Report: occupation’s aggression against Palestinians on the rise

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
NABLUS, (PIC)-- Land research center of the Arab Studies Society confirmed that the first five months of this year had witnessed an increase in Israeli attacks against Palestinian people and properties.

The center reported that Israeli forces demolished 78 houses during that period, which led to the displacement of 545 Palestinians, including 323 children. In addition the IOF demolished 219 facilities, serving 1476 residents, including 914 children. They had also issued demolition notifications of 368 houses inhabited by 3199 residents, including 1977 children. Israeli authorities have also issued notifications of demolition 190 facilities serving 1676 residents. Moreover, IOF have issued notifications of taking over five houses, three in occupied Jerusalem and two in Al-Khalil and the confiscation of 17 tents in Tubas.

The center has also reported Israeli attacks against Palestinian lands where 8,300 dunums of Palestinian lands were confiscated, 331 dunums for settlement projects, 1,431 dunums for the apartheid wall construction, and 6,404 dunums under the pretext that it belongs to the state, in addition to settlers’ attempts to capture 4,500 dunums.

The Israeli attacks have also harmed 4,482 trees through burning and uprooting or through poisoning them with chemicals or waste water, including 3,435 trees were fully damaged and 1,047 trees were partially damaged. Meanwhile, the IOF have confiscated agricultural machineries, including 10 water tanks, 7 agricultural tractors, and two bulldozers and drilling rig.

The report noted that 380 dunums of agricultural land have been confiscated, including 180 dunums for military training, in addition to 100 dunums of planted fields were bulldozing, and 50 dunums are used as pastures for settlers' cattles,70 dunums have been dumping by waste water, and 10 dunums of crop fields have been burned.

Report: occupation
NABLUS, (PIC)-- Land research center of the Arab Studies Society confirmed that the first five months of this year had witnessed an increase in Israeli attacks against Palestinian people and properties.

The center reported that Israeli forces demolished 78 houses during that period, which led to the displacement of 545 Palestinians, including 323 children. In addition the IOF demolished 219 facilities, serving 1476 residents, including 914 children. They had also issued demolition notifications of 368 houses inhabited by 3199 residents, including 1977 children. Israeli authorities have also issued notifications of demolition 190 facilities serving 1676 residents. Moreover, IOF have issued notifications of taking over five houses, three in occupied Jerusalem and two in Al-Khalil and the confiscation of 17 tents in Tubas.

The center has also reported Israeli attacks against Palestinian lands where 8,300 dunums of Palestinian lands were confiscated, 331 dunums for settlement projects, 1,431 dunums for the apartheid wall construction, and 6,404 dunums under the pretext that it belongs to the state, in addition to settlers’ attempts to capture 4,500 dunums.

The Israeli attacks have also harmed 4,482 trees through burning and uprooting or through poisoning them with chemicals or waste water, including 3,435 trees were fully damaged and 1,047 trees were partially damaged. Meanwhile, the IOF have confiscated agricultural machineries, including 10 water tanks, 7 agricultural tractors, and two bulldozers and drilling rig.

The report noted that 380 dunums of agricultural land have been confiscated, including 180 dunums for military training, in addition to 100 dunums of planted fields were bulldozing, and 50 dunums are used as pastures for settlers' cattles,70 dunums have been dumping by waste water, and 10 dunums of crop fields have been burned.

Report: occupation

Can't you find propaganda anywhere but PIC?
NABLUS, (PIC)-- Land research center of the Arab Studies Society confirmed that the first five months of this year had witnessed an increase in Israeli attacks against Palestinian people and properties.

The center reported that Israeli forces demolished 78 houses during that period, which led to the displacement of 545 Palestinians, including 323 children. In addition the IOF demolished 219 facilities, serving 1476 residents, including 914 children. They had also issued demolition notifications of 368 houses inhabited by 3199 residents, including 1977 children. Israeli authorities have also issued notifications of demolition 190 facilities serving 1676 residents. Moreover, IOF have issued notifications of taking over five houses, three in occupied Jerusalem and two in Al-Khalil and the confiscation of 17 tents in Tubas.

The center has also reported Israeli attacks against Palestinian lands where 8,300 dunums of Palestinian lands were confiscated, 331 dunums for settlement projects, 1,431 dunums for the apartheid wall construction, and 6,404 dunums under the pretext that it belongs to the state, in addition to settlers’ attempts to capture 4,500 dunums.

The Israeli attacks have also harmed 4,482 trees through burning and uprooting or through poisoning them with chemicals or waste water, including 3,435 trees were fully damaged and 1,047 trees were partially damaged. Meanwhile, the IOF have confiscated agricultural machineries, including 10 water tanks, 7 agricultural tractors, and two bulldozers and drilling rig.

The report noted that 380 dunums of agricultural land have been confiscated, including 180 dunums for military training, in addition to 100 dunums of planted fields were bulldozing, and 50 dunums are used as pastures for settlers' cattles,70 dunums have been dumping by waste water, and 10 dunums of crop fields have been burned.

Report: occupation

Can't you find propaganda anywhere but PIC?
You stole my line, Sayit. Darn!
NABLUS, (PIC)-- Land research center of the Arab Studies Society confirmed that the first five months of this year had witnessed an increase in Israeli attacks against Palestinian people and properties.

The center reported that Israeli forces demolished 78 houses during that period, which led to the displacement of 545 Palestinians, including 323 children. In addition the IOF demolished 219 facilities, serving 1476 residents, including 914 children. They had also issued demolition notifications of 368 houses inhabited by 3199 residents, including 1977 children. Israeli authorities have also issued notifications of demolition 190 facilities serving 1676 residents. Moreover, IOF have issued notifications of taking over five houses, three in occupied Jerusalem and two in Al-Khalil and the confiscation of 17 tents in Tubas.

The center has also reported Israeli attacks against Palestinian lands where 8,300 dunums of Palestinian lands were confiscated, 331 dunums for settlement projects, 1,431 dunums for the apartheid wall construction, and 6,404 dunums under the pretext that it belongs to the state, in addition to settlers’ attempts to capture 4,500 dunums.

The Israeli attacks have also harmed 4,482 trees through burning and uprooting or through poisoning them with chemicals or waste water, including 3,435 trees were fully damaged and 1,047 trees were partially damaged. Meanwhile, the IOF have confiscated agricultural machineries, including 10 water tanks, 7 agricultural tractors, and two bulldozers and drilling rig.

The report noted that 380 dunums of agricultural land have been confiscated, including 180 dunums for military training, in addition to 100 dunums of planted fields were bulldozing, and 50 dunums are used as pastures for settlers' cattles,70 dunums have been dumping by waste water, and 10 dunums of crop fields have been burned.

Report: occupation

Can't you find propaganda anywhere but PIC?

Anybody else report from Palestine?

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