Released Violent Black Rapist To Get Gov. Paid $3,200 Rental With Pool In Upscale Neighborhood

Awesome! Now maybe he can turn his Life around. Tis of my opinion that nobody is beyond redemption, no matter how lost they have become.

Not In My Back Yard does not apply to the duplex next door.

Good for Mr. Sex Offender. He now has a big incentive to avoid re-offending.

Regards from Rosie
Why does he need a four bedroom house? The state REALLY thinks that idiot needs roommates? Would you lock Bill Clinton in with YOUR daughters? Or even Hillary for that matter?

Hell I would not put him in a trailer park. A sleeping room downtown is whatever major city there and call it good.
Why does he need a four bedroom house? The state REALLY thinks that idiot needs roommates?

Generally when housing is subsidized it's for family members only. The news printout didn't specify, but it looks like he's married with kids.
Why can't this asshole get a job and pay his own rent....
And he seems to be a repeat offender...
Why isn't he getting his housing provided by the local jail?

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