Republican strategists acknowledge they were behind...guerilla tactics

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Only this week did Republican strategists acknowledge they were behind...
“guerrilla tactics” like chasing Democratic members down with video cameras and pressing them to explain votes or positions. (One target, Representative Bob Etheridge of North Carolina, had to apologize for manhandling one of his inquisitors in a clip memorialized on YouTube. Only this week did Republican strategists acknowledge they were behind the episode.)

Hiow many people here insisted the 'kid' who got roughed up was for real and not a pawn in a game?

The GOP does what it is always accusing the Dems of doing



They must of took lessons from the best in that area, the Democrats-Progressives-Commies.
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Only this week did Republican strategists acknowledge they were behind...
“guerrilla tactics” like chasing Democratic members down with video cameras and pressing them to explain votes or positions. (One target, Representative Bob Etheridge of North Carolina, had to apologize for manhandling one of his inquisitors in a clip memorialized on YouTube. Only this week did Republican strategists acknowledge they were behind the episode.)

Hiow many people here insisted the 'kid' who got roughed up was for real and not a pawn in a game?

The GOP does what it is always accusing the Dems of doing

The whole article is one fucking lie. But what could you expect from the NYTimes? "Torrent of corporate money"? Unions spent far more on Democrats than any corporation. Corporations are of course barred from contributing to candidates, btw.
So what. We won. And have held off a second wave of far left Marxist policies from Obama for at least 2 years.

And politically, we've landed in an awesome spot.

Goes good, we take credit b/c we are in the House now.

Goes bad, we blame the Dem Senate and Prez.

And we can propose symbolic, rhetoric filled bills that will rally our people, knowing the Dems in the Senate and Obama won't dare allow it to pass, then use their voting against it in 2012 to sweep them out and we'll take the White House and super majority. Death nail for liberalism.
I think the saddest part is these fucking assholes are really proud that their tactic won the race.

So when nothing changes will the GOP elite stop funding the reactionary teabaggers?
So what. We won. And have held off a second wave of far left Marxist policies from Obama for at least 2 years.

And politically, we've landed in an awesome spot.

Goes good, we take credit b/c we are in the House now.

Goes bad, we blame the Dem Senate and Prez.

And we can propose symbolic, rhetoric filled bills that will rally our people, knowing the Dems in the Senate and Obama won't dare allow it to pass, then use their voting against it in 2012 to sweep them out and we'll take the White House and super majority. Death nail for liberalism.

It's really all about controlling the narative. The so call liberal media allows the pseudo-cons to do just that, spout their non-sense non-stop without question. If America truly falls for the above (a no win situation for the Dems) then she deserves to reep the benefits of stupidity.
Because dante is a negger I refuse to offer opinions on his threads.

His liberal guerilla tactics, ie neg repping me everytime I post on his threads, has caused me to nullify anything he writes.
The whole article is one fucking lie. But what could you expect from the NYTimes? "Torrent of corporate money"? Unions spent far more on Democrats than any corporation. Corporations are of course barred from contributing to candidates, btw.

You haven't been paying very close attention until now, I see.

In this midterm election the Republicans got more than twice as much money from outside sources than Democrats. The top 4 top campaign contributors were all conservative, and the 5th highest was a union.

Since the Citizens United supreme court decision (one of my favorites because Republicans were praising legislating from the bench) there is no limit to how much money corporations can donate to campaigns. Some Republicans called this a victory for "free speech".

2010 Outside Spending by Groups | OpenSecrets
Outside Spending | OpenSecrets
For a minute there I thought this was a serious thread with a valid point.
Man I wish I got more sleep last night. ...moving on.
Bad Dumbocrat! I throw poop at you!

Only this week did Republican strategists acknowledge they were behind...
“guerrilla tactics” like chasing Democratic members down with video cameras and pressing them to explain votes or positions. (One target, Representative Bob Etheridge of North Carolina, had to apologize for manhandling one of his inquisitors in a clip memorialized on YouTube. Only this week did Republican strategists acknowledge they were behind the episode.)

Hiow many people here insisted the 'kid' who got roughed up was for real and not a pawn in a game?

The GOP does what it is always accusing the Dems of doing

The whole article is one fucking lie. But what could you expect from the NYTimes? "Torrent of corporate money"? Unions spent far more on Democrats than any corporation. Corporations are of course barred from contributing to candidates, btw.
Lies? The NYT lies?

:cuckoo: :lol:

Unions represent the working man. Many of the big companies represent one man, one family, one small group of investors. Stop comparing a major international company with an American Union.

I bet your family would be nothing without the past work of American unions.
So what. We won. And have held off a second wave of far left Marxist policies from Obama for at least 2 years.

And politically, we've landed in an awesome spot.

Goes good, we take credit b/c we are in the House now.

Goes bad, we blame the Dem Senate and Prez.

And we can propose symbolic, rhetoric filled bills that will rally our people, knowing the Dems in the Senate and Obama won't dare allow it to pass, then use their voting against it in 2012 to sweep them out and we'll take the White House and super majority. Death nail for liberalism.
'We' won? :lol: You truly are a weirdo.

far left Marxist? What, like social security, medicare, military pensions? :cuckoo:

Propose symbolic pieces of legislation and rhetoric are not governing. If members of the US Congress were to start acting like trolls on an internet message board (mirror), they would be horse whipped and voted out. When a few candidates did act like you, they mostly lost. :eusa_shhh:
Thought it was quite an interesting article.

Plan the work; work the plan. A prof drilled that into our heads in grad school and it's been one of the best lessons I ever learned.
Thought it was quite an interesting article.

Plan the work; work the plan. A prof drilled that into our heads in grad school and it's been one of the best lessons I ever learned.

The funny thing is how many cons here actually believed the 'kid's' story that he was just an innocent asking questions.


No wonder the GOP has been able to co-opt the fools with their Tea Party outfits. Many are in their golden years of memory loss anyways. :eek:
Obama and the Democrats never astro-turfed a question and answer or news conference or protest rally. Right?
The Dums are just sore because the strategy worked.
Obama and the Democrats never astro-turfed a question and answer or news conference or protest rally. Right?
The Dums are just sore because the strategy worked.

Oh noooooo! No another "Johnny did it too!" defense from a Tea Drinking purist?


:clap2: precious :clap2:


deflection is not an art form in your case -- it's a disease.

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