Religious Myths and Facts: Jesus' Second Coming and Mayan Calendar

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Religious Myths and Facts: Jesus' Second Coming and Mayan Calendar

Why does anyone believe in either myth?

We do know the first Christians and Jesus himself claimed the second coming was a 'soon' event .. over two thousand years ago. At least the Mayans never really claimed the world would end. We do know that Mayan scenario is made up by shucksters looking to sell stuff. The calender is about an end of an era, not of time or life on earth.

hmmmm.... :eusa_shifty:
My Catholic upbringing and education was based on fear and paranoia.

The Second Coming of Christ (among a host of other beliefs/tenets) was the Church's tool that kept me in line.

I was 40 before I decided that I'd be much happier being good for goodness' sake rather than out of dread of retribution from the entity that supposedly "loves me no matter what".
My Catholic upbringing and education was based on fear and paranoia.

The Second Coming of Christ (among a host of other beliefs/tenets) was the Church's tool that kept me in line.

I was 40 before I decided that I'd be much happier being good for goodness' sake rather than out of dread of retribution from the entity that supposedly "loves me no matter what".

Late bloomer?:eusa_clap:
My Catholic upbringing and education was based on fear and paranoia.

The Second Coming of Christ (among a host of other beliefs/tenets) was the Church's tool that kept me in line.

I was 40 before I decided that I'd be much happier being good for goodness' sake rather than out of dread of retribution from the entity that supposedly "loves me no matter what".

Late bloomer?:eusa_clap:

I think the progression was necessary and well-timed. A shit-storm of life's confluence decended on me all at once and the only one I had to turn to was myself. I realized that the path to a good life and a clear conscience was in my own interpretation of the 10 Commandments. Which i boiled down to Mr. H.'s 2 Commandments.

Be groovy unto thyself.

Don't shit in your neighbor's yard.

I'd been brow-beaten for 40 years and had enough. Suffering isn't the path to happiness.
Mebbe dis is what dey meant...
Builders bulldoze massive Mayan pyramid in Belize
Wed, May 15, 2013 - A construction company has essentially destroyed one of Belize’s largest Mayan pyramids with backhoes and bulldozers to extract crushed rock for a road-building project, Belizean authorities announced on Monday.
Jaime Awe, the head of the Belize Institute of Archaeology, said the destruction of the Nohmul complex in northern Belize was detected late last week. The ceremonial center dates back at least 2,300 years and is the most important site in the area, which is near Belize’s border with Mexico. “It’s a feeling of incredible disbelief because of the ignorance and the insensitivity ... they were using this for road fill,” Awe said. “It’s like being punched in the stomach, it’s just so horrendous.”

Nohmul sat in the middle of a privately owned sugar cane field and lacked the even stone sides frequently seen in reconstructed or better-preserved pyramids. However, Awe said the builders could not possibly have mistaken the pyramid mound, which is about 30.5m tall, for a natural hill because the ruins were well-known and the landscape there is naturally flat. “These guys knew that this was an ancient structure. It’s just bloody laziness,” Awe said.

Photographs from the scene showed backhoes clawing away at the pyramid’s sloping sides, leaving an isolated core of limestone cobbles at the center with what appears to be a narrow Mayan chamber dangling above one clawed-out section. “Just to realize that the ancient Maya acquired all this building material to erect these buildings using nothing more than stone tools and quarried the stone and carried this material on their heads, using tump lines,” Awe said. “To think that today we have modern equipment, that you can go and excavate in a quarry anywhere, but that this company would completely disregard that and completely destroyed this building. Why can’t these people just go and quarry somewhere that has no cultural significance? It’s mind-boggling.” Belizean police said they are conducting an investigation and criminal charges are possible. The Nohmul complex sits on private land, but Belizean law says that any pre-Hispanic ruins are under government protection.

It is not the first time this has happened in Belize, a country of about 350,000 people that is largely covered in jungle and dotted with hundreds of Mayan ruin sites, though few as large as Nohmul. Norman Hammond, an emeritus professor of archeology at Boston University, wrote in an e-mail that “bulldozing Maya mounds for road fill is an endemic problem in Belize [the whole of the San Estevan center has gone, both of the major pyramids at Louisville, other structures at Nohmul, many smaller site], but this sounds like the biggest yet.” “I don’t think I am exaggerating if I say that every day a Maya mound is being destroyed for construction in one of the countries where the Maya lived,” wrote Francisco Estrada-Belli, a professor at Tulane University’s Anthropology Department in New Orleans.

Builders bulldoze massive Mayan pyramid in Belize - Taipei Times

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