Republican capitalism in China reduced world poverty by 40% in 30 years!


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
So why are our liberals and Obama trying to socialize our health care system as a starting point to socialize all of our industries? Its 100% backwards based on the evidence!!
How is Capitalism Republican?

The Free market, which is not what China has, has existed since man first began trading. It's the natural law of economics. It has nothing to do with political parties.
How is Capitalism Republican?

it is Republican in the sense that Republicans are the most powerful force in the world promoting it while Democrats are generally against it. Libertarians don't count since they are mostly impotent.

The Free market, which is not what China has,

no one has ever had an absolutely free market, but China has moved very far in that direction over the last 30 years based on Friedman and America.

has existed since man first began trading. It's the natural law of economics. It has nothing to do with political parties.

actually if the natural law is not translated into a country's law by political parties there will be very little freedom or capitalism. Hope that makes sense?
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it is Republican in the sense that Republicans are the most powerful force in the world promoting it while Democrats are generally against it.

Republicans do not believe in Capitalism. They practice Crony-Capitalism and redistribute money from the free market into the military industrial complex.
So, now wingnuts are claiming to have a lock on capitalism. Republicans want unregulated capitalism; whereas Democrats want regulated capitalism. History has proven that capitalism must be regulated.
Republicans do not believe in Capitalism. They practice Crony-Capitalism and redistribute money from the free market into the military industrial complex.

So you want them to do more of it now that we could not even win in Iraq or Afganistan or because we don't have a way to stop N. Korean missiles aimed at us or the Iranian missiles that soon will be aimed at us????
So, now wingnuts are claiming to have a lock on capitalism. Republicans want unregulated capitalism; whereas Democrats want regulated capitalism. History has proven that capitalism must be regulated.

No, what Democrats want is Socialism.

Mildly regulated Capitalism is ideal, but that's not what we have today and neither party is promoting it.
Republicans do not believe in Capitalism. They practice Crony-Capitalism and redistribute money from the free market into the military industrial complex.

So you want them to do more of it now that we could not even win in Iraq or Afganistan or because we don't have a way to stop N. Korean missiles aimed at us or the Iranian missiles that soon will be aimed at us????

Neither North Korea nor Iran have that capability.
So, now wingnuts are claiming to have a lock on capitalism. Republicans want unregulated capitalism; whereas Democrats want regulated capitalism. History has proven that capitalism must be regulated.

No, what Democrats want is Socialism.

Mildly regulated Capitalism is ideal, but that's not what we have today and neither party is promoting it.

Rand Paul is a Republican and will run for president. 100% of the support for capitalism is Republican. Obamacare is socialist and no Republicans supported it.
So, now wingnuts are claiming to have a lock on capitalism. Republicans want unregulated capitalism; whereas Democrats want regulated capitalism. History has proven that capitalism must be regulated.

By the time democrats are done regulating capitalism it will be indistinguishable from communism.
So, now wingnuts are claiming to have a lock on capitalism. Republicans want unregulated capitalism; whereas Democrats want regulated capitalism. History has proven that capitalism must be regulated.

By the time democrats are done regulating capitalism it will be indistinguishable from communism.

Norman Thomas quotes:
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
So, now wingnuts are claiming to have a lock on capitalism. Republicans want unregulated capitalism; whereas Democrats want regulated capitalism. History has proven that capitalism must be regulated.

Democrats want capitalism now?

Good to see you guys are coming around
Republicans do not believe in Capitalism. They practice Crony-Capitalism and redistribute money from the free market into the military industrial complex.

So you want them to do more of it now that we could not even win in Iraq or Afganistan or because we don't have a way to stop N. Korean missiles aimed at us or the Iranian missiles that soon will be aimed at us????


Are you serious?
So why are our liberals and Obama trying to socialize our health care system as a starting point to socialize all of our industries? Its 100% backwards based on the evidence!!

China's Empty Cities: These Satellite Images Will Shock You | AOL Real Estate

Satellite Pictures Of Chinese Ghost Cities - Business Insider

China's 'empty cities' show no sign of slowing down

China's ghost towns: New satellite pictures show massive skyscraper cities which are STILL completely empty | Mail Online

Poverty continues to increase in China as the state steals farm land and throws the owners off their own land in order to build these empty cities.

The people who work for the endless factories that make the endless plastic shit WalMart sells are forced to live in tiny crowded rooms and shop at company-owned stores. They are the children of the homeless rural peasants. They are not allowed to come and go, they are generally locked into the area where they live and they're families don't want them to come home for visits because they can't afford to feed them and, being homeless, there's no place for the visiting family member to sleep anyway.

Why you think this has anything to do with Capitalism OR health care is anybody's guess. The FACT is, EMTALA, the repub system put in place by your repub hero, Reagan, is the SOCIALIST system because (now, pay attention) you don't have to pay for your care.

OTOH, ObamaCare, forces lazy ass bums like you to pay for their care. (Unless you're a congress person. Then us taxpayers pay for it)

Ed dear, you're a one trick pony and utterly ignorant.

And, for pete's sake, I can't imagine anything as stupid as the statement,
Republican capitalism in China reduced world poverty by 40% in 30 years.
Republicans do not believe in Capitalism. They practice Crony-Capitalism and redistribute money from the free market into the military industrial complex.

So you want them to do more of it now that we could not even win in Iraq or Afganistan or because we don't have a way to stop N. Korean missiles aimed at us or the Iranian missiles that soon will be aimed at us????


Are you serious?

Sadly, yes. He is.
So you want them to do more of it now that we could not even win in Iraq or Afganistan or because we don't have a way to stop N. Korean missiles aimed at us or the Iranian missiles that soon will be aimed at us????


Are you serious?

Sadly, yes. He is.

So you want more military spending now that we could not even win in Iraq or Afganistan or because we don't have a way to stop N. Korean missiles aimed at us or the Iranian missiles that soon will be aimed at us????
Democrats want Government Communism.

Republicans want Corporate Communism.

The Cold War was a battle between Corporate Communism and Government Communism. The only reason Corporate Communism prevailed was that is was decentralized. The Chinese leaders, by means means ignorant, decided to trade some of their authority for a little more prosperity so they wouldn't be dominated by the United States, like the Soviet Union was.
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So, now wingnuts are claiming to have a lock on capitalism. Republicans want unregulated capitalism; whereas Democrats want regulated capitalism. History has proven that capitalism must be regulated.

The one thing that Marx/Engles were correct about was that under regulated capitalism leads unavoidably to communism.

There is not a country, certainly including ours, in the world today, that doesn't utilize both capitalism and socialism in their economic system.
The one thing that Marx/Engles were correct about was that under regulated capitalism leads unavoidably to communism.

of course thats very very stupid since we just had a period of over regulated capitalism that led to the current recession and many dingbats blaming capitalism rather than the regulation!!

There is not a country, certainly including ours, in the world today, that doesn't utilize both capitalism and socialism in their economic system.

can you present your best example of how socialism can help an economy or must you admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so?

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