Reports: Mainland Chinese Joining Pro-Democracy Hong Kong Protesters

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
China’s worst nightmare may be happening: Mainland Chinese citizens are now participating in pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, according to recent reports.

Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that a “small cohort of mainlanders have joined the demonstrations, taking extraordinary risks to support a society that offers freedoms unavailable back home.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


MORE TARIFFS ON CHINA!!!!....GO Trump, cause all sorts of problems for the EVIL EMPIRE....STRIKE NOW while the Chinese people SEE that you are with them....don't be like that fucking coward Surrender Monkey....KILL COMMUNISM....AND THE DOUCHEBAGS LIKE BERNIE AND SO MANY USMB MEMBERS that want to overthrow our Republic!
Wow! That's heavy duty! We'll see what happens in the mainland.
So far Hong Kong has surpassed Tienanmen by a mile!
They are serious.
Hong Kong deserves all the support we can give. It's very important to push back against the authoritarian Chinese government and the Big Tech companies who are just like the corporations that did business with and helped out the Nazis and fascists in the build up to WWII.

Google, Facebook, You Tube, etc. are all collaborators with the communist Chinese and while they are quislings and bootlickers at the expense of the people of Hong Kong, if social credit helps dissolve freedoms in China then look for the same here in the future thanks to the rapacious stooges in Big Tech.
Hong Kong deserves all the support we can give. It's very important to push back against the authoritarian Chinese government and the Big Tech companies who are just like the corporations that did business with and helped out the Nazis and fascists in the build up to WWII.

Google, Facebook, You Tube, etc. are all collaborators with the communist Chinese and while they are quislings and bootlickers at the expense of the people of Hong Kong, if social credit helps dissolve freedoms in China then look for the same here in the future thanks to the rapacious stooges in Big Tech.
Well they had a bit of freedom and they must have liked it. Yes I found a source here online. I will paste some of what I found:

China and the United Kingdom signed a treaty in 1984 that agreed to a 50-year time period after the handover wherein Hong Kong would enjoy some political and social autonomy under a “one country, two systems” policy, ending in 2049.

However, since then, pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong say they have faced an erosion of that autonomy by Beijing. In 2014, Hong Kong residents were forced to choose their next chief executive from a list of candidates vetted by Beijing, which sparked protests known as the Umbrella Movement.

The recent protests were sparked by a proposed bill that would allow those charged with crimes in Hong Kong to be extradited to the mainland where they could face harsher punishment under an opaque justice system.
It is in their hands to how they want to live. Hey why not just bring 3 million of them here, they are not white and will vote Republican
China's promises mean next to nothing and the generals are planning a military solution to the "problem" of Hong Kong's fleeting freedoms.

Full scale revolution would not be out of the question and then the whole world must punish and resist China.

Taking in refugees and people fleeing repression would be a proper move and certainly Canada, the UK, Australia,etc. would do likewise, if possible.

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