Remember environmentalists used a white guy to portray a Native American in those commercials?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

His name is Espera Oscar de Corti, He is 100% Italian, but they used him anyway. Instead of using an actual Native American, they used a white European.

The left are the ones that jump up and down about their fake disgust about black face.


How is this different?


Espera Oscar de Corti

Cody was born Espera Oscar de Corti on April 3, 1904, in Kaplan in Vermilion Parish, in southwestern Louisiana, a second son of Francesca Salpietra from Sicily and her husband, Antonio de Corti from southern Italy.[4] He had two brothers, Joseph and Frank, and a sister, Victoria.[2]

Aren't the left wingers fucking racists? Yes, they sure as hell are.
They should have used a real Indian like Liz Warren

His name is Espera Oscar de Corti, He is 100% Italian, but they used him anyway. Instead of using an actual Native American, they used a white European.

The left are the ones that jump up and down about their fake disgust about black face.


How is this different?


Espera Oscar de Corti

Cody was born Espera Oscar de Corti on April 3, 1904, in Kaplan in Vermilion Parish, in southwestern Louisiana, a second son of Francesca Salpietra from Sicily and her husband, Antonio de Corti from southern Italy.[4] He had two brothers, Joseph and Frank, and a sister, Victoria.[2]

Aren't the left wingers fucking racists? Yes, they sure as hell are.

Seriously? You dig up Iron Eyes Cody for what? What point are you trying to make? Cody told people he was Native American, that his father was Cherokee. They had no reason to doubt him at the time.
Reminds me of Liberals bragging about their candidate becoming the first Black President...... he is half white, white mother, and grew up with white privilege.
Oh that was when liberals were Republicans and Democrats were conservatives, ya know before the flip, dont bother them trying to explain Jimmy Carter winning the south or some other nonsense.
They should have used a real Indian like Liz Warren
“Real” as in authenticated by papaw’s cheekbones.
I keep forgetting and still always confused by left wing cocksuckers.

They are upset that a white guy would put on black face to pretend they are black, right? Of course they use the race card. I mean of course. We also know they don't give a shit when a left winger does it. That we know.

I guess that is the reason they don't care when a left winger pretends to be the opposite sex, even though that is literally impossible.

So, when a person paints their face that ugly brown color, it is fine IF the person thinks they are that race. Like that stupid ass lying demented white left wing woman that said she is black and the stupid lying skinny scumbagkuunnt that says she is Indian.

Anyone get it?
5 REAL natives showed up for the interview but took off when they saw cameras. No green card, Most were from Guadalajara

His name is Espera Oscar de Corti, He is 100% Italian, but they used him anyway. Instead of using an actual Native American, they used a white European.

The left are the ones that jump up and down about their fake disgust about black face.


How is this different?


Espera Oscar de Corti

Cody was born Espera Oscar de Corti on April 3, 1904, in Kaplan in Vermilion Parish, in southwestern Louisiana, a second son of Francesca Salpietra from Sicily and her husband, Antonio de Corti from southern Italy.[4] He had two brothers, Joseph and Frank, and a sister, Victoria.[2]

Aren't the left wingers fucking racists? Yes, they sure as hell are. Ad from the 70s....totally relevant today


His name is Espera Oscar de Corti, He is 100% Italian, but they used him anyway. Instead of using an actual Native American, they used a white European.

The left are the ones that jump up and down about their fake disgust about black face.


How is this different?


Espera Oscar de Corti

Cody was born Espera Oscar de Corti on April 3, 1904, in Kaplan in Vermilion Parish, in southwestern Louisiana, a second son of Francesca Salpietra from Sicily and her husband, Antonio de Corti from southern Italy.[4] He had two brothers, Joseph and Frank, and a sister, Victoria.[2]

Aren't the left wingers fucking racists? Yes, they sure as hell are.

What is is about not littering that you find to be a "leftist" issue?

His name is Espera Oscar de Corti, He is 100% Italian, but they used him anyway. Instead of using an actual Native American, they used a white European.

The left are the ones that jump up and down about their fake disgust about black face.


How is this different?


Espera Oscar de Corti

Cody was born Espera Oscar de Corti on April 3, 1904, in Kaplan in Vermilion Parish, in southwestern Louisiana, a second son of Francesca Salpietra from Sicily and her husband, Antonio de Corti from southern Italy.[4] He had two brothers, Joseph and Frank, and a sister, Victoria.[2]

Aren't the left wingers fucking racists? Yes, they sure as hell are.

Just another Italian celebrating Indigenous People's Day

His name is Espera Oscar de Corti, He is 100% Italian, but they used him anyway. Instead of using an actual Native American, they used a white European.

The left are the ones that jump up and down about their fake disgust about black face.


How is this different?


Espera Oscar de Corti

Cody was born Espera Oscar de Corti on April 3, 1904, in Kaplan in Vermilion Parish, in southwestern Louisiana, a second son of Francesca Salpietra from Sicily and her husband, Antonio de Corti from southern Italy.[4] He had two brothers, Joseph and Frank, and a sister, Victoria.[2]

Aren't the left wingers fucking racists? Yes, they sure as hell are.

Seriously? You dig up Iron Eyes Cody for what? What point are you trying to make? Cody told people he was Native American, that his father was Cherokee. They had no reason to doubt him at the time.

It's just another, earlier example of the progressive fixation on identity politics and "what you are" being more important than "who you are"

It also shows the lack of moral fiber of progressives when they are willing to accept frauds if it furthers their political goals. Just like them accepting sexual predators (until they get caught by the wrong people)

His name is Espera Oscar de Corti, He is 100% Italian, but they used him anyway. Instead of using an actual Native American, they used a white European.

The left are the ones that jump up and down about their fake disgust about black face.


How is this different?


Espera Oscar de Corti

Cody was born Espera Oscar de Corti on April 3, 1904, in Kaplan in Vermilion Parish, in southwestern Louisiana, a second son of Francesca Salpietra from Sicily and her husband, Antonio de Corti from southern Italy.[4] He had two brothers, Joseph and Frank, and a sister, Victoria.[2]

Aren't the left wingers fucking racists? Yes, they sure as hell are.

Seriously? You dig up Iron Eyes Cody for what? What point are you trying to make? Cody told people he was Native American, that his father was Cherokee. They had no reason to doubt him at the time.

It's just another, earlier example of the progressive fixation on identity politics and "what you are" being more important than "who you are"

It also shows the lack of moral fiber of progressives when they are willing to accept frauds if it furthers their political goals. Just like them accepting sexual predators (until they get caught by the wrong people)

What indication did anyone have, at the time, that Cody wasn't native American? He said he was. What reason did anyone have to disbelieve him?

His name is Espera Oscar de Corti, He is 100% Italian, but they used him anyway. Instead of using an actual Native American, they used a white European.

The left are the ones that jump up and down about their fake disgust about black face.


How is this different?


Espera Oscar de Corti

Cody was born Espera Oscar de Corti on April 3, 1904, in Kaplan in Vermilion Parish, in southwestern Louisiana, a second son of Francesca Salpietra from Sicily and her husband, Antonio de Corti from southern Italy.[4] He had two brothers, Joseph and Frank, and a sister, Victoria.[2]

Aren't the left wingers fucking racists? Yes, they sure as hell are.

Seriously? You dig up Iron Eyes Cody for what? What point are you trying to make? Cody told people he was Native American, that his father was Cherokee. They had no reason to doubt him at the time.

It's just another, earlier example of the progressive fixation on identity politics and "what you are" being more important than "who you are"

It also shows the lack of moral fiber of progressives when they are willing to accept frauds if it furthers their political goals. Just like them accepting sexual predators (until they get caught by the wrong people)

What indication did anyone have, at the time, that Cody wasn't native American? He said he was. What reason did anyone have to disbelieve him?

Maybe doing a little background work prior to using a person for a national ad campaign?

His name is Espera Oscar de Corti, He is 100% Italian, but they used him anyway. Instead of using an actual Native American, they used a white European.

The left are the ones that jump up and down about their fake disgust about black face.


How is this different?


Espera Oscar de Corti

Cody was born Espera Oscar de Corti on April 3, 1904, in Kaplan in Vermilion Parish, in southwestern Louisiana, a second son of Francesca Salpietra from Sicily and her husband, Antonio de Corti from southern Italy.[4] He had two brothers, Joseph and Frank, and a sister, Victoria.[2]

Aren't the left wingers fucking racists? Yes, they sure as hell are.

Seriously? You dig up Iron Eyes Cody for what? What point are you trying to make? Cody told people he was Native American, that his father was Cherokee. They had no reason to doubt him at the time.

It's just another, earlier example of the progressive fixation on identity politics and "what you are" being more important than "who you are"

It also shows the lack of moral fiber of progressives when they are willing to accept frauds if it furthers their political goals. Just like them accepting sexual predators (until they get caught by the wrong people)

What indication did anyone have, at the time, that Cody wasn't native American? He said he was. What reason did anyone have to disbelieve him?

Maybe doing a little background work prior to using a person for a national ad campaign?

Why? He was a well known actor. It didn't come out until many, many years later that he wasn't Native American.

His name is Espera Oscar de Corti, He is 100% Italian, but they used him anyway. Instead of using an actual Native American, they used a white European.

The left are the ones that jump up and down about their fake disgust about black face.


How is this different?


Espera Oscar de Corti

Cody was born Espera Oscar de Corti on April 3, 1904, in Kaplan in Vermilion Parish, in southwestern Louisiana, a second son of Francesca Salpietra from Sicily and her husband, Antonio de Corti from southern Italy.[4] He had two brothers, Joseph and Frank, and a sister, Victoria.[2]

Aren't the left wingers fucking racists? Yes, they sure as hell are. Ad from the 70s....totally relevant today


Yet a Republican white woman had to apologize for wearing blackface back in 1967, you fucking pathetic goddamn loser.

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey Apologizes For Wearing Blackface During College Skit

His name is Espera Oscar de Corti, He is 100% Italian, but they used him anyway. Instead of using an actual Native American, they used a white European.

The left are the ones that jump up and down about their fake disgust about black face.


How is this different?


Espera Oscar de Corti

Cody was born Espera Oscar de Corti on April 3, 1904, in Kaplan in Vermilion Parish, in southwestern Louisiana, a second son of Francesca Salpietra from Sicily and her husband, Antonio de Corti from southern Italy.[4] He had two brothers, Joseph and Frank, and a sister, Victoria.[2]

Aren't the left wingers fucking racists? Yes, they sure as hell are.

Seriously? You dig up Iron Eyes Cody for what? What point are you trying to make? Cody told people he was Native American, that his father was Cherokee. They had no reason to doubt him at the time.

It's just another, earlier example of the progressive fixation on identity politics and "what you are" being more important than "who you are"

It also shows the lack of moral fiber of progressives when they are willing to accept frauds if it furthers their political goals. Just like them accepting sexual predators (until they get caught by the wrong people)

What indication did anyone have, at the time, that Cody wasn't native American? He said he was. What reason did anyone have to disbelieve him?

Maybe doing a little background work prior to using a person for a national ad campaign?

Why? He was a well known actor. It didn't come out until many, many years later that he wasn't Native American.

Not coming out, and the people behind the ads not knowing are two different things.

People knew Harvey Weinstein was a piece of shit for years, but they kept it quiet because he was rich and his politics were "good"
Seriously? You dig up Iron Eyes Cody for what? What point are you trying to make? Cody told people he was Native American, that his father was Cherokee. They had no reason to doubt him at the time.

It's just another, earlier example of the progressive fixation on identity politics and "what you are" being more important than "who you are"

It also shows the lack of moral fiber of progressives when they are willing to accept frauds if it furthers their political goals. Just like them accepting sexual predators (until they get caught by the wrong people)

What indication did anyone have, at the time, that Cody wasn't native American? He said he was. What reason did anyone have to disbelieve him?

Maybe doing a little background work prior to using a person for a national ad campaign?

Why? He was a well known actor. It didn't come out until many, many years later that he wasn't Native American.

Not coming out, and the people behind the ads not knowing are two different things.

People knew Harvey Weinstein was a piece of shit for years, but they kept it quiet because he was rich and his politics were "good"
Don't forget the metoo losers in hollywood giving a standing ovation for yet another typical hollywood left wing Jew that raped a young girl.

If you want to read the testimony of what happened to the 13 year old girl and how the girl as attacked by hollywood, here it is.

Roman Polanski: What Did He Really Do?
Polanski took pictures of Geimer at someone else's residence before they drove to Jack Nicholson's home. There, events took a darker turn, as Geimer said Polanski loaded her with champagne, then asked her to pose topless again.

"We did photos with me drinking champagne," Geimer later told "GMA." "He was friendly and then right toward the end it got a little scary, and I realized, you know, he had some other intentions, and then I knew I was not where I should be. I just didn't quite know how to get myself out of there."

Geimer said the other intentions became clear after Polanski offered her part of a Quaalude, which she took, then asked her to get into a Jacuzzi without her underwear. He took pictures of her in the Jacuzzi naked, before taking off his clothes and joining her in the water, she said.

Geimer said she grew uncomfortable when he grabbed her around the waist and started to move her hips around. When she hopped out of the Jacuzzi and retreated to the bathroom, she said, Polanski followed her there and she told him she wanted to go home.

"Yeah, I'll take you home soon," he said, according to her testimony.

"No, I have to go home now," Geimer said she told him.

Geimer testified that Polanski persuaded her to go to the bedroom and lie down. Geimer went, she said, but she sat on the couch in the bedroom. She described Polanski sitting next to her and reaching over to kiss her. Geimer said she told him, "No, keep away" and "Come on, let's go home."

He ignored her, she testified, then "went down and he started performing cuddliness (sic)."

When the district attorney asked Geimer what "cuddliness" meant, she clarified, "he placed his mouth on my vagina."

"I was ready to cry," she said. "I was going, 'No. Come on. Stop it.'"

Polanski Asked Girl If She Was on Pill During Rape, Victim Testified
Instead, a few minutes later, Geimer said, Polanski began having intercourse with her, while asking her if she was on the pill and when her last period was.

She testified that he then asked, "Would you like me to go in through your back?" Then, he started performing anal sex on her.

At one point, Geimer said, there was a knock on the door. The Los Angeles Times reported that the woman was actress Anjelica Huston, Nicholson's girlfriend at the time, but Geimer testified that she did not know who the woman was who was in the house.

According to Geimer, the woman who knocked on the door said, "Roman, are you in there?"

Polanski went to the door and opened it a crack to speak to the woman. Meanwhile, Geimer testified, she put her underwear back on and started toward the door.

When asked why she didn't say anything to the woman, Geimer said, "I was still pretty much afraid of him [Polanski]." She added that he was her only way home.

Geimer testified that Polanski closed the door before she could reach it, took off her panties and began intercourse again. When he finally let up, she said, she went to the bathroom and put on her dress again.

On her way outside to the car to wait for Polanski, she said, she again saw the woman in the house, spoke with her, but didn't tell her what had just happened.

Geimer said she began to cry in the car, and Polanski got in about 10 minutes later and drove her home.

"All hell broke loose" when her mom found out, Geimer told "GMA."

"My sister overheard me telling my then-boyfriend what happened on the phone after I got home. So she went in and told my mom," Geimer said in 2003.

Polanski was arrested the next day. He claimed that the sex was consensual. Geimer said it was not and that she resisted.

Huston later described the teen as "sullen" in a probation report prepared at the time of Polanski's plea deal.

"She appeared to be one of those kind of little chicks between -- could be any age up to 25. She did not look like a 13-year-old scared little thing," Huston said.

Today, Hollywood is still rushing to Polanski's defense. Directors Martin Scorsese, David Lynch and Woody Allen are among dozens in the film industry who have agreed to sign a petition calling for the immediate release of Polanski.


Every last left winger deserves to have their teeth kicked out of their faces.

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