Remember when you go up against the machine of the Establishment Government, you might end up dead. Why the Kung Flu was released.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Economists are even more optimistic about the US economy - CNN

Expectations for job growth were much higher in the most recent survey compared to the last one. Twenty-seven percent of economists expect hiring to increase in 2020, compared to just 19% in the last survey.
There was no way in hell, the progressive Democrats could ever win against President Trumps economic numbers, so Joe Biden working with China, released upon US the Kung Flu.
Obama Gave $3.7M Grant to Sketchy China Virology Lab |

When the Prog Governors started putting Kung Flu related people in old folks homes, 10s of thousands died, but did the Governors admit they did wrong?
5 Dem Govs Called to Answer for Nursing Home Mandates |

No, those SOB's went on to blame the President for not doing enough.

Then the most insidious thing happened, the progs saw an opportunity to steal an election, by having mass mail in voting, by sending ballots to dead people, pets, and people who no longer lived at that address.

Then with typical prog thuggery, they went and threatened peoples family if their dare go against the progs..

It was Joe Biden and China who killed all those people by the Kung Flu, because to the Progs, the ends justify the means, even if it means you die. Plenty of prog slaves are going to die...Their masters couldnt care less, as we see all the murder of black on blacks, in the inner cities, and not one peep from those creeps.

If this could ever be proven it would mean a civil war bloodier than the last.....if Joe and Obama are behind the release of this pandemic we are talking the death penalty for both of them and anyone else involved...
The moment that Trump lost the election....

If this could ever be proven it would mean a civil war bloodier than the last.....if Joe and Obama are behind the release of this pandemic we are talking the death penalty for both of them and anyone else involved...
How can you get the death penalty when the Prog swamp machine circles the wagons on any who are of the swamp? Comey is still walking free, even after what he did.. Only thing that will save this county is for people to finally say enough is enough and become an immovable force that will destroy the progs..
If this could ever be proven it would mean a civil war bloodier than the last.....if Joe and Obama are behind the release of this pandemic we are talking the death penalty for both of them and anyone else involved...
How can you get the death penalty when the Prog swamp machine circles the wagons on any who are of the swamp? Comey is still walking free, even after what he did.. Only thing that will save this county is for people to finally say enough is enough and become an immovable force that will destroy the progs..
We must put pressure on the GOP...I don't know what else to do short of war....we must make them act in our interests...not just their own...they must clean up the election system before 2022....they got 2 years....
If this could ever be proven it would mean a civil war bloodier than the last.....if Joe and Obama are behind the release of this pandemic we are talking the death penalty for both of them and anyone else involved...
How can you get the death penalty when the Prog swamp machine circles the wagons on any who are of the swamp? Comey is still walking free, even after what he did.. Only thing that will save this county is for people to finally say enough is enough and become an immovable force that will destroy the progs..
I suggest eating too much cabbage and brown beans to rid yerself of people you don't want around...Yet again,, if they have the corona they won't be affected by the smell.

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