Remember when the media was not biased and kept powerful people accountable?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Alexis de Tocqueville is just as correct today as he was in 1834. And what he said was just as true during the Obama Administration.

"All the political journals of the United States are, indeed, arrayed on the side of the administration or against it; but they attack and defend it in a thousand different ways. They cannot form those great currents of opinion which sweep away the strongest dikes. This division of the influence of the press produces other consequences scarcely less remarkable. The facility with which newspapers can be established produces a multitude of them; but as the competition prevents any considerable profit, persons of much capacity are rarely led to engage in these undertakings. Such is the number of the public prints that even if they were a source of wealth, writers of ability could not be found to direct them all. The journalists of the United States are generally in a very humble position, with a scanty education and a vulgar turn of mind. The class spirit of the French journalists consists in a violent but frequently an eloquent and lofty manner of discussing the great interests of the state, and the exceptions to this mode of writing are only occasional. The characteristics of the American journalist consist in an open and coarse appeal to the passions of his readers; he abandons principles to assail the characters of individuals, to track them into private life and disclose all their weaknesses and vices."

Tocqueville Book 1 Chapter 11

Neither do I.

Doubts raised after Schiff claims phone records prove Giuliani’s White House budget office calls

The media for the most part is a "ministry of truth" for the globalist elite, they do not serve to public, they serve collectivists by manipulating as many people as possible with agitprop. That's why the left is desperate to shut down any dissenting voices that oppose keeping the fantasy of Santa Marx alive.

Since when does Schiff have the Authorization to Spy On The PRESIDENT and his Attorney?

Am I missing something?

Why is Schiff allowed to spy on Devin Nunes and a member of The Media?

I am beginning to think that this isn't about Impeachment at all but about establishing a Totalitarian Surveillance State where Every Single Civil Right is trampled in to dust.
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Neither do I.

Doubts raised after Schiff claims phone records prove Giuliani’s White House budget office calls

The media for the most part is a "ministry of truth" for the globalist elite, they do not serve to public, they serve collectivists by manipulating as many people as possible with agitprop. That's why the left is desperate to shut down any dissenting voices that oppose keeping the fantasy of Santa Marx alive.

Since when does Schiff have the Authorization to Spy On The PRESIDENT and his Attorney?

Am I missing something?

Why is Schiff allowed to spy on Devin Nunes and a member of The Media?

I am beginning to think that this isn't about Impeachment at all but about establishing a Totalitarian Surveillance State where Every Single Civil Right is trampled in to dust.

Since when did the FBI start raiding the offices of lawyers that represent the people they're investigating? Michael Cohen may have been a scumbag, but did John Gotti's Lawyer get raided? Did Al Capones? Name on lawyer in the history of US Criminal justice that was raided for being associated to a person under investigation, indictment or anything else?

I'm still waiting to see if the democrook haul some priest in for questioning that Trump may have made a confession to when he was 16. The shit they're doing is Orwellian and I hope Trump wins so decisively in 2020 that he will have Carte Blanche to start throwing leftist sociopaths out of power.

Or a helicopter. I'd re-enlist and go to flight school for that.


Neither do I.

Doubts raised after Schiff claims phone records prove Giuliani’s White House budget office calls

The media for the most part is a "ministry of truth" for the globalist elite, they do not serve to public, they serve collectivists by manipulating as many people as possible with agitprop. That's why the left is desperate to shut down any dissenting voices that oppose keeping the fantasy of Santa Marx alive.

Since when does Schiff have the Authorization to Spy On The PRESIDENT and his Attorney?

Am I missing something?

Why is Schiff allowed to spy on Devin Nunes and a member of The Media?

I am beginning to think that this isn't about Impeachment at all but about establishing a Totalitarian Surveillance State where Every Single Civil Right is trampled in to dust.

Since when did the FBI start raiding the offices of lawyers that represent the people they're investigating? Michael Cohen may have been a scumbag, but did John Gotti's Lawyer get raided? Did Al Capones? Name on lawyer in the history of US Criminal justice that was raided for being associated to a person under investigation, indictment or anything else?

Seriously? Are you that ignorant of the history of mob prosecutions? Really?

It took me 30 seconds to find an example:

I remember as a kid flipping the channels between the three news networks and discovering that they ran the same story with the same commentary at the same time.

I remember as a kid flipping the channels between the three news networks and discovering that they ran the same story with the same commentary at the same time.

That's one of my favorite movies! :lol:

Neither do I.

Doubts raised after Schiff claims phone records prove Giuliani’s White House budget office calls

The media for the most part is a "ministry of truth" for the globalist elite, they do not serve to public, they serve collectivists by manipulating as many people as possible with agitprop. That's why the left is desperate to shut down any dissenting voices that oppose keeping the fantasy of Santa Marx alive.

Since when does Schiff have the Authorization to Spy On The PRESIDENT and his Attorney?

Am I missing something?

Why is Schiff allowed to spy on Devin Nunes and a member of The Media?

I am beginning to think that this isn't about Impeachment at all but about establishing a Totalitarian Surveillance State where Every Single Civil Right is trampled in to dust.

Since when did the FBI start raiding the offices of lawyers that represent the people they're investigating? Michael Cohen may have been a scumbag, but did John Gotti's Lawyer get raided? Did Al Capones? Name on lawyer in the history of US Criminal justice that was raided for being associated to a person under investigation, indictment or anything else?

Seriously? Are you that ignorant of the history of mob prosecutions? Really?

It took me 30 seconds to find an example:

The Pain is coming. We will be eating popcorn watching corrupt Obama Administration Loyalists get Skewered in The Senate, and at the same time, watching more DemTards get perp walked simultaneously in the upcoming Criminal Indictments

Everything else you Leftists are engaging in is just a distraction and defensive posturing.

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