Republican ‘Hate Speech’ Angers US Muslims

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
What's the reason for that wave of islamophobia ? Elections, hate, deception or mere poor quality ?
Remarks by Republican candidate Gabriela Saucedo Mercer that the lifetime goal of Middle Easterners is to cause harm to the United States are sparking outrage for preaching hate and bigotry against Muslims in the country.

"We urge responsible leaders of the Republican Party in Arizona and nationwide to repudiate Ms. Mercer's bigoted comments," Imraan Siddiqi, member of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)’s chapter in Arizona said in a statement obtained by

"Her un-American and intolerant remarks are an insult to the millions of Americans of Middle Eastern heritage who have contributed so much to this great nation."
Shari`ah in White House Race (Folder)
Muslims’ Participation in US Elections (Fatwa)

Mercer, who was born in Mexico and is a naturalized US citizen, said in a video aired Tuesday that she does not want to see Middle Easterners in the US as their goal is only to cause harm to the country.

“If you know Middle Easterners, a lot of them they look Mexican or like a lot of people in South America - dark skin, dark hair, brown eyes, and they mix in," she said in the interview, recorded last year by

"And those people, their only goal in life is to cause harm to the United States. So why do we want them here, either legally or illegally?"
Muslims are always angry.

Appeasing them ain't gonna help.
Go pound sand. I couldn't give a fuck less if every fucking muslim on earth is offended.
this is what i hate about americans, "dont do anything that might upset the muslims" two things wrong with that you got half of america telling me they are peace loving and its wrong to do that, (like the pastor buringing the quran) than you have other americans saying dont do something because it might anger the muslims. "What people? Do you think the muslims need a trigger to be angry, they been angry for centuries, us parading up and down our victories is not going to anger the bees nest anymore than it already is"

i still cant believe the amount of americans that hate this country and its people. just sickening.
What's the reason for that wave of islamophobia ? Elections, hate, deception or mere poor quality ?

Many, many Muslim leaders, both political and spiritual, are calling for the death and destruction of Israel.

That is bad enough, but there is no outrage about it amongst the general Muslim population.

Rarely a peep.

So fuck you.
Their Holy Book is filled with hate for Jews and Christians.
Their Holy Book says to kill all Jews and Christians.
Many are trying to get Sharia Law into our Courts.She is right.
Her commits were taken out of context. She made it clear that she was talking about Jihadists.
this is what i hate about americans, "dont do anything that might upset the muslims" two things wrong with that you got half of america telling me they are peace loving and its wrong to do that, (like the pastor buringing the quran) than you have other americans saying dont do something because it might anger the muslims. "What people? Do you think the muslims need a trigger to be angry, they been angry for centuries, us parading up and down our victories is not going to anger the bees nest anymore than it already is"

i still cant believe the amount of americans that hate this country and its people. just sickening.

You can say what you like about people that are doing wrong, but don't include everyone when making an observation about the few that are causing the trouble.
Sinjorri said : this is what i hate about americans, "dont do anything that might upset the muslims" two things wrong with that you got half of america telling me they are peace loving and its wrong to do that, (like the pastor buringing the quran) than you have other americans saying dont do something because it might anger the muslims. "What people? Do you think the muslims need a trigger to be angry, they been angry for centuries, us parading up and down our victories is not going to anger the bees nest anymore than it already is"

i still cant believe the amount of americans that hate this country and its people. just sickening.

I completely agree. Which is why we need to start living our own lives differently and not reacting this way. Let the cowards do what they do. We need to have the convictions of our forefathers in our hearts.
What's the reason for that wave of islamophobia ? Elections, hate, deception or mere poor quality ?
Remarks by Republican candidate Gabriela Saucedo Mercer that the lifetime goal of Middle Easterners is to cause harm to the United States are sparking outrage for preaching hate and bigotry against Muslims in the country.

"We urge responsible leaders of the Republican Party in Arizona and nationwide to repudiate Ms. Mercer's bigoted comments," Imraan Siddiqi, member of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)’s chapter in Arizona said in a statement obtained by

"Her un-American and intolerant remarks are an insult to the millions of Americans of Middle Eastern heritage who have contributed so much to this great nation."
Shari`ah in White House Race (Folder)
Muslims’ Participation in US Elections (Fatwa)

Mercer, who was born in Mexico and is a naturalized US citizen, said in a video aired Tuesday that she does not want to see Middle Easterners in the US as their goal is only to cause harm to the country.

“If you know Middle Easterners, a lot of them they look Mexican or like a lot of people in South America - dark skin, dark hair, brown eyes, and they mix in," she said in the interview, recorded last year by

"And those people, their only goal in life is to cause harm to the United States. So why do we want them here, either legally or illegally?"

Until all the so-called "peaceful" Muslims condemn and repudiate the violent and hateful actions and words of their so-called "radical" brethren, the can stuff their outrage where the sun doesn't shine.
this is what i hate about americans, "dont do anything that might upset the muslims" two things wrong with that you got half of america telling me they are peace loving and its wrong to do that, (like the pastor buringing the quran) than you have other americans saying dont do something because it might anger the muslims. "What people? Do you think the muslims need a trigger to be angry, they been angry for centuries, us parading up and down our victories is not going to anger the bees nest anymore than it already is"

i still cant believe the amount of americans that hate this country and its people. just sickening.

Course the muslims don't give a flying fuck about pissing off Americans. Hell just fly a couple jet liners into our tallest buildings and off a few THOUSAND of us in COLD BLOODED MURDER. Who cares? We're just INFIDELS right? Right, and muslims are commanded by their pedophile messiah to KILL all of us, so hey, don't worry about KILLING or PISSING OFF Americans.

Yeah, ya know what muslims... FUCK OFF AND DIE.
Sinjorri said : this is what i hate about americans, "dont do anything that might upset the muslims" two things wrong with that you got half of america telling me they are peace loving and its wrong to do that, (like the pastor buringing the quran) than you have other americans saying dont do something because it might anger the muslims. "What people? Do you think the muslims need a trigger to be angry, they been angry for centuries, us parading up and down our victories is not going to anger the bees nest anymore than it already is"

i still cant believe the amount of americans that hate this country and its people. just sickening.

I completely agree. Which is why we need to start living our own lives differently and not reacting this way. Let the cowards do what they do. We need to have the convictions of our forefathers in our hearts.

post of the day. we are americans we live life our way.
Man they are sensitive.
So let me get this straight.
They hate us and want us wiped off the face of the planet because we are Infidels.
And when we take offense to that we are the bad guys.

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