Regulation Nation... The Art of Killing the American Dream, By Barack Obama

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
The new montra of the left is that Republicans want toxic water and dirty rivers because they oppose Obamas heavy handed tactics with regulations. One must then ask the obvious question:

Were our rivers polluted before Obama? Was our water toxic before Obama? Were we experiencing an abnormal amount of illnesses or deaths from contaminated water before Obama? Were people dying in mass from lead before Obama? Etc, etc......

The answer is no. BUT, when congress wont give you the control you seek as potus the only avenue left to you is to impose regulations behind everyones back through the EPA and other various institutions.

Granted some regulations are necessary but as with anything else in this world, too much of anything can turn bad very quickly. Our current job market is all the proof you need. Not to mention the current cost of goods that is a direct result of all the new costs involved with complying with the additional regulations.

In July alone Obama increased regulartory costs by 9.5 billion with the introduction of 229 new regulations and finalizing 379 rules. Report: Obama Administration Added $9.5 Billion in Red Tape in July - US News and World Report

An older forgotten report has the following estimates.....
Cass Sunstein, the Regulation Czar, says the regulation relief he announced yesterday will save business $10 billion over five years. But, the latest analysis by the Small Business Administration (SBA) calculates that compliance with federal regulation costs a staggering $1.75 trillion annually - and, that is a 2008 pre-Obama Administration estimate. That does not include the 75 new major rules generated by Obama in just his first 26 months at an additional burden of $40 billion according to a study by the Heritage Foundation.

Worse, still to come are the impending clean air rules from the EPA, new derivative rules, net neutrality rules, the new CAFE fuel mandates, and the avalanche of rules mandated by ObamaCare and the Dodd-Frank legislation.

The government admits there are 4200 new rules or revisions already in the pipeline.

Sunstein's announcement is like finding a man drowning under Niagara Falls and "saving" him by removing a cup of water. It is further evidence of the complete detachment from reality by this Administration, and an insult to the intelligence of working people and employers alike to pretend that this is the sum total of outdated, duplicitous, needless regulation that in Obama's own words, "stifles job creation."

4200 New Regulations in Obama Pipeline- so far - Bob Beauprez - Townhall Finance

Then we have the fact Obama wanted the EPA to tighten or impose new regulations on farm dust. Yea, DUST, unreal huh? But guess what, they already try to control dust in the heartland kicked up by farm machinery and livestock. The following is a snip-
The Environmental Protection Agency notified Congress on Monday that it would not regulate the dust kicked up by grain combines and other farm operations in the Midwest.

The agency said the notification should put “an end to the myth that the agency is planning to tighten” its regulations on that source of air pollution.

The farm dust issue has been a major theme in Republican claims that excessive environmental regulations are slowing the nation’s economy.

South Dakota GOP Rep. Kristi Noem introduced a bill that would ban the EPA from changing the dust limits for one year and plans to go forward with her legislation.

“EPA’s announcement does nothing to change the fact that they are still able to regulate farm dust,” Noem said.

“If the EPA has no intention of regulating farm dust, then they should support my legislation, which excludes farm dust managed at the state or local level from federal regulatory standards.”

EPA says it won't regulate farm dust | The Des Moines Register | Just the fact that tis was even being considered shows a lack of consideration for what is important vs the cost it would bare.

I saw a news report yesterday about a soldier that promised his boys when he got home from the war he would build them a new treehouse. When he came home he got the required permits and built it. Now he is being forced to tear it down because of some obscure regulation about residing on a corner lot despit the fact that the treehouse is in his damn back yard! He is currently appealing it to the courts.

Stopping new regulations and revising old ones does not equate to dirty water or rivers. If that is your argument then your side has already lost.
I cant remember the last time someone died from bad water or farm dust, can you? On the flip side people die everyday from their own stupidity, yet it is their right to make bad decisions.

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Being a Llibeal is a license to bitch and blame.

Its just funny listening to Obama make these crazy accusations.

We want to burn down all the forests
We want to kill granny
We want to feed people dog food
We want toxic water
We want dirty rivers
Atm's contribute to high unemployment
Republicans want to kill jobs
We want to...... well you get the deal

I mean who believes this shit? Its like he thinks he is talking to a bunch of 4th graders.

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