Report: Hezbollah moves missiles from Syria to Lebanon, fearing fall of Assad regime


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
In recent weeks, Hezbollah has moved hundreds of missiles from storage sites in Syria to bases in eastern Lebanon, the French newspaper Le Figaro reported on Saturday.

According to the report, Hezbollah moved the missiles due to the concern that the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad will fall and that a new Syrian government will cut off ties with Hezbollah.

Report: Hezbollah moves missiles from Syria to Lebanon, fearing fall of Assad regime - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

So if the new Syrian government cuts ties with those groups who were close to Assad, where will Mashaal and the other Hamas terrorists who have been staying in Damascus go? Perhaps they'll ask Abbas for asylum.
US Plans 'Expanded Military Operations' In Libya, Syria...
Rumors of US plans for Libya, Syria cause concern
27.06.2011 - The idea of US Army boots on Libyan soil is causing alarm
Among the rumors circulating of US plans for expanded military operations in Libya and a possible intervention in Syria lie certain truths which are cause for concern - despite the dismissals of analysts. When the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1973 on March 17 of this year, it authorized the use of force by UN member states, granting them the right to "take all necessary measures to protect civilians under threat of attack in Libya, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory."

In the three months that have followed, the rules of Resolution 1973 appear to have been bent to allow the NATO-led mission to not only protect civilians in Libya but actively pursue the forces of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, target his strongholds and effectively force him out of power. This 'mission creep' has caused fractures and divisions within the international coalition that originally agreed to take on the UN's Libyan operations.

The Arab League, whose involvement helped sell the mission to the Arab world, is becoming increasingly nervous about what it sees as NATO's new goal of regime change. Meanwhile, those members of the Security Council that abstained from the Resolution 1973 vote are concerned by developments they fear may lead toward a land invasion of Libya and the contravening of the UN resolution. Russia in particular has been angered by the deployment of military advisors and Special Forces operatives from the US, France and Britain to support the efforts of the Libyan opposition.

Russian warning

See also:

NATO Says it will Keep Pressure on Libyan Government
June 28, 2011 - NATO's commander for the Libya operation says the allied force is not scaling down its airstrikes despite calls from some nations for a pause in the operation.
Canadian Lieutenant General Charles Bouchard said the mission, entering its fourth month, has made "significant progress" and that attacks on civilians by Libyan government forces have lessened. The NATO comments came as the International Criminal Court's (ICC) top prosecutor urged aides of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi to arrest him and hand him to the court for trial. Luis Moreno-Ocampo's remarks Tuesday were made after The Hague-based court issued arrest warrants Monday for Gadhafi and two top lieutenants on war crimes charges linked to their suppression of the opposition uprising.

Moreno-Ocampo said NATO forces, which are launching air strikes in support of rebels fighting Gadhafi, have no legal method to arrest the Libyan leader. A NATO spokesman told the French news agency that it is not up to the alliance to take Gadhafi into custody. Libya dismissed the arrest warrants late Monday. Justice Minister Mohammad al-Gamudi said Libya does not accept the legitimacy of the court. The ICC issued the warrants earlier Monday against Gadhafi, his son Seif al-Islam and the head of Libyan intelligence, Abdullah al-Senussi. The ICC indictment accuses the Libyan leader and his aides of deterring protesters through the use of detention, torture and lethal force, such as ordering snipers to fire on civilians leaving mosques.

In Washington, White House spokesman Jay Carney said on Monday that the warrants are another indication Gadhafi "has lost his legitimacy." He said the Libyan leader must be held accountable. Britain, France and Italy all praised the arrest warrants. Gadhafi is the second sitting head of state to have an ICC arrest warrant issued against him. One was previously issued for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, but has yet to be served.

In recent weeks, Hezbollah has moved hundreds of missiles from storage sites in Syria to bases in eastern Lebanon, the French newspaper Le Figaro reported on Saturday.

According to the report, Hezbollah moved the missiles due to the concern that the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad will fall and that a new Syrian government will cut off ties with Hezbollah.

Report: Hezbollah moves missiles from Syria to Lebanon, fearing fall of Assad regime - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

So if the new Syrian government cuts ties with those groups who were close to Assad, where will Mashaal and the other Hamas terrorists who have been staying in Damascus go? Perhaps they'll ask Abbas for asylum.

Hamas and Hezbollahs headquarters are in Syria, they will have to find a new place to party.However the new regime that takes over will probably be friendly to Sunni Militant groups, so its a pick your poison type of situation.
Syrian civil war about to engulf Lebanon?...
Lebanese Fear Syria Civil War Spreading
February 13, 2013 - The Lebanese have been bitterly divided over the civil war in Syria since it started two years ago, but now they worry that the fighting next door will spread into their own country, upsetting its fragile ethnic and religious balance.
Above all Lebanese fear they will be dragged into the mayhem of neighboring Syria’s increasingly sectarian violence. Recent clashes between Lebanese army units and radical Islamists fighting to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have only heightened their anxiety -- as has a huge influx of Syrian refugees. The government in Beirut has struggled for months to try to limit the repercussions from Syria. The biggest worry has been that violence will be sparked between the Lebanese Shia militia, Hezbollah, which has been backing Assad, and the country’s Sunni Muslims, who support Sunnis in Syria fighting to oust Assad.

The latest alarm came from a recent clash in the town of Arsal near the Syrian border that left two Lebanese soldiers dead. The incident between Lebanese army units and fighters affiliated with Jabhat al-Nusra, a Jihadist group that has emerged as a highly effective force within the Syrian rebellion, has prompted pledges of a crackdown from Lebanese army commanders. “Any hand that aggresses the army will be cut off,” says army commander Jean Kahwagi. "We will pursue the attackers wherever they are,” he added. At the high-profile funerals of the soldiers, distraught relatives and mourners called for revenge.

According to Gen. Khawaja, the clash in Arsal came after Islamist fighters fired on an army patrol trying to hunt down a wanted Jihadist leader. But Lebanese Sunnis in the Arsal area say the fighting was a consequence of increased friction between the army and local residents, most of whom are Sunnis.

Khaled Daher, a member of the Lebanese parliament and critic of the government, says the army targets Sunni towns like Arsal because “they support Syrian rebels” and help Syrian refugees fleeing the war in Syria. Lebanese officials say they have seen an alarming inflow of al-Nusra fighters who use Lebanon as a base where they can re-supply themselves. Officials also report an increase in foreign Islamist fighters transiting the country on their way to fight in the Syrian conflict. The Lebanese army is under pressure to maintain control.

Complex ties

See also:

Kerry: Syria's Assad Still Doesn't Realize He Has to Go
February 13, 2013 - Secretary of State John Kerry says the United States has to change what he calls Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's "calculation" about his situation.
Kerry on Wednesday said Assad has not yet realized that it is inevitable he will be thrown out of power. The secretary of state told reporters at the State Department he has a good sense of what he might propose to get Assad to change his perception. But Kerry said there are a lot of people who have to be consulted before any announcements are made.

Kerry on Wednesday hosted Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh, whose country's economy is under stress by helping to care for 300,000 Syrian refugees. Judeh said he did not want to put a timeline for President Assad's ouster, and again called for talks and a political transition.

The United Nations says the nearly two-year-old uprising against the authoritarian Assad government has killed close to 70,000 people. Most of the dead are civilians. The head of the Russian government arms export agency, Anatoly Isaikin, says Russia is continuing to sell weapons to Syria because there are no sanctions against such sales and its contracts are legally binding.

But Isaikin says Russia is only selling defensive weapons to Syria -- nothing that can be used to attack people. Kerry said Wednesday that he is hopeful Russia and the United States can find more common ground on Syria. Russia, a long-time Syrian ally, has vetoed U.N. Security Council sanctions on Syria, angering the United States.
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In recent weeks, Hezbollah has moved hundreds of missiles from storage sites in Syria to bases in eastern Lebanon, the French newspaper Le Figaro reported on Saturday.

According to the report, Hezbollah moved the missiles due to the concern that the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad will fall and that a new Syrian government will cut off ties with Hezbollah.

Report: Hezbollah moves missiles from Syria to Lebanon, fearing fall of Assad regime - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

So if the new Syrian government cuts ties with those groups who were close to Assad, where will Mashaal and the other Hamas terrorists who have been staying in Damascus go? Perhaps they'll ask Abbas for asylum.
Hezbollah moves missiles from Syria to Lebanon...

Why that is just great news. They are that much closer now for Israel to bomb them.
anyone have any idea who or what is POISED to take over in Syria?

I do not believe that Iran is going to let it go EASILY
Ahhhhh, this article is from 2011
In recent weeks, Hezbollah has moved hundreds of missiles from storage sites in Syria to bases in eastern Lebanon, the French newspaper Le Figaro reported on Saturday.

According to the report, Hezbollah moved the missiles due to the concern that the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad will fall and that a new Syrian government will cut off ties with Hezbollah.

Report: Hezbollah moves missiles from Syria to Lebanon, fearing fall of Assad regime - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

So if the new Syrian government cuts ties with those groups who were close to Assad, where will Mashaal and the other Hamas terrorists who have been staying in Damascus go? Perhaps they'll ask Abbas for asylum.

This is what I believe is happening. The Germans have fully gained the confidence of the insiders in Syria that the only plan that is going forward is the one they have offered to the Turks. ( membership to EU ) So the next thing you are going to be seeing here is a move away from Iran and a move TOWARDS alliance with Turkey. ( Syrian shift in loyalty) This will be the new Syria. Doing a 180 from Iran towards Turkey, members of EU, IMF, World Bank, a new future, winds of change are here as they say......

I don't know how Hizbollah is going to fare in this new change up but Hamas is going to distance themselves from Iran in the future. ( because it will no longer be in their interest to align themselves with Iran) What about Russia? Russia is playing both sides right now. They must pretend to be Iran's closest ally while waiting it out for the EU powers and UN to turn Syria away from Iran. ( Germany is leading this charge ) Notice how Russia is getting more and more power at the UN table? She is playing both sides right now. She has the grand design treaty signed with Iran from decades ago but she also has the lions share of natural gas in Europe and is looking towards a huge win if she stays the course here. One thing you can be sure about the Russians. They are never doing what they appear to be doing..

I believe Russia is using Iran to influence NK on the matter of the nuclear tests. They want as much chatter about NK and nuclear weapons in order to cover up their own intentions to strike our nuclear sites in USA at their first opportunity. I don't believe it is too far off now. I believe we will see Russia strike our nuclear warehouses before Obama leaves office. Hillary gave them the grand tour, they have been inside NORAD, all of our high security areas, they won't miss the opportunity. - Jeremiah - note* I have scripture to back me up on Syria turning against Iran. It is in Psalm 83 that Germany ( they use the ancient name for Germany ) will turn Syria against Iran. From everything in scripture it definitely looks like we are on the virge of WWIII here.
In recent weeks, Hezbollah has moved hundreds of missiles from storage sites in Syria to bases in eastern Lebanon, the French newspaper Le Figaro reported on Saturday.

According to the report, Hezbollah moved the missiles due to the concern that the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad will fall and that a new Syrian government will cut off ties with Hezbollah.

Report: Hezbollah moves missiles from Syria to Lebanon, fearing fall of Assad regime - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

So if the new Syrian government cuts ties with those groups who were close to Assad, where will Mashaal and the other Hamas terrorists who have been staying in Damascus go? Perhaps they'll ask Abbas for asylum.

This is what I believe is happening. The Germans have fully gained the confidence of the insiders in Syria that the only plan that is going forward is the one they have offered to the Turks. ( membership to EU ) So the next thing you are going to be seeing here is a move away from Iran and a move TOWARDS alliance with Turkey. ( Syrian shift in loyalty) This will be the new Syria. Doing a 180 from Iran towards Turkey, members of EU, IMF, World Bank, a new future, winds of change are here as they say......

I don't know how Hizbollah is going to fare in this new change up but Hamas is going to distance themselves from Iran in the future. ( because it will no longer be in their interest to align themselves with Iran) What about Russia? Russia is playing both sides right now. They must pretend to be Iran's closest ally while waiting it out for the EU powers and UN to turn Syria away from Iran. ( Germany is leading this charge ) Notice how Russia is getting more and more power at the UN table? She is playing both sides right now. She has the grand design treaty signed with Iran from decades ago but she also has the lions share of natural gas in Europe and is looking towards a huge win if she stays the course here. One thing you can be sure about the Russians. They are never doing what they appear to be doing..

I believe Russia is using Iran to influence NK on the matter of the nuclear tests. They want as much chatter about NK and nuclear weapons in order to cover up their own intentions to strike our nuclear sites in USA at their first opportunity. I don't believe it is too far off now. I believe we will see Russia strike our nuclear warehouses before Obama leaves office. Hillary gave them the grand tour, they have been inside NORAD, all of our high security areas, they won't miss the opportunity. - Jeremiah - note* I have scripture to back me up on Syria turning against Iran. It is in Psalm 83 that Germany ( they use the ancient name for Germany ) will turn Syria against Iran. From everything in scripture it definitely looks like we are on the virge of WWIII here.
Syria is going to sink into a bloodbath of an ongoing civil war that is going to go on for decades and make Lebanon look like a cakewalk. Problem with Syria is many of the people are indeed on Assad's side (much more so than the people of Iran), including the minorities. That is because they know that if the country falls into the hands of the Islamists that are fighting Assad now, the country will be much worse off. That is why the West is staying this one out and is going to let Syria burn and self destruct, while it thumbs it's nose.
syria seems like a tragedy to me------are they still running to greece? it is the christians
who are running to greece? ----lots of people with greek ancestry in syria-----REMOTE
ancestry-----but I think the religion is similar

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