Remember what the Muslim Brotherhood said in Egypt?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
During the uprisings, the Muslim Brotherhood claimed that they WOULD NOT be presenting their own candidate on the ballet, should Mubarek step down or be ousted. Does everyone remember that? Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini made the same claims during th 1979 revolution, that he would not be interested in political office, rather he would a leading "spiritually from afar".

Well we saw how far we can trust the Muslim Brotherhood. About as far as you can spit. There are those stupid morons that are now claiming that if the Brotherhood gets into power, disregard their radical past, they will for sure rule moderately. Ha ha ha! Ya sure.

We also know how far we can trust the Palestinian Islamic terrorist group called Hamas. Much less than the Muslim Brotherhood.
During the uprisings, the Muslim Brotherhood claimed that they WOULD NOT be presenting their own candidate on the ballet, should Mubarek step down or be ousted. Does everyone remember that? Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini made the same claims during th 1979 revolution, that he would not be interested in political office, rather he would a leading "spiritually from afar".

Well we saw how far we can trust the Muslim Brotherhood. About as far as you can spit. There are those stupid morons that are now claiming that if the Brotherhood gets into power, disregard their radical past, they will for sure rule moderately. Ha ha ha! Ya sure.

We also know how far we can trust the Palestinian Islamic terrorist group called Hamas. Much less than the Muslim Brotherhood.
Good point.
So what......??

The situation on the ground changed.

They are patriots and only want the best for their country. :cool:
Islamists can't be trusted, they say one thing and do another. You can't blame them, they're fllowing the footsteps of their prophet Muhammad.
During the uprisings, the Muslim Brotherhood claimed that they WOULD NOT be presenting their own candidate on the ballet, should Mubarek step down or be ousted. Does everyone remember that? Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini made the same claims during th 1979 revolution, that he would not be interested in political office, rather he would a leading "spiritually from afar".

Well we saw how far we can trust the Muslim Brotherhood. About as far as you can spit. There are those stupid morons that are now claiming that if the Brotherhood gets into power, disregard their radical past, they will for sure rule moderately. Ha ha ha! Ya sure.

We also know how far we can trust the Palestinian Islamic terrorist group called Hamas. Much less than the Muslim Brotherhood.

I do remember that, terrorists always lie though. Look at their supporters on this board, all they do is lie, lie, lie, lie lie lie lie lie lie lie.
During the uprisings, the Muslim Brotherhood claimed that they WOULD NOT be presenting their own candidate on the ballet, should Mubarek step down or be ousted. Does everyone remember that? Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini made the same claims during th 1979 revolution, that he would not be interested in political office, rather he would a leading "spiritually from afar".

Well we saw how far we can trust the Muslim Brotherhood. About as far as you can spit. There are those stupid morons that are now claiming that if the Brotherhood gets into power, disregard their radical past, they will for sure rule moderately. Ha ha ha! Ya sure.

We also know how far we can trust the Palestinian Islamic terrorist group called Hamas. Much less than the Muslim Brotherhood.

Remember what the Muslim Brotherhood said in Egypt?

My Arabic isn't all that good. ??????????????????????????
During the uprisings, the Muslim Brotherhood claimed that they WOULD NOT be presenting their own candidate on the ballet, should Mubarek step down or be ousted. Does everyone remember that? Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini made the same claims during th 1979 revolution, that he would not be interested in political office, rather he would a leading "spiritually from afar".

Well we saw how far we can trust the Muslim Brotherhood. About as far as you can spit. There are those stupid morons that are now claiming that if the Brotherhood gets into power, disregard their radical past, they will for sure rule moderately. Ha ha ha! Ya sure.

We also know how far we can trust the Palestinian Islamic terrorist group called Hamas. Much less than the Muslim Brotherhood.

I do remember that, terrorists always lie though. Look at their supporters on this board, all they do is lie, lie, lie, lie lie lie lie lie lie lie.
YouTube - Thompson Twins - Lies Promo
During the uprisings, the Muslim Brotherhood claimed that they WOULD NOT be presenting their own candidate on the ballet, should Mubarek step down or be ousted. Does everyone remember that? Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini made the same claims during th 1979 revolution, that he would not be interested in political office, rather he would a leading "spiritually from afar".

Well we saw how far we can trust the Muslim Brotherhood. About as far as you can spit. There are those stupid morons that are now claiming that if the Brotherhood gets into power, disregard their radical past, they will for sure rule moderately. Ha ha ha! Ya sure.

We also know how far we can trust the Palestinian Islamic terrorist group called Hamas. Much less than the Muslim Brotherhood.

Remember what the Muslim Brotherhood said in Egypt?

My Arabic isn't all that good. ??????????????????????????
» Well What Do You Know, Muslim Brotherhood Leader Running For President of Egypt - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

Didn’t the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt tell us it was not going to try to take over the country, and had no interest in the presidency?

By William Jacobson.
May 14, 2011

Indeed, Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, a prominent Muslim Brotherhood leader, assured the West that there was nothing to worry about:
"We are compelled to unequivocally deny any attempt to usurp the will of the people. Nor do we plan to surreptitiously dominate a post-Mubarak government. The brotherhood has already decided not to field a candidate for president in any forthcoming elections. We want to set the record straight so that any Middle East policy decisions made in Washington are based on facts and..."

As Stanley Kurtz points out, the situation in Egypt is grim:

"The situation in Egypt grows more worrying by the day. As I tentatively noted earlier, and as now seems more likely, a prominent member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, is preparing to stand for Egypt’s presidency. Moneim Aboul Fotouh is running without official Muslim Brotherhood authorization, and may even have to formally break with the organization for doing so. That’s because the Muslim Brotherhood has promised not to put up a candidate for the presidency. But if Moneim Aboul Fotouh runs anyway, as now seems likely, it would mean at least a realistic prospect of Islamist control of both parliament and the presidency of a new Egypt."
Wait, didn’t Obama assure us that the Google Guy was the future of Egypt, and that he*hoped one day to see*the Google Guy as president?

Wait, didn’t Obama assure us that the Google Guy was the future of Egypt, and that he*hoped one day to see*the Google Guy as president? It’s a good thing we helped force Mubarak out of office “yesterday.”* Because no one could have seen this coming, right?* Certainly not The NY Times.*And certainly not the White House Guy who fell in love with the Google Guy.
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So what......??

The situation on the ground changed.

They are patriots and only want the best for their country. :cool:

Yet they will lead to Egyptian people getting slaughtered once again. The modern Arab Egyptians are a FAR CRY from who they used to be. thousands of years ago they were Africans of different color (there is controversy here, but they were most likely black). Like many parts of the world, Egypt was conquered by the Romans. While many were slaughtered, they weren't displace, rather they were colonized. Eventually in the 7 century the Arab crusaders/Caliphate invaded the Byzantine ruled Egypt. They didn't colonized they exterminated and displaced. They massacured any Roman or Egyptian in the country and some of the "lucky" Egyptians were able to escape or flee South to greater Africa.

See the Arab rulers of Egypt were the other originals rulers. Like all of the middle east, western Asia, Persia, Parts of the Balkans and North Africa, the Arabs spread like locuts taking over conquering all the areas they currently sit on displacing or murdering the previous inhabitants.

They tried to do it to Europe, but thank Allah, the Franks kicked their asses back across the sea!

Chronology of Islamic Egypt
. thousands of years ago they were Africans of different color (there is controversy here, but they were most likely black). they changed colour, did they, those clever Egyptian bastards?

What GHook is saying is the Arabs drove the Africans out when they invaded Egypt, which is accurate. The same goes for all of North Africa.

Hmmm...assuming he means the Nubian tribes, they lived more in what is now Sudan than what is now Egypt, and being semi-nomadic, may not regularly have settled much further down the river than Aswan for extended periods of time.

Changes in vegetation, climate, lifestyle, health and industry had as much to do with those changes along the Upper Nile as invasion did.

If one is going to discuss violent invasion of the Nile River area, I'm surprised not to see the British mentioned.... they changed colour, did they, those clever Egyptian bastards?

What GHook is saying is the Arabs drove the Africans out when they invaded Egypt, which is accurate. The same goes for all of North Africa.

Hmmm...assuming he means the Nubian tribes, they lived more in what is now Sudan than what is now Egypt, and being semi-nomadic, may not regularly have settled much further down the river than Aswan for extended periods of time.

Changes in vegetation, climate, lifestyle, health and industry had as much to do with those changes along the Upper Nile as invasion did.

If one is going to discuss violent invasion of the Nile River area, I'm surprised not to see the British mentioned....

Before the Arabs went to Egypt a whole different culture lived there, the demographics of a country can completely change over time. Look at North America, Australia and South America as examples, 1000 years ago the landscape and the people were completely different than they are now, this is the case with Egypt.
The Egyptian military tried to screw the people by putting one of their own in power and the MB simply responded in kind.

Then the military, knowing their candidate was going to be defeated, shredded the constitution and dissolved parliament days before the vote.

The back-stabbing Egyptian old guard, friendly with Israel, are on the way out. The people will remove them by force if necessary.

Good riddance.

(Oh, and Israel can forget about that sweet heart deal natural gas pipeline scam ever happening
What GHook is saying is the Arabs drove the Africans out when they invaded Egypt, which is accurate. The same goes for all of North Africa.
Actually, almost all of N. Africa was inhabited by the Carthaginian people.

They where descendants of the light skinned sea faring Phoenician's who were of semitic linage.

And fought the Romans for centuries to keep control of N. Africa.

The Carthaginians had taken control of the area from the Berbers who were the indigenous people of the land. :cool:
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Former Mossad head Meir Dagan
“I am worried about Islamist parties with a radical agenda that will take power. It will present a big problem for us.”

Referring to the recent Presidential election in Egypt and claims that the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate Mohammed Morsi is slated for victory, he said that “in Egypt it was never important which way the votes go but who counts them.”
Changing the subject again, Hezbollah douchebag? Muslim Brotherhood promised up and down the Kazoo that they won't be running for political office. They just wanted "freedom" and "change", just like your hero Ayatollah Cacameini before the Shah left.
Former Mossad head Meir Dagan
“I am worried about Islamist parties with a radical agenda that will take power. It will present a big problem for us.”

Referring to the recent Presidential election in Egypt and claims that the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate Mohammed Morsi is slated for victory, he said that “in Egypt it was never important which way the votes go but who counts them.”
Changing the subject again, Hezbollah douchebag? Muslim Brotherhood promised up and down the Kazoo that they won't be running for political office. They just wanted "freedom" and "change", just like your hero Ayatollah Cacameini before the Shah left.

They had to say that to calm people down, pretty smart thing to do at the time.
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The muslim brotherhood is just as corrupt and the rest of the terrorist in the Middle East. Build a fence around the ME and telll them to stay home, then drill baby drill and quit buying their oil and you will see big changes taking palce.

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