Religious Conscience and Freedom Division

It's about freedom

Homos are always pushing their sick agenda, especially to the kids

We need some laws to protect us from the faggots
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don't think so , think things are just going back to the way that they were in the days when things were NORMAL and from what i remember . Example , my MOM was having a difficult pregnancy , she went to a Catholic hospital in about 61 for the pregnancy . Catholic Hospital was anti abortion but her private Doctor told my MOM that if an abortion was needed in his and her opinion then the abortion would be done in the Catholic Hospital . Don't know if that bit of personal remembering helps but there it is . Perhaps more people will chime in with better info . And lastly , no Doctor , Nurse , me or any one else is going to deny a 'gay' or any other 'weirdo' lifesaving help in any American Hospital or for me , on the street Tomi .
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HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

Is this to prevent Gay folk getting medical help ? #maga

The latest arm of the Lying Trump/Republican Politburo.

These fake Kristians in the US are just hell bent on forcing their religion on the society. It's bizarre, it's like following Christ's teachings are meaningless to them. The only thing they are interested in is forcing other human beings to bow to their religion.

See Isis.

BulletProof’s byline is-

“The Democrat Party is a Basket of Deplorables.”

My father was a Republican & I know he is turning over in his grave while dumpty, dumpty turns what was once a great party into shit holes farting in the face of our democratic way of life.

Just how proud does this make you?
just asking
Nobody should be forced to make a gay cake

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and that other Hippocratic Oath is in effect and alway has been Tomi .
but i don't think that the Hippocratic Oath has anything to do with FORCING a Doctor to violate their Religious Beliefs , at least in the USA Tomi .
Nobody should be forced to make a gay cake

(Offensive picture removed)
-------------------------------------------------- and this new legal division should help 'cake bakers' Tomi .
but i don't think that the Hippocratic Oath has anything to do with FORCING a Doctor to violate their Religious Beliefs , at least in the USA Tomi .
You can only serve one master. It is dishonest to train as a Doctor or Nurse if you want to be selective in who you treat. My wife has been a Nurse for over 30 years and treats people who need help. That is the only criterion.
but i don't think that the Hippocratic Oath has anything to do with FORCING a Doctor to violate their Religious Beliefs , at least in the USA Tomi .
You can only serve one master. It is dishonest to train as a Doctor or Nurse if you want to be selective in who you treat. My wife has been a Nurse for over 30 years and treats people who need help. That is the only criterion.
------------------------------------------- according to YOU , and you are a 'brit subject' with no RIGHTS Tomi .
but i don't think that the Hippocratic Oath has anything to do with FORCING a Doctor to violate their Religious Beliefs , at least in the USA Tomi .
You can only serve one master. It is dishonest to train as a Doctor or Nurse if you want to be selective in who you treat. My wife has been a Nurse for over 30 years and treats people who need help. That is the only criterion.
------------------------------------------- according to YOU Tomi .
And the rest of civilisation. Give me an exception to this.

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