still expect the Fed to clean up the resulting mess from such an approach.

I also notice that BP isn't refusing any government help.

Is anyone else amused by the way Republicans are acting in regard to the oil spill? They are all over the place criticizing the Federal government's other words, they think the Federal government should do more. They are perfectly happy with the hands off approach in regards to business yet still expect the Fed to clean up the resulting mess from such an approach.

I also notice that BP isn't refusing any government help.

Amazing isn't it. Katrina comes to mind. The finger is always pointing at the other.
Bobby Jindal is a prime example. He's criticizing the Federal government because they haven't built berms to protect estuaries from the oil spill.

Hello? If you were a responsible Governor, Bobby, you would have thought of this the day you got elected and requested thorough environmental studies on the impact and feasibility. But no, then it would have been government interference.

I have been blow away with the rights DEFENSE of a foreign oil company over the interests of Americans.
I have been blow away with the rights DEFENSE of a foreign oil company over the interests of Americans.

well ya man, cause it's like we all just found out BP was a foreign owned oil company and haven't been supplying the oil and gas that Americans like you and me have used ALL THESE YEARS.:lol:
I dont recall any conservatives calling to bail BP out.... it is however the governments responsibilty to be sure that all neccesary precautions are made to avoid such a mess to begin with... which they have'nt. (and that goes all the way back to Clinton.)

US gov't should assist in the cleanup and then bill BP - IHMO

I just want to know how and why it happened (the spill) to begin with. Its all very suspicious to me

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