Red vs Blue - Not as different as you think


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
As an Independent, it's sad to read posts here from both Conservatives and Liberals who bash each other with sound bites and slogans from their respective media outlets. If these folks got to know each other, they would find out they are not as different as they pretend. i.e.

Conservatives - It might surprise you to know that Liberals work at jobs, run businesses, care for their families, serve in the military, want secure borders, and love their country.

Liberals - It might surprise you to know that Conservatives care for our environment, want the best for the average American, support free speech, and sincerely care for those in genuine need.

BOTH SIDES - Media outlets such as CNN and FOX News are hate factories, who make lots of $$ sewing distrust and division. Stop letting your media outlets do your thinking for you, and start thinking for yourself. Spend time with those on the "other side of the aisle" get to know them. You'll find they are not as different from you as you think.
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As an Independent, it's sad to read posts here from both Conservatives and Liberals who bash each other with sound bites and slogans from their respective media outlets. If these folks got to know each other, they would find out they are not as different as they pretend. i.e.

Conservatives - It might surprise you to know that Liberals work at jobs, run businesses, care for their families, serve in the military, want secure borders, and love their country.

Liberals - It might surprise you to know that Conservatives care for our environment, want the best for the average American, support free speech, and sincerely care for those in genuine need.

BOTH SIDES - Media outlets such as CNN and FOX News are hate factories, who make lots of $$ sewing distrust and division. Stop letting your media outlets do your thinking for you, and start thinking for yourself. Spend time with those on the "other side of the aisle" get to know them. You'll find they are not as different from you as you think.
Bill716 is right, and the far right can't handle being told they are wrong when they are wrong.
What's is it with some of you guys. The OP was very neutral and was promoting neutrality. Do you see neutrality as liberal?
False equivalence fallacy.
That is a false use of a fallacy. The OP was not saying the right and left are equivalent, It was saying that there is a common denominator of some important values. That is not equivalence.
He gave himself away when he said Fox was a hate factory!
No, It would also follow that he gave himself away as a conservative when he said CNN is a hate factory.
The two are not comparable. No one from Fox ever showed a beheaded Trump or called for violence against the press secretary!

The left is a crime syndicate as witness their attempts to ignore that the children separated from their from their traffickers are not going to have their actual parents claim them.
As an Independent, it's sad to read posts here from both Conservatives and Liberals who bash each other with sound bites and slogans from their respective media outlets. If these folks got to know each other, they would find out they are not as different as they pretend. i.e.

Conservatives - It might surprise you to know that Liberals work at jobs, run businesses, care for their families, serve in the military, want secure borders, and love their country.

Liberals - It might surprise you to know that Conservatives care for our environment, want the best for the average American, support free speech, and sincerely care for those in genuine need.

BOTH SIDES - Media outlets such as CNN and FOX News are hate factories, who make lots of $$ sewing distrust and division. Stop letting your media outlets do your thinking for you, and start thinking for yourself. Spend time with those on the "other side of the aisle" get to know them. You'll find they are not as different from you as you think.

Your correct in that the major media outlets do promote division, but your wrong in thinking that it's not justified.

Conservatives media have pushed gross fallacies for years and years. They've created a culture of demonizing anything that can be labeled 'liberal'.

For example, since the late 1800s scientists have predicted and have been monitoring global warming. It doesn't take a genius to realize that by increasing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere heat retention will increase. This was an accepted scientific fact.

Unfortunately, Al Gore went on a campaign of raising awareness about global warming and simply because he's a LIBERAL conservatives have universally rejected the idea of global warming. It has nothing to do with science - it's all about an insane culture of anti-liberalism.

That's just the tip of the iceberg of ridiculous beliefs that Conservatives have adopted. They are no longer in touch with reality, not even close. They seem to think that if they can imagine something it must be true - as long as it's anti-liberal.

I believe that there are a variety of personality disorders that pervade Conservatives. As such, they've all united under one sick political profile.

Germany had suffered a humiliating defeat and had a disastrous economy back in the 1920s & 1930s. As a result a sort of mass psychological disorder pervaded the country. Today we're seeing a similar mass psychological disorder among conservatives. But there doesn't seem to be any valid cause as there was in Germany. WTF is their problem?

I've known a lot of Conservatives, they've been my friends and my family. I can categorically say that they are single mindedly selfish self-centered people with no sense of responsibility to society. They believe that everyone is as single mindedly selfish as they are - thereby justifying their own selfishness.

They are also a generation that has been raised in extreme affluence. They are spoiled brats with a huge superiority complex. For most of them the greatest challenge in their lives has been finding the bottom of a beer can.

Perhaps they like to feel that they are so secure in life that they can afford to be out of touch with reality. They are insulated by their wealth - they believe that they will never suffer for their own stupidity - only other people will suffer.
As an Independent, it's sad to read posts here from both Conservatives and Liberals who bash each other with sound bites and slogans from their respective media outlets. If these folks got to know each other, they would find out they are not as different as they pretend. i.e.

Conservatives - It might surprise you to know that Liberals work at jobs, run businesses, care for their families, serve in the military, want secure borders, and love their country.

Liberals - It might surprise you to know that Conservatives care for our environment, want the best for the average American, support free speech, and sincerely care for those in genuine need.

BOTH SIDES - Media outlets such as CNN and FOX News are hate factories, who make lots of $$ sewing distrust and division. Stop letting your media outlets do your thinking for you, and start thinking for yourself. Spend time with those on the "other side of the aisle" get to know them. You'll find they are not as different from you as you think.
The propagandists and special interests want us at each others throats so we can be divided, conquered, and plundered. They work very hard to dumb the herd down to the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.
As an Independent, it's sad to read posts here from both Conservatives and Liberals who bash each other with sound bites and slogans from their respective media outlets. If these folks got to know each other, they would find out they are not as different as they pretend. i.e.

Conservatives - It might surprise you to know that Liberals work at jobs, run businesses, care for their families, serve in the military, want secure borders, and love their country.

Liberals - It might surprise you to know that Conservatives care for our environment, want the best for the average American, support free speech, and sincerely care for those in genuine need.

BOTH SIDES - Media outlets such as CNN and FOX News are hate factories, who make lots of $$ sewing distrust and division. Stop letting your media outlets do your thinking for you, and start thinking for yourself. Spend time with those on the "other side of the aisle" get to know them. You'll find they are not as different from you as you think.

Don't give us any of that bullshit, libtards are the enemy with in America

We are way more different then alike and that's why the EC will never be abolished.

As an Independent, it's sad to read posts here from both Conservatives and Liberals who bash each other with sound bites and slogans from their respective media outlets. If these folks got to know each other, they would find out they are not as different as they pretend. i.e.

Conservatives - It might surprise you to know that Liberals work at jobs, run businesses, care for their families, serve in the military, want secure borders, and love their country.

Liberals - It might surprise you to know that Conservatives care for our environment, want the best for the average American, support free speech, and sincerely care for those in genuine need.

BOTH SIDES - Media outlets such as CNN and FOX News are hate factories, who make lots of $$ sewing distrust and division. Stop letting your media outlets do your thinking for you, and start thinking for yourself. Spend time with those on the "other side of the aisle" get to know them. You'll find they are not as different from you as you think.

Don't give us any of that bullshit, libtards are the enemy with in America

We are way more different then alike and that's why the EC will never be abolished.


Liberals are only the enemies of the mindless.

Come November, Conservatives will have come to the end of their rope. You can bet that the EC will be abolished within the next 10 years.

Then you'll have to deal with reality.

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