Repblicns Its Wrng T Put People On Supr-Comitee Nt Open T Revenu Raisin!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Republicans if you don't put people open to revenue raising on this debt ceiling legislation chartered "super-committee" (whose job is to generate a bill(s) reducing deficit spending 1.5 trillion over ten years) you are completely wrong, you are the lowest form of slime on this planet, your behavior will be indefensible and unjust! America has a crisis in deficit spending, the situation for the country is like a run away speeding train racing toward a concrete wall. At the rate the country is heading it won't be too long before we as a nation won't be able to borrow at will and this generation and many generations of Americans to come will be saddled with painful and unjust debt from our times. This super-committee is a small but important step to begin solving this deficit spending crisis problem for the nation and you Republicans won't be upholding your part of the bargain if you pick "no revenue raising" people.

It is acceptable that the Republican Party not put people on this committee open to increasing tax "rates" but "absolutely not" to people open to revenue raising through closing tax loopholes, repealing certain tax credits and the like. Yes Democrats it is okay Republicans put "anti-increase in tax rates" members of Congress on this committee because that policy is so fundamental to the Republican Party political platform and the country's fiscal situation is so bad that this "repeal of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy" which is the real issue isn't going to solve the nation's problems Medicare will be running a deficit in five years and God himself doesn't no how to pay for the new entitlement program that starts in 2014 created by the 2010 Healthcare Law. Both Political Parties will have to take their case (I didn't say solution because neither has a solution which is good) for fixing America's deficit spending problem to the electorate for the 2012 elections and let those elections decide the course America should follow.

One thing that is surprising that the public hasn't picked up on about the debt ceiling legislation enacted this week is how hilarious it is how the politicians pulled the wool over the American people's eyes with this legislation. Politicians in Washington have managed to convince the American people with this bill that they are making real progress on getting a handle on America's deficit problem which is a complete con job; today America is facing deficits of at least $700 to $900 billion per year for the next five years. This debt ceiling legislation only calls for a spending reduction of $25 billion in discretionary non-defense spending in the fiscal year beginning October 1 of this year and $50 billion in the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2012; it's peanuts, it's a joke this area of the budget runs probably around three quarters of a trillion dollars per year. If pressed on this issue a Washington politician would say the country's economy is too weak the nation's GDP growth is only at a .8 % growth rate we don't want to risk throwing the country into a recession by accelerating spending cuts.

This postponement of really making a difference on this problem shouldn't be acceptable to the American people and for that matter it shouldn't be acceptable to elected officials in Washington, what's at stake is too important! Politicians in Washington need to get back to work and put together a piece of legislation that has initiatives that will grow the economy and is revenue neutral, its very easy just listen to the God damn American people. In this "growing the economy" legislation because the provisions in this bill will significantly increase the nation's GDP, the Congress and the President should do their job for the American people and revisit the deficit spending reduction time tables in the 8/2 debt ceiling legislation. Specifically, Congress should call for front loading the debt ceiling legislation's first two years call of deficit reduction which would mean in fiscal year 2012 beginning October 1 of this year Congress would cut $75 billion from the discretionary non-defense budgets and nothing in fiscal year 2013, this makes compelling political and fiscal sense because it is a complete pipe dream to think that during the summer of 2012 so close to the November 2012 elections the Democrat Senate is going to vote for budgets that cut $50 billion which will put a significant amount of people out of work and for that matter President Obama who will be up for reelection would sign such budgets and further for that matter I don't think many Republican members of the House who also will be up for reelection will be eager to pass such budgets, so stop the charade on the American people.

Also in this "grow the economy" legislation, Congress should accelerate the time table on the spending cuts that act as a penalty if the super committee doesn't release a bill that cuts at least $1.2 trillion of deficit spending over ten years or the Congress doesn't pass this super-committee bill. The time table of the penalty cuts is they begin January 2 2013; the "grow the economy" legislation should move that date up to January 2, 2012. Not only because the country needs to get the nation's yearly deficits down but also because this 1/2/13 date will bring about a political disaster for the nation. Assume the super-committee fails or the Congress fails to pass the super-committee bill, for all the 2012 election season the nation will see Republican candidates proclaiming elect me I'll stop the half a trillion dollar cuts to defense and national security mandated by the 2011 debt ceiling legislation and the nation will see Democrat candidates proclaiming elect me I'll stop the half a trillion dollar cuts to entitlement programs mandated by the 2011 debt ceiling legislation. The country doesn't need the creation of these provocative wedge issues for the 2012 national elections, the country has serious problems we need to have good debates and good elections in 2012 not a three ring circus which appears could happen here!
Republicans if you don't put people open to revenue raising on this debt ceiling legislation chartered "super-committee" (whose job is to generate a bill(s) reducing deficit spending 1.5 trillion over ten years) you are completely wrong, you are the lowest form of slime on this planet, your behavior will be indefensible and unjust! America has a crisis in deficit spending, the situation for the country is like a run away speeding train racing toward a concrete wall. At the rate the country is heading it won't be too long before we as a nation won't be able to borrow at will and this generation and many generations of Americans to come will be saddled with painful and unjust debt from our times. This super-committee is a small but important step to begin solving this deficit spending crisis problem for the nation and you Republicans won't be upholding your part of the bargain if you pick "no revenue raising" people.

It is acceptable that the Republican Party not put people on this committee open to increasing tax "rates" but "absolutely not" to people open to revenue raising through closing tax loopholes, repealing certain tax credits and the like. Yes Democrats it is okay Republicans put "anti-increase in tax rates" members of Congress on this committee because that policy is so fundamental to the Republican Party political platform and the country's fiscal situation is so bad that this "repeal of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy" which is the real issue isn't going to solve the nation's problems Medicare will be running a deficit in five years and God himself doesn't no how to pay for the new entitlement program that starts in 2014 created by the 2010 Healthcare Law. Both Political Parties will have to take their case (I didn't say solution because neither has a solution which is good) for fixing America's deficit spending problem to the electorate for the 2012 elections and let those elections decide the course America should follow.

One thing that is surprising that the public hasn't picked up on about the debt ceiling legislation enacted this week is how hilarious it is how the politicians pulled the wool over the American people's eyes with this legislation. Politicians in Washington have managed to convince the American people with this bill that they are making real progress on getting a handle on America's deficit problem which is a complete con job; today America is facing deficits of at least $700 to $900 billion per year for the next five years. This debt ceiling legislation only calls for a spending reduction of $25 billion in discretionary non-defense spending in the fiscal year beginning October 1 of this year and $50 billion in the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2012; it's peanuts, it's a joke this area of the budget runs probably around three quarters of a trillion dollars per year. If pressed on this issue a Washington politician would say the country's economy is too weak the nation's GDP growth is only at a .8 % growth rate we don't want to risk throwing the country into a recession by accelerating spending cuts.

This postponement of really making a difference on this problem shouldn't be acceptable to the American people and for that matter it shouldn't be acceptable to elected officials in Washington, what's at stake is too important! Politicians in Washington need to get back to work and put together a piece of legislation that has initiatives that will grow the economy and is revenue neutral, its very easy just listen to the God damn American people. In this "growing the economy" legislation because the provisions in this bill will significantly increase the nation's GDP, the Congress and the President should do their job for the American people and revisit the deficit spending reduction time tables in the 8/2 debt ceiling legislation. Specifically, Congress should call for front loading the debt ceiling legislation's first two years call of deficit reduction which would mean in fiscal year 2012 beginning October 1 of this year Congress would cut $75 billion from the discretionary non-defense budgets and nothing in fiscal year 2013, this makes compelling political and fiscal sense because it is a complete pipe dream to think that during the summer of 2012 so close to the November 2012 elections the Democrat Senate is going to vote for budgets that cut $50 billion which will put a significant amount of people out of work and for that matter President Obama who will be up for reelection would sign such budgets and further for that matter I don't think many Republican members of the House who also will be up for reelection will be eager to pass such budgets, so stop the charade on the American people.

Also in this "grow the economy" legislation, Congress should accelerate the time table on the spending cuts that act as a penalty if the super committee doesn't release a bill that cuts at least $1.2 trillion of deficit spending over ten years or the Congress doesn't pass this super-committee bill. The time table of the penalty cuts is they begin January 2 2013; the "grow the economy" legislation should move that date up to January 2, 2012. Not only because the country needs to get the nation's yearly deficits down but also because this 1/2/13 date will bring about a political disaster for the nation. Assume the super-committee fails or the Congress fails to pass the super-committee bill, for all the 2012 election season the nation will see Republican candidates proclaiming elect me I'll stop the half a trillion dollar cuts to defense and national security mandated by the 2011 debt ceiling legislation and the nation will see Democrat candidates proclaiming elect me I'll stop the half a trillion dollar cuts to entitlement programs mandated by the 2011 debt ceiling legislation. The country doesn't need the creation of these provocative wedge issues for the 2012 national elections, the country has serious problems we need to have good debates and good elections in 2012 not a three ring circus which appears could happen here!

I dont need to fill a page to respond to this.

Show fiscal discipline..............................

Show it can be spent wisely............................

Then we can discuss revenue. ITS THAT DAMN SIMPLE.

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