Report: U.S. positioning 'bunker-busters' for possible Iran strike


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
The United States is transporting 387 "bunker-buster" bombs to its air base on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean as part of preparations for a possible strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, according to a report in Scotland's Sunday Herald.

The U.S. government signed a contract in January with Superior Maritime Services to transport 10 ammunition containers to Diego Garcia from Concord, California. The shipment includes 195 smart, guided Blu-110 bombs and 192 Blu-117 2,000lb bombs.

Both types of bombs could be used against reinforced or underground facilities.

Neither the United States nor Israel have ruled out military action if diplomacy fails to resolve the long-running row over Iran's disputed nuclear ambitions.

Contract details for the shipment were posted on an international tenders' website by the U.S. Navy.

"They are gearing up totally for the destruction of Iran," Dan Plesch, director of the Center for International Studies and Diplomacy at the University of London, told the Herald. "U.S. bombers are ready today to destroy 10,000 targets in Iran in a few hours."

Plesch is the co-author of a recent study on U.S. preparations for an attack on Iran.

The final decision on whether to launch an attack would be in the hands of U.S. President Barack Obama. Obama may decide it would be better for the U.S. to strike instead of Israel, Plesch said.

Report: U.S. positioning 'bunker-busters' for possible Iran strike - Haaretz - Israel News
What a load of crap. I hope you dont really believe that story. Sure we can afford another war we'll just print more money! Pleazzzz. Iran will get nukes whether we like it or not and if Israel doesn't like it then i guess it will be Israels next war - but not ours.
that would be the irony of all ironies. Obama attacks Iran.
It's not the US is threatened by Islamic Iran - but the Zionist entity which believes that Iranian influence is increasing in the region and the South America - resulting in Israel's further isolation. Furthermore, Iran is the only Muslim country which is supporting resistance militias in the Occupied Territories and Lebanon.

The current warm reception Netanyahu received in Congress and Hillary's blind support for Israel during her speech at AIPAC conference - may leave no option to Obama to carry-out a suicidal attack on Islamic Iran.

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