Report: Obama,UN To Tax U.S. For 'Green Climate Fund'...

Anyone care to defend the truthfulness of lobbyists? Anyone care to post something from another source?
I've been working on our government to pull out of Kyoto. Wasn't easy because even a Conservative government no matter how much ya love them can see $$$$$ when it comes to climate change issues.

I love my PM. Only thing scary to ever come out of his closet was a horrid run of brown suits. This fights been hard and it ain't over. The Al Gores of the universe dragged us all to the brink of ruin over a lie.

BTW my canuks are the dudes that really did help debunk global warming. Please send checks and warm weather my way will ya? It's minus 17 right now.
This message brought to you courtesy of the petroleum lobby.

What exactly is wrong with oil? Without it, you wouldnt be online.

Every turd that spouts fire and brimstone about the evils of big oil drives his car to work every day, uses gas to heat his home, and flies on a jet to visit his mother for Christmas. They are all the biggest hypocrites in the universe.

The same ones are putting up no drill no spill no gas drilling signs next to their natural gas meters,I could respect them if they shut the gas off at their homes buuuut hell no that won't happen. They want the gas but not near them the ultimate hypocrite.

Meanwhile property rights are trampled on and economic growth that the area sorely needs is held up by the delusional fringe.
Anyone care to defend the truthfulness of lobbyists? Anyone care to post something from another source?

Did you know that Ken Lay (yes as in Enron) invented the carbon credit? It's a ponzi scheme for crying out loud.
Anyone care to defend the truthfulness of lobbyists? Anyone care to post something from another source?

Did you know that Ken Lay (yes as in Enron) invented the carbon credit? It's a ponzi scheme for crying out loud.

If you are looking for someone to argue climate issues then look elsewhere, lobbyists are my pet peeve. This whole issue has been muddled beyond all redemption by massive lobbying drives and hyperbolic predictions all around. Our children will know what the truth is years down the road, of course it will be too late by then and we will be long dead.
What exactly is wrong with oil? Without it, you wouldnt be online.

Every turd that spouts fire and brimstone about the evils of big oil drives his car to work every day, uses gas to heat his home, and flies on a jet to visit his mother for Christmas. They are all the biggest hypocrites in the universe.

The same ones are putting up no drill no spill no gas drilling signs next to their natural gas meters,I could respect them if they shut the gas off at their homes buuuut hell no that won't happen. They want the gas but not near them the ultimate hypocrite.

Meanwhile property rights are trampled on and economic growth that the area sorely needs is held up by the delusional fringe.

Only one I respect is Ed Begley Jr.on the left.

Apologies for spelling DayQuil and three beers. :lol: Lord only knows what's going to fly out of these fingers tonight.

Anyways Ed is believe it or not the real deal when it comes to conservation. Anyone telling you they are an enviromentalist are the type of people who are like Michelle Obama who will go out and eat swordfish sliders (close to endangered btw) while telling you to eat your arugala.

Many restaraunts are now pledging not to serve swordfish. But there's Michelle ma belle out and about snorking them down.
Anyone care to defend the truthfulness of lobbyists? Anyone care to post something from another source?

Did you know that Ken Lay (yes as in Enron) invented the carbon credit? It's a ponzi scheme for crying out loud.

If you are looking for someone to argue climate issues then look elsewhere, lobbyists are my pet peeve. This whole issue has been muddled beyond all redemption by massive lobbying drives and hyperbolic predictions all around. Our children will know what the truth is years down the road, of course it will be too late by then and we will be long dead.

Lay lobbied for this.

That's why I bring him up. You said your game was lobbyists. The climate issue had to be one of the biggest $$$$ money schemes ever and Lay and Enron lobbied hard on this.

It's all about money and nothing to do with climate.

Check out Enron/Lay and Master Resource.

Here's part: No U.S.-based company sounded the tocsin over climate change more than Enron. What John Browne did as head of the international energy major BP, Ken Lay did in the United States, working with interest groups and political leaders to push the energy industry and public toward carbon dioxide (CO2) regulation.

Lay had his reasons—seven in terms of company profit centers, all of which stood to gain from government restrictions on carbon emissions. They involved:

· Natural gas production (relative to oil and coal),

· Natural gas transmission (relative to oil and coal),

· Natural gas-fired electric generation (relative to oil and coal),

· Energy outsourcing (a/k/a energy efficiency) services,

· Renewable energy generation (wind and solar),

· CO2 emissions trading (joining company trading in sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide), and

· Environmental outsourcing (a/k/a environmental services).

It's from my stack of stuff. Let me get you a link. Enron and Ken Lay were the lobbyists behind the whole global warming crap.
It is impossible for either Obama or the UN to impose a tax on American trade or travel. It could conceivably be done by treaty but that would require Senate approval. Since the report got that dead wrong, I am not confident that it got anything else right, either.
This whole global warming crap was generally accepted by people who were interested in earth science until the lobbyists got on board. It was wrong to politicize this issue because now we have non-scientists on both sides of the issue taking so many things as a matter of faith, something that is not allowed in scientific research. As a result unbiased information after 2000 is simply not available. If it comes from any lobbyist it should always be considered false until proven true.
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What exactly is wrong with oil? Without it, you wouldnt be online.

Every turd that spouts fire and brimstone about the evils of big oil drives his car to work every day, uses gas to heat his home, and flies on a jet to visit his mother for Christmas. They are all the biggest hypocrites in the universe.

In this context I am running down lobbyists and their all too frequent false press releases.

What does that have to do with anything?

Whether a claim is true or not has nothing to do with who supports it. Truth is determined by logic and the evidence. Only warmist true believers use the argument that a claim is wrong or right because of the people who are supporting it. Intelligent people understand that such arguments are pure demagoguery.
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It is impossible for either Obama or the UN to impose a tax on American trade or travel. It could conceivably be done by treaty but that would require Senate approval. Since the report got that dead wrong, I am not confident that it got anything else right, either.

Nope. A treaty cannot impose a tax on the American people. The constitution says all revenue bills shall originate in the House. That rules out treaties as a means of imposing a tax.

I can imagine your disappointment.
Every turd that spouts fire and brimstone about the evils of big oil drives his car to work every day, uses gas to heat his home, and flies on a jet to visit his mother for Christmas. They are all the biggest hypocrites in the universe.

In this context I am running down lobbyists and their all too frequent false press releases.

What does that have to do with anything?

Whether a claim is true or not has nothing to do with who supports it. Truth is determined the logic and the evidence. Only wamist true believers use the argument that a claim is wrong or right because of the people who are supporting it. Intelligent people understand that such arguments are pure demagoguery.

Really? Did you believe this lobbyist press release? You did didn't you?
What does that have to do with anything?

Whether a claim is true or not has nothing to do with who supports it. Truth is determined the logic and the evidence. Only wamist true believers use the argument that a claim is wrong or right because of the people who are supporting it. Intelligent people understand that such arguments are pure demagoguery.

Really? Did you believe this lobbyist press release? You did didn't you?

I'm the one who pointed out that Obama cannot unilaterally raise taxes on the American people.
What does that have to do with anything?

Whether a claim is true or not has nothing to do with who supports it. Truth is determined the logic and the evidence. Only wamist true believers use the argument that a claim is wrong or right because of the people who are supporting it. Intelligent people understand that such arguments are pure demagoguery.

Really? Did you believe this lobbyist press release? You did didn't you?

I'm the one who pointed out that Obama cannot unilaterally raise taxes on the American people.

OK I see that, so what are you getting on my case for? It seems we agree that this article is made-up hogwash.
It is impossible for either Obama or the UN to impose a tax on American trade or travel. It could conceivably be done by treaty but that would require Senate approval. Since the report got that dead wrong, I am not confident that it got anything else right, either.

I think what we would be looking at would be other countries attempting to impose a tax on travel and imports. I got a pricking in my thumb and this worries me. The U.N. banned travel to Canada over the so called SARS virus.
Now we've just bailed out of Kyoto so this could get hot.
OK I see that, so what are you getting on my case for? It seems we agree that this article is made-up hogwash.

You were harping on "oil lobbyists" so I assumed you were one of those warmist imbeciles.
It is impossible for either Obama or the UN to impose a tax on American trade or travel. It could conceivably be done by treaty but that would require Senate approval. Since the report got that dead wrong, I am not confident that it got anything else right, either.

I think what we would be looking at would be other countries attempting to impose a tax on travel and imports. I got a pricking in my thumb and this worries me. The U.N. banned travel to Canada over the so called SARS virus.
Now we've just bailed out of Kyoto so this could get hot.

Any country that did that would only be screwing themselves. They would discourage tourists from visiting and impose additional costs on their own industry and citizens.
This message brought to you courtesy of the petroleum lobby.

What exactly is wrong with oil? Without it, you wouldnt be online.

And unemployment would be even higher. How about the Keystone Pipeline, Mr. President? Stall, stall, stall. Poltics, politics, politics. We need oil and we need jobs. NOW!

He'll hold off on that until he needs it to make it look like he created jobs and saved the country.... I promise he will OK the pipeline several months before the election. And we'll hear all about how he is creating jobs and bringing down the cost of gasoline and cutting our reliance on ME Oil.....

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