Republicans Are Planning to Rig The 2016 Election

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Republicans Are Planning to Rig The 2016 Election ? I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists


Why this story isn’t getting more attention, I don’t know. But Republicans are openly seeking to rig the 2016 elections. RNC Chair Reince Priebus is encouraging Republicans who control the government in Democratic-leaning states–PA, OH, WI, MI especially–to overhaul their electoral systems and end winner-take-all distribution of electoral votes. Of course Republicans completely oppose doing this nationally. It is a naked and cynical attempt to rig the election. Rather than broaden their message to appeal to young and non-white voters, Republicans are looking to commit the greatest suppression of votes since the Voting Rights Act of 1965 passed.

There's really not much in this article that we don't already know and really, the Rs will just continue what they've already done in the past. Whats interesting is that their efforts to steal/buy the presidential election didn't work.

Unless the Rs leave the golf courses, unending vacations and obstructing jobs and economic growth, will it work in 2016?
Republicans Are Planning to Rig The 2016 Election ? I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists


Why this story isn’t getting more attention, I don’t know. But Republicans are openly seeking to rig the 2016 elections. RNC Chair Reince Priebus is encouraging Republicans who control the government in Democratic-leaning states–PA, OH, WI, MI especially–to overhaul their electoral systems and end winner-take-all distribution of electoral votes. Of course Republicans completely oppose doing this nationally. It is a naked and cynical attempt to rig the election. Rather than broaden their message to appeal to young and non-white voters, Republicans are looking to commit the greatest suppression of votes since the Voting Rights Act of 1965 passed.

There's really not much in this article that we don't already know and really, the Rs will just continue what they've already done in the past. Whats interesting is that their efforts to steal/buy the presidential election didn't work.

Unless the Rs leave the golf courses, unending vacations and obstructing jobs and economic growth, will it work in 2016?

I thought you supported popular vote? Now that republicans are asking for it it is bad?
Strange how all of those states that went for Obama had as much a 150% of the registered vote show up at the polls.

The wonders of same-day registration and lax voter I.D. laws at work.
This is another form of gerrymandering that has been utilized by both political parties for the past 200 years. Did you know that congressional districts only need to have the same number of persons residing in them (not voters or even citizens)?

The original provisions of the electoral college were established in order for the State Legislatures to elect the President. In theory, modern popular vote winner-take-all arrangements benefit larger States by accumulating their votes for a particular candidate. In practice, however, the political disparity between different regions of the U.S. has resulted in elections being decided by a dwindling number of "swing" States.

To date, only a couple of small States have apportioned their electoral votes, by percentage or Congressional district. In larger States, apportionment by Congressional district would invite even greater abuse than currently exists. Perhaps we should require all States to apportion their electoral votes by percentage; otherwise, we might as well just take a poll in Ohio to determine who will be President.
Bripat, is there any Republican cheating you aren't out shouting your adoration of?

Thing is, you shouldn't be so open about your "the ends always justify the means for my side, so any dirty tactics are okay!". That's why the Republican party has the reputation of dogshit now. Here's a thought. Instead of working to rig elections and lie about liberals, how about you work to not make your party not suck so much? You know, win on the issues, like Democrats.

Oh, this thing probaby won't go to far. Point is, these states have majorities of democratic voters, and the Republicans hang on to majorities because of gerrymandering. If the Republicans push their sleaze too far, Democratic turnout will overwhelm their gerrymanders and the whole Republican structure collapses.
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Bripat, is there any Republican cheating you aren't out shouting your adoration of?

Thing is, you shouldn't be so open about your "the ends always justify the means for my side, so any dirty tactics are okay!". That's why the Republican party has the reputation of dogshit now. Here's a thought. Instead of working to rig elections and lie about liberals, how about you work to not make your party not suck so much? You know, win on the issues, like Democrats.

Oh, this thing probaby won't go to far. Point is, these states have majorities of democratic voters, and the Republicans on hang on to majorities because of gerrymandering. If the Republicans push their sleaze too far, Democratic turnout will overwhelm their gerrymanders and the whole Republican structure collapses.

Well, now, that is RICH!

Democrats won in 2008 because guilt-ridden white folks wanted to prove that they were not racists by voting for a half-black dude, and in 2012 they voted for him to prove that racism is alive and well.

Democrats never won an election on merit and valid issues. Democrats invented gerrymandering.

I bet you and your ilk were not so cocky in November 7th, 2010.

And I bet you will not be so cocky on November 7th, 2014, to start and then on November 7th, 2016.

You won't have a half-white half-black community organizer and you won't have a Bush to blame.

So, brag, gloat and enjoy while you may, but remember that kharma is a bitch.
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Cheating ?? Tell us about the ten million illegals obozo got to vote for him last year.

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