Republican Chip Roy Issues Epic Takedown Of $1.2 Trillion Government Spending Package: 'Swamp-Bus


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
The American voters will learn what fiscal conservatism means. And why it's so beneficial. They'll either do it after the USD crashes, when they're forced into it by a deep hard depression. Or they can learn now and avoid a crash. <<<The easy way.
They will learn to avoid big spending politicians like Biden, Trump, Johnson and Schumer. They will learn that the government must live within it's means, just like we all have to with our household budgets.

Republican Chip Roy Issues Epic Takedown Of $1.2 Trillion Government Spending Package: 'Swamp-Bus​

Yes THE HOAX that fake republican right wing nut anti americans keep whining about is them they are the HOAX they are RINO's they are not republicans.

AGAIN Violent Libertarians are the HOAX they are RINO's that push Supply Side Austerity Wreckanomics they are not republicans.

Yes these are the folks that went in for violent destruction and killing .......... that was all over TV and news that millions upon millions from around the world could watch.

This is the type of activity which could send our economy down the tubes for at least 25 years.

The leadership of the violent fake republican RINO party always pushing austerity INSTEAD of prosperity. Austerity pulls money from the economy which represents Fascism.

The fake republican robber-barons are back. They are the Kochs, the Trumps, and the billionaire class who crave another tax cut for themselves, and more budget cuts for anything that helps the rest of us.

The Fake Republicans live for the days when industrialists were masters of the universe and the rest of us lived off the scraps from their table.

Most of us figured out that we don’t want the America they want. But, that didn't stop them. They are using every possible trick to recreate themselves as kind and caring men who are ushering a new kind of America.

Yes THE HOAX that fake republican right wing nut anti americans keep whining about is them they are the HOAX they are RINO's they are not republicans.

AGAIN Violent Libertarians are the HOAX they are RINO's that push Supply Side Austerity Wreckanomics they are not republicans.

Yes these are the folks that went in for violent destruction and killing .......... that was all over TV and news that millions upon millions from around the world could watch.

This is the type of activity which could send our economy down the tubes for at least 25 years.

The leadership of the violent fake republican RINO party always pushing austerity INSTEAD of prosperity. Austerity pulls money from the economy which represents Fascism.

The fake republican robber-barons are back. They are the Kochs, the Trumps, and the billionaire class who crave another tax cut for themselves, and more budget cuts for anything that helps the rest of us.

The Fake Republicans live for the days when industrialists were masters of the universe and the rest of us lived off the scraps from their table.

Most of us figured out that we don’t want the America they want. But, that didn't stop them. They are using every possible trick to recreate themselves as kind and caring men who are ushering a new kind of America.

The LP has been co opted by the left. They're retarded.

Here's a message I just received from a member of my states LP leadership.

"many of us who serve in leadership in the party happen to be LGBTQ and many of us have experienced substance abuse disorders ourselves or have lost people that have."

No wonder the LP is gone to shit.
Chip Roy's voting record proves he's a fiscal conservative. His voting record doesn't change if a Republican is president or a democrat. If his party is in the majority or the democrats.
He constantly votes no on these spending bills.
Yes THE HOAX that fake republican right wing nut anti americans keep whining about is them they are the HOAX they are RINO's they are not republicans.

AGAIN Violent Libertarians are the HOAX they are RINO's that push Supply Side Austerity Wreckanomics they are not republicans.

Yes these are the folks that went in for violent destruction and killing .......... that was all over TV and news that millions upon millions from around the world could watch.

This is the type of activity which could send our economy down the tubes for at least 25 years.

The leadership of the violent fake republican RINO party always pushing austerity INSTEAD of prosperity. Austerity pulls money from the economy which represents Fascism.

The fake republican robber-barons are back. They are the Kochs, the Trumps, and the billionaire class who crave another tax cut for themselves, and more budget cuts for anything that helps the rest of us.

The Fake Republicans live for the days when industrialists were masters of the universe and the rest of us lived off the scraps from their table.

Most of us figured out that we don’t want the America they want. But, that didn't stop them. They are using every possible trick to recreate themselves as kind and caring men who are ushering a new kind of America.

We certainly purchase a lot of products from foreign slaves. I guess your take is only for people living withing the current boundaries of the United States. A fiat currency has many benefits. Endless deficits are not one of them. Deficits are for not so good times and wars. Not permanent ones. Eventually the stimulus has less clout. And that is what it is doing now.

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